Seeing Lin Pingzhi being wronged and facing the threat of his life.

Zhui Ming and Zhuge Qingqing hurried up to stand in front of Lin Pingzhi, while looking at Leng Xue angrily.

Zhuge Qingqing frowned, looking very angry, and even spread his hands to protect Lin Pingzhi.

Little did they know that this scene was like two swords piercing Leng-Blood's chest.

He also knew that he had been slandered and that he had fallen into the trap designed by Lin Pingzhi, so he hurriedly explained: "Junior Sister, listen to my explanation."

"No need, cold-blooded."

Zhuge Qingqing didn't want to say so much, even the address had been changed now, and the old feelings were no longer in her eyes.

She said: "If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Master Mingyue also gave you a step down. It's fine if you don't appreciate it, but you actually stabbed someone in the back. You are a despicable villain.

I, Zhuge Qingqing, am ashamed to be with you, so don't talk to me in the future. "

"not like this……"

Leng Xue seemed very aggrieved, especially when he heard the other party call his full name, his heart felt cold.

Zhui Ming next to him interrupted him, saying: "Cold-blooded, I'm not talking about you, this time you really went too far."

"Everyone, don't do this."

The atmosphere was almost set off, and Lin Pingzhi came out to add fuel to the flames: "You guys are from the same school anyway, don't ruin your relationship because of me.

It was indeed my lack of consideration that made Mr. Leng angry just now, and the next scene happened.

Fortunately, I didn't get too seriously injured, so I'm fine. "

He sounds like he is helping others, but he is actually stepping on others to promote himself.

Zhuge Qingqing and Zhui Ming admired him even more, thinking, no wonder the reputation of Mr. Mingyue has already been spread all over the world.

With this spirit, who among the young people can compare?

The two were in admiration.

But Leng-Blood was even more angry, and he could hear the other party's implication. It sounded like he was trying to smooth things over, but in fact it added fuel to the fire.

He gritted his teeth: "Lin Pingzhi, what do you hypocrite want to do?"

"Cold blood!"

Zhuge Qingqing yelled loudly: "You really let me down, why did you become such a small-bellied person?"

"Forget it, we don't know as much as him."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the cold blood, turned around and supported Lin Pingzhi, sat down on the table next to him, and took good care of him.

He served tea and water for a while, checked the wound for a while, and even tore off a piece of silk from his body to bandage the wound for Lin Pingzhi.

It can be seen that he is quite attentive.

Seeing the cold-blooded man beside him froze for a while, his whole body trembled with anger, but he was helpless.

I just want to grind my teeth.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Zhui Ming opened it and found that it was the waiter of the shop.

The shop clerk smiled wryly: "Gentlemen, this is a small business, so let's call outside."

Only then did everyone realize that due to the fight between Lin Pingzhi and Leng Xue just now, there were sword marks all over the room.

Some furniture was even split in half.

Impossible for Lin Pingzhi to miss this opportunity to establish his image, he took out a bank note from his pocket, stood up and handed it to the waiter:

"I'm really sorry, little brother, this is our compensation, can you see if it's enough?"

The store waiter looked at the banknote in his arms, his legs were limp, and said tremblingly: "Master, what do you mean enough, this banknote is enough to sell our store!"

Lin Pingzhi smiled gently when he heard the words: "Okay, then you can accept it. We made up for it at the time, and there is no need to look for it. I will bother you in the next few days."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The waiter hurriedly flattered the God of Wealth, and had to serve the God of Wealth: "I said that in the next few days, that is, the rest of my life, several masters can also live here."

After speaking, he left happily.

Zhuge Qingqing and Zhui Ming admired Lin Pingzhi's chivalrous heart, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

Leng Xue saw it in his eyes, and finally realized that the so-called Mr. Mingyue was actually a scheming hypocrite.

But he has no way to expose it. So far, it is impossible to see what happens next.

The shop waiter brought some ointment according to Lin Pingzhi's instructions, Lin Pingzhi attached it to his wound, and moved a few more times, feeling nothing serious.

Then he stood up and said: "It's going to be night soon, I'm going to the Supreme League, everyone, wait for my news here."


Of course, Leng Xue stood up to oppose it, and it was impossible to follow Lin Pingzhi's wishes.

Today, he will subconsciously stand up and sing the opposite.

"The master explained that you cannot be allowed to act alone."


Without waiting for Lin Pingzhi to refute, Zhuge Qingqing helped to sarcastically: "Some people are not capable, but they manage them quite quickly.

If the past is discovered, don't you want to hold Mr. Mingyue back? "

"Little Junior Sister..."

Cold blooded very sad.

At this time.

Lin Pingzhi said, "That's true, but it's not good for you to disobey the orders from above.

How about this.

Master Zhuiming, how about going with me?He is very good at lightness kung fu, and it is suitable for me to follow.

Even if we were discovered, the two of us would be able to escape. "


Zhui Ming is willing to accompany you, and thinks it is a good idea, the best of both worlds.


Zhuge Qingqing nodded in approval.

Since everyone agreed, it was impossible for Leng Xue to object, but his face became more and more gloomy.

It has only been a few days since he set off, how does he feel that he is gradually being isolated?

Even everyone stood in their own team.

How is it good?

According to the plan, after night fell, Lin Pingzhi and Zhui Ming went to the Supreme League.

On the road.

Zhuiming Xiao chatted, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, when I heard your reputation in Jianghu before, I still sneered a little bit.

When I saw you today, I really admired you. The word chivalrous may not be enough to describe you. "

Lin Pingzhi smiled humbly: "Master Zhuiming is really overrated. I just distinguish between what should be done and what should not be done. As for Mr. Mingyue, I am called so because of everyone's praise."

Zhui Ming smiled brightly, and felt more and more that the person around him was a gentleman, a person in a narrow sense, and a close friend worth making.

Don't people in Jianghu just like these chivalrous and bold people?


The two came outside the Supreme League and found that the security at night was more stringent.

As expected of the Supreme Alliance, it has done a perfect job in these aspects. Knowing when it is easier for thieves to take advantage of it, they will often send extra guards at night.


Those small miscellaneous fish are not enough to look at in front of Lin Pingzhi and Zhui Ming, two light kung fu masters.

Find a secluded place, a place where there are not many people patrolling.

Lin Pingzhi and Zhuiming seized the right moment, and when the guards turned around, they quickly turned into a black shadow and climbed over the wall without leaving any traces.

When the guards turned around, they only felt a gust of wind.

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