Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1285 Who is it?

Zhuge Zhengwo, who had nothing to gain, let Lin Pingzhi go anyway, not wanting to conflict with him.


He didn't gain anything, but Lin Pingzhi did.

Because there is new news.

It turned out that that fellow Chu Liuxiang had already been caught and was not allowed to commit crimes outside.

If so, who stole the Lingshuang sword?


What the other party used was An Yeliuxiang, a lightness skill that only belonged to Chu Liuxiang.

Could it be that other people have also learned it?

Or did Chu Liuxiang take in a new apprentice?

What a hassle.

There were many differences in the matter suddenly, Lin Pingzhi felt a little headache, and after returning to Jianjian City, he drank two cups to relieve his fatigue.

Originally, I wanted to go to the beauty to vent and reward myself.

As a result, Zhu Wushi found him at this time, and his face was full of displeasure.

Lin Pingzhi understood that it was a little uncomfortable to be called all the way to such a place to take the blame.

He didn't care, but said: "Thank you a little bit today, don't worry, Su Xin has a very good life with me, and she hasn't been wronged at all."


Zhu Wushi, who was already unhappy, heard the word Suxin in Lin Pingzhi's mouth, and remembered the experience of being aggrieved at the beginning.

If it wasn't for the man in front of him, he would have succeeded a long time ago, and would have had the woman he likes long ago.

Who knew that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway.

He felt aggrieved, but he was caught, so he could only endure this bad breath.

Zhu ignored it and said loudly: "You still have the nerve to talk about her!


Even if you are sensible, if it wasn't for Su Xin to live well with you, even if I tried my best, I would drag you into the water and die with your people! "

Lin Pingzhi was not surprised.

He didn't doubt that Zhu ignored his feelings for Su Xin.

It is precisely because of this that I can take advantage of it, but I feel lucky.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm very sensible, so you should also do your job well.

Sometimes I need to trouble you, and you try to help, which is a good thing for everyone. "


Zhu Wushi could tell that there was some threatening meaning in these words, which was very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He took the initiative to change the subject and said, "Did those guys get any news out of your mouth?"


Lin Pingzhi shook his head, he didn't know anything himself, how could others know anything.

Just said: "Instead, I got some useful information from them.

In my mind, the person who stole it was Chu Liuxiang, because that person's lightness function was An Yeliuxiang.

No one in this world can use it except me and him.

of course.

Before that, I thought so, but now I'm not so sure.

Because Zhuge Zheng told me that Chu Liuxiang had been arrested for theft two months ago and had been locked in the six-door prison. "

"That's true."

Zhu Wushi nodded, indicating that the news was reliable.

Lin Pingzhi does not doubt that his Dragon Hulong Villa has information, big or small.

Since Zhu Wushi nodded in agreement, it meant that the news was indeed reliable, which made him feel a little confused.

If it wasn't Chu Liuxiang, who else could it be?

Who can cast the Fragrance of the Dark Night?


Lin Pingzhi suddenly remembered something, when he was fighting with Guan Yutian before, he had used the Little Formless Kungfu.

It is a trick that can imitate what others have suffered. Although it cannot be copied completely, it can behave in a variety of ways. If you are not a professional, you will not be able to tell the authenticity of it.

Lin Pingzhi seemed to realize what was going on.

It would make sense if that person used the little Wuxiang Gong to divert his attention. He deliberately directed his attention to others.

In this way, he can sit back and relax.

It shows that everyone got it wrong at the beginning, the murderer is not Chu Liuxiang at all, and they can't think in that direction.

Lin Pingzhi even thought that that guy deliberately left this clue to mislead everyone, wasting everyone's time and distracting everyone.

Sinister intentions.

Could it be Guan Yutian?

Lin Pingzhi guessed.

When that guy left, he indicated that he wanted to deal with Jiancheng City, maybe it was him.

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi had a bold guess.

Perhaps it was part of the plan that Guan Yutian showed up first, just to eliminate his suspicion.

When the timing was about right later, he asked one of his subordinates to go down and steal the sword, and then deliberately left clues about Chu Liuxiang to lead him in the wrong direction.

As such.

Not only can it confuse the public and divert attention away from itself, but it also has a perfect alibi.

After all, when the incident happened, Guan Yutian was staying with Lin Pingzhi and the others, so it was impossible for anyone to doubt it.

"Perhaps it is possible..."

Lin Pingzhi felt more and more that the possibility was quite high, so he couldn't help but make a sound.

Zhu Wushi next to him asked curiously, "What did you think of?"

Lin Pingzhi did not answer, and continued to list various pros and cons in his mind.

He thought of more benefits.

By doing that, Guan Yutian could not only eliminate his suspicion, but also be able to sit back and relax.

Just imagine.

When everyone in the world thought that the Lingshuang sword was gone, that guy held it firmly in his hands and slowly honed it.

He has enough time to master the Lingshuang sword thoroughly, and by the time everyone reacts, they have already mastered it with a high degree of proficiency.

Really sinister.

Three birds with one stone.

Lin Pingzhi frowned, feeling that it was necessary for him to go to the Supreme League to find out everything.

"I know what you guys are thinking."

Zhu Wushi was worthy of being a treacherous and cunning man, just looking at Lin Pingzhi's pensive appearance, he knew what was going on in his heart.

Lifting the teacup and taking a sip, he shook the teacup and said, "I advise you to be more careful.

Guan Yutian is not simple, but after General Shuntian, he has a strange bloodline, and I haven't figured out what it is for yet. "

"So you know it too."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhu Wushi in surprise, thinking that this guy has a lot of information, even this one.

Zhu Wushi also looked at Lin Pingzhi in surprise: "From your tone, it seems that you already know it?"

"Of course, don't forget where I work."

Lin Pingzhi deliberately joked: "I work in a huge intelligence network like Hulong Villa.

Know what's so strange? "

Zhu ignored it with a cracked smile, knowing that the other party was perfunctory, and he didn't plan to ask the bottom line, and was not interested.

He reminded again: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about your safety, I'm just worried that Su Xin won't be able to survive without Tianxiang cardamom after you die."


Lin Pingzhi sneered and stopped answering.

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