Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1284 Chu Liuxiang Was Arrested

"it is good."

Zhu Wushi laughed loudly and said: "Old man Zhuge said so, of course I believe it.

Although we are fighting openly and secretly, I still recognize your credibility. "


Turning around and walking towards Jianxiong, he said: "Master Jianxiong, I should have no objections to staying here for a few days."

Of course Jianxiong welcomes it.

With this heavyweight, they can rest easy in Forging Sword City.

Basically not harassed.


Hurry up and entertain him, and invite him up.

As for Lin Pingzhi.

For the time being, follow Zhuge Zheng and me, and see what they can ask.

Below the mountain is a tent with six doors.


In the middle tent, Lin Pingzhi sat there without any fear.

It's even like being in your own home.

For a while, people make tea, and for a while they order fruit, and they shake their legs arrogantly.

This scene made Tie Xue beside him anxious, and really wanted to go up and punch him.

"Master Mingyue, can we start now?"

Zhuge Zheng and I met Lin Pingzhi's request, mainly because I have calmed down now, and I guessed that the conflict that happened in Jianjian City before was indeed my fault.

He made a small apology.

He said: "Young Master Mingyue, you should be aware of what happened in Jianghu these days.

All the clues point to you, and it is only right that the old man was ordered to investigate you.

I hope you cooperate to avoid unpleasantness for both parties. "

Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said, "It's my honor to be personally investigated by Master Zhuge Shenhou.

If you have any questions, please tell me, anyway, you can guess what I will answer. "

"Lingshuang Sword, is it in your hand or not?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi.

His eyes stared straight at Lin Pingzhi's pupils.

It can be regarded as a skill he has cultivated after living for so many decades.

But for those who lie, he can always find a trace of unnaturalness in the eyes of the other party.

Sometimes this skill can save him a lot of trouble.

It's being used right now.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know this, but he understood psychology to some extent after time travelling.

Seeing the opponent's actions like this, he knew the intention, and he still admired it in his heart.

The idea of ​​this old guy is really ahead of the world by nearly a thousand years. In his era, he was regarded as a top scouting expert.

"The sword is not in my hand. I believe you already know the answer. It was stolen by a thief."


Ruthless next to him wanted to assist, and said threateningly: "I really don't know which thief can steal things from under the noses of so many of you, and even escape."

"Which masters?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

Ruthlessly replied: "You, the old city lord, Sword Master, and Guan Yutian of the Supreme League."


Lin Pingzhi wanted to make a fuss when he heard the name, and said, "By the way, I almost forgot about Guan Yutian.

I believe you should also go to the Supreme League. Did you gain anything there? "

Wuqing replied truthfully: "He said that Lingshuang sword is in your hand."

"is it?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered and said, "Then you believe it? So you came to me aggressively?

But why can't the one who is believed be me? "


Ruthless didn't know how to answer.

Zhuge next to me helped me explain, saying: "I believe in Guan Yutian, it's just one of our guessed routes, and we're investigating them one by one now.

Mr. Mingyue is thoughtful and sharp-tongued, please don't play tricks. "


Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said: "I still say that, the things were stolen.

As for the possibility you mentioned, I can also explain it.

Some of the top thieves in the world are indeed qualified to steal from us.

Besides, we were dueling under the mountain at that time, and we were not beside Lingshuangjian at all.

Under such circumstances, the probability of the other party's success is quite high. "

What I said made sense, Zhuge Zheng and I thought about it for a while, and asked again: "I heard from Jianxiong that the thief used the Lightness Kungfu of Dark Night Fragrance, right?"


Lin Pingzhi answered truthfully, and even walked around the tent mischievously.

Performed a bit of "Dark Night Fragrance".

of course.

Because of the limited space, it is not gorgeous.

"It's so easy."

Zhuge Zheng, I know that Lin Pingzhi wants to use this method to provoke.

But he didn't take it seriously, and even praised him, and then turned the page, saying: "In Jianghu, besides you, the other person who will leave a fragrance in the dark is Chu Liuxiang.

That's why you insisted that Chu Liuxiang stole the Lingshuang Sword, right? "


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

But right now.

An unexpected sentence surprised Lin Pingzhi.

I only heard Zhuge Zheng me say: "Sorry, this sentence is not true.

Because that fellow Chu Liuxiang had already been in the prison with six doors two months ago, and it was impossible for him to commit crimes. "


Hear this.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned on the spot.

How can this be?

If it wasn't for Chu Liuxiang, who would have used that trick of Dark Night Liuxiang?

"It is precisely because of this judgment that we doubt you even more.

Because Chu Liuxiang is in prison, no one can do this kind of light work except you. "

Zhuge Zheng me to add.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned, which made sense.

No wonder the people from the six doors have been holding on to themselves, there is indeed a certain reason.

He was silent for a while, he couldn't find anything to say, he could only say:

"This incident was indeed beyond my expectations, but, I still use the same rhetoric.

The thing was indeed stolen, and when the theft happened, I and others were in the square below, so it was impossible to steal the Lingshuang Sword. "


Zhuge Zhengwo nodded his head, he already understood, and said: "We have already confirmed this point.

However, you still need to think more about it. "

"Why, do you think my avatar went out to steal it?"

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes, wondering if he thought he was using the phantom clone to steal things?

That's a bit too much.

The clone phantom can indeed clone itself, but it can only be maintained within a certain distance with internal force, and it is impossible to run too far.

"Who says it's not necessarily true?"

Zhuge Zhengwo squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Pingzhi: "Young Master Mingyue, you have too many secrets, and you need to pay more attention to it.

of course.

This is just one direction of our investigation. "

"If you have anything else you want to ask, just ask."

Lin Pingzhi slightly changed his previous attitude and tried his best to cooperate.


It's true that nothing more useful came out, after all, he really didn't know.


Zhuge Zheng, who had nothing to gain, let Lin Pingzhi go anyway, so as not to conflict with Zhu Wushi, that would be too bad.

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