Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1293 Still Found

Listening to the conversation of the two people below, Lin Pingzhi and Zhuiming looked at each other.

Zhui Ming could see from Lin Pingzhi's eyes that this trip hadn't yielded much, and asked with his eyes if he needed to leave.

But Lin Pingzhi shook his head, intending to listen again.

He didn't expect that Guan Yutian would pass on the innate qi.

It seems.

He should have discovered that Ren Qianxing was his son, otherwise he wouldn't have given himself to such a degree.

To know.

The innate qi is that guy's trump card.


Ren Qianxing asked again: "Speaking of which, I would like to recommend someone to you, and that guy's talent is not bad."


Guan Yutian was interested and wanted to hear it.

"Yan Zangfeng."

Ren Qianxing said a somewhat surprising name.

To know.

At the beginning, Yan Zangfeng's father was working under Guan Yutian, but in the end, he died in the line of duty.

speak up.

It can be said that it was caused by Guan Yutian.

Therefore, there is a deep blood feud between the two who killed their father.

And Yan Zangfeng also knew.

Looking at his apprentice, Guan Yutian didn't know why he was so confused, he frowned: "Qianxing, don't you know the relationship between me and him?"


Seeing that the other party was angry, Ren Qianxing quickly gave up some gestures and explained: "But master, he knows it's the same thing, and we can distort the facts."


Guan Yutian was somewhat interested.

Ren Qianxing said: "As long as you don't say it yourself, everything in this world can change.

Anyway, Yan Zangfeng's father is dead, we just need to distort the facts a little bit, to persuade him earnestly, and to act a little bit.

It should be possible.

The main reason is that that guy came to me some time ago, complained to me after drinking, and said that he must kill Lin Pingzhi in this life, otherwise it would be difficult to appease the hatred in his heart.

So I think he might be a good helper.

I also learned that Lin Pingzhi snatched Liu Yiyi from him, that's why he was so resentful. "

"Rushing to the crown and becoming a beauty."

Guan Yutian smiled disapprovingly, even with a hint of sarcasm: "You young people tend to act in a foolish way.

But it is precisely because of this that it can be used by the old man.

it is good.

In this way, it can be used. I really think that guy has a good talent. "


Ren Qianxing was a little excited.

At this moment, Guan Yutian suddenly turned his head and stared straight at him, showing a meaningful smile on his face:

"Qianxing, what I just said was for you.

I know that there are some personal grievances of yours too.

You also hate Lin Pingzhi for taking Liu Yiyi away, right? "


Ren Qianxing was seen through, and felt ashamed.

Guan Yutian's education: "Those who achieve great things should not stick to small details, let alone be tied down by other emotions.

This point, the master hopes you can understand.

In the future, my Supreme Alliance will be passed on to you sooner or later. If you can't cut off the fate, there is absolutely no way to take over my current position, and I can't pass it on to you with peace of mind. "

Ren Qianxing was very excited when he heard this.

If that's the case, he doesn't mind if he forgets about Liu Yiyi first.

Wait until you inherit the Supreme League, wait until you unify the world and unify the martial arts in the Central Plains.

What woman can't get?

It is easy to get Liu Yiyi.


The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, he agreed and decided to let go of his feelings for the time being.

Do business first.

Lin Pingzhi, who was listening to all this on the beam, shook his head. He really didn't expect Ren Qianxing to turn bad so quickly.

in fact.

According to the original work of Devil Sword Life and Death Chess, Ren Qianxing and Yan Zangfeng are not yet incompatible.

The two are still brothers.

As a result, Ren Qianxing immediately stabbed Yan Zangfeng in the back.

What a good brother, he stabbed his brother twice for a woman.


Lin Pingzhi couldn't help admiring him, but he didn't want to take care of these silly things, he didn't have that much time to spare.

Seeing that there shouldn't be much gain in the future, he and Zhui Ming wanted to leave.

They winked at each other, and the two of them immediately performed lightness kung fu and left.


It is easy to come, but difficult to go.

Guan Yutian under the house immediately sensed that there was someone on the beam, and his face suddenly became majestic. With a kick, he broke through the roof and came to the top of the house.

Immediately found two shadows.

He chased after him without saying a word, not wanting the other party to escape.

Lin Pingzhi and Zhuiming didn't expect the old guy to be so keen, and felt bad in their hearts when they sensed the powerful aura coming from behind.

The two of them together are not enough for Guan Yutian to see.

"Come on!"

Ren Qianxing below immediately reacted, and immediately summoned all the guards around him, wanting to catch a turtle in a urn.

Then he jumped onto the beam of the house, followed Shangguan Yutian's movement, and covered behind, ready to support at any time.

Da da da.

There was a sound of footsteps below, and soon the entire Supreme League was surrounded.

And Lin Pingzhi and Zhui Ming were not surprised, and they were gradually caught up by Guan Yutian, after all, there was a gap in strength.

Even though the two of them possessed peerless lightness kung fu, there was no way to bridge that gap.


Guan Yutian immediately stood in front of Lin Pingzhi and the others, and said calmly, "Who are you? You are so courageous that you dare to break into our Supreme Alliance at night.

Save your life! "

Looking at each other, it is impossible for Lin Pingzhi and Zhui Ming to be the first to attack without a fight.

The two of them clashed fists and kicks, and kept blasting towards Guan Yutian.


There is still a gap in strength, even though they exert their full strength, there is no way to get a bargain.

Seeing more and more people below, Lin Pingzhi felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so Lin Pingzhi immediately cast Vulcan's Wrath.


As a strong wind blew, a huge statue appeared instantly, directly crushing the surrounding houses.

"What? Vulcan's anger?"

Guan Yutian looked surprised, he didn't expect that the other party would have the will of heaven, so he couldn't help but get serious.

"Who are you, Baili Que?"

he asks.

Lin Pingzhi didn't answer, he swung the huge statue's palm and slapped it, the strong wind knocked over the surrounding beams.


Waves of heat slapped the surroundings even more, forcing the guards of the Supreme League to dare not approach, and retreated again and again.

The chasing life on the side was already dumbfounded, but he didn't expect Lin Pingzhi to have such magical skills, it was really frightening.

He recalled the previous duel between Lin Pingzhi and Leng Xue, only to realize that the former actually put too much water in it.

If he puts all his strength out from the beginning, Leng Xue will be knocked down after two moves. How can he fight back and forth?

Thinking of this, he admired Lin Pingzhi even more. He truly cared for others and had a kind heart.


Guan Yutian was not afraid but laughed aloud when the huge palm was slapped, and said: "Good skill, I actually learned the essence of the Four Elephants Art of Heaven's Will."

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