Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1283 Domineering and Protecting Shortness

"The chief arrester, why are you still talking nonsense to them?"

The person from the six doors who didn't think you were a woman started to fan the flames again, saying: "They obviously didn't take you seriously.

Be sure to give them some color to see!

Look at their game, if it wasn't like that, you know it won't change, so there's no need to talk nonsense with them. "

He sneered while talking, and even looked at Lin Pingzhi in awe, thinking that if you have the ability, you can kill me.

Lin Pingzhi's fists were already clenched and rattled, and he really wanted to go up and kill him.

But now that Zhuge Zhengwo has taken precautions, it is impossible for him to act so easily.

He can only bear it.

And right now.

Suddenly a terrifying aura came from the side, and before everyone realized what was going on, the arrogant disciple of the six doors flew into the air.

It looked like it was being hung by a rope.

But in fact, someone used internal force to move him.

"The universe has moved!"

People with sharp eyes recognized this trick immediately, and many people also guessed who it was.



Zhu Wushi's voice sounded, and he laughed wildly: "It's just a dog from the six doors, and it dares to be so rampant.

Don't you take my Hulong Villa seriously?"

The person who spoke was none other than Zhu Shishi.

Everyone looks over.

At this moment, Zhu Wushi was standing on the top of a tree, looking extremely chic and mighty.

His right hand became a claw, and he pointed at the six disciples in midair with a precise movement.


Squeeze your hands directly.

And in mid-air.

The person at the six doors who had been arrogant just now exploded to death in an instant, and blood was scattered around like rain.


Zhu Wushi only felt extremely happy, and smiled wildly: "Killed the people of the six doors in front of you, so what?"


The people from Six Doors gritted their teeth, they didn't expect that someone who was as famous as their chief headhunter would come.

how is this good

Compared to other people's anger, Zhuge Zheng was very calm. He squinted his eyes at Zhu Wushi, and said, "Zhu Wushi, are you here to fight against me?"


Zhu Wushi raised his hands and flew down gracefully to Lin Pingzhi's side.

He glared at Lin Pingzhi fiercely, with complaints in his eyes, and then turned to look at Zhuge Zhengwo.

"This is what I should say! Who wants to fight against whom?

Knowing that Lin Pingzhi is from my Hulong villa, you are still making things so difficult!

Zhuge is correcting me, did you not take me seriously?"


The cold blood beside him laughed, and said, "He first attacked us with the six doors, so is it our fault?"


Zhu ignored the arrogance, and even spat out a little out of character.

"I have heard about the virtues of your six sects for a long time. Except for a few of you who are at the cadre level, everyone else is a person who does evil.

They first molested the maid in Zhujian City, and then bit back, the villain first sued.

Such a despicable person deserves to die! "

Zhu Wushi's voice was loud and confident, as if the evidence was right in front of him.

Such an imposing manner was really scary, and instantly overwhelmed everyone on the other side.

And those disciples of the six doors all felt a little guilty, and they could still put on an air in front of other people.

Facing this marquis who is as famous as the head catcher, how could they have any courage?

Seeing this scene, those people in Sword Forging City were full of joy. They thought they would die, but who knew that such a heavyweight helper came.

who is this

That's one of the two marquises, the owner of Hulong Villa!A person who belongs directly to His Majesty!

This way, he can basically protect Jiancheng without any worries. Even if it is the six doors, without evidence, he can't act rashly.


Seeing the other party's attitude is so strong, Zhuge Zheng and I know very well that there is no way to explain today's matter.

After all, the guy in front of him was somewhat arrogant and unreasonable.

However, he really couldn't help it.

He could only breathe a sigh of relief, change the target of the attack, and said, "Zhu Wushi, I don't want to fight with you today.

But you also know the things that have happened in the Jianghu recently. The higher-ups ordered me to thoroughly investigate this matter. Now all the spearheads are pointed at Lin Pingzhi. Do you still want to defend him?

Think clearly, this matter is not my personal desire to thoroughly investigate, but the explanation from above! "


Zhu Wushi glanced at Lin Pingzhi next to him. Although he didn't approve of him, he also thought that he was not so out of character.

If you really want to use the power-absorbing method to improve your realm, you won't choose those small roles.

and so.

On this point, Zhu Wushi still believed in Lin Pingzhi, and replied with a sneer:

"Old thief Zhuge, don't come here! Do you think the old man was scared?


You said that all the spearheads are now pointing at Lin Pingzhi, show the evidence!

Don't use those rumors in the world as evidence, use a chicken feather as an arrow.


Now everyone knows that he is married to Jianjian City, but it doesn't necessarily mean that Lingshuangjian is in his hands.

You can doubt, but you can't take it as direct evidence. "

"Then we have to investigate."

Zhuge Zhengwo continued: "Investigate the case, investigate the case, if you don't investigate, of course nothing will be investigated."

"of course can!"

Zhu Wushi continued to say in an aggressive tone: "My job of guarding the Dragon Villa is also to maintain the stability of the Jianghu and the imperial court!

Since there is a problem, it is natural that we should cooperate. Even if Lin Pingzhi resists, I will use my identity as the owner of the village to order him to cooperate with the investigation.


Don't get me wrong, he is only cooperating with your investigation, and he is definitely not letting you slaughter him.

In the absence of absolute evidence, anyone who dares to hurt him is against me at Hulong Villa! "

Listening to this domineering declaration, everyone in Jiancheng looked up to Zhu Wushi.


The God of Tiedan deserves to be the God of Tiedan. He has already spread his reputation all over the world. It can be said that he is the same as Mr. Mingyue, and he can be called a perfect person.

Now that he is so protective of the calf, he is really a reassuring senior.

Lin Pingzhi laughed beside him, and he could see that the people around were admiring him, thinking that you guys don't know the insidiousness of that guy.

of course.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi also thought that Zhu Wushi was very reliable, so he said just now, believing that the six doors would not dare to do anything to him.

If he didn't come today, he might be taken away for investigation.

But once you come out like this, you can sit back and relax.


Zhuge Zheng felt unwilling in my heart, but he couldn't make the opponent so strong, so he could only sigh helplessly.

He tried his best to suppress his emotions, and said: "Of course, the old man has always done things fairly, so naturally follow the rules."

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