Sword City.

The storm is coming.

Zhuge Zheng looked up at the group of people above me, and walked slowly towards the top.

Others followed.

The disciples of the six doors sneered one by one, thinking what else can you do now.

Jianxiong saw it, but seemed helpless, after all, the status between the two parties was not at the same level.

She said: "Master Zhuge Shenhou, are you here because of the things that happened a few nights ago?"

"of course."

Zhuge Zhengwo came in front of Jianxiong and said: "The person who killed my six doors will of course come to ask for an explanation."

"There's no need to ask for an explanation, chief arrester, just kill all these unscrupulous people."

That night, one of the people who molested the maid stood up and said, eager to vent.

Jianxiong frowned, and said coldly: "It's really an official style.

Lord Shenhou, do you know why there was such a conflict that night?"

The man just said in a hurry: "There are so many reasons, we were patrolling at that time, but your people rushed out and killed you, it is really disgusting.

You didn't take the imperial court seriously at all, I think you guys want to rebel! "

Such a big hat was put on for no reason.

Jianxiong was not in a hurry, nor did he put that person in his eyes, but said slowly:

"My lord Shenhou, at that time you people from the six doors molested our maidservants in Jianzhu City, and we only came forward to teach you a lesson.

As a result, you made an inch of the six doors, and even led people to rush in, and slashed at the people in Jiancheng, bullying us and dared not fight back.

It will lead to today's result. "


Those Sword Forging City disciples who were injured before stepped forward to show their wounds.

The disciple of the six sects just now sneered and said, "Boss arrester, they lie like this because they know they have nowhere to go.

Deliberately making some wounds on himself is to confuse the public. "


Zhuge Zheng and I haven't made any statement yet.

He just replied casually, as if he was thinking about something.

Jianxiong looked at the six disciples who turned black and white, and his heart was already burning with anger.

But the strength is not enough, you can only see the opponent's reaction.

Seeing Zhuge Zheng, I didn't seem to be angry. Just now that person wanted to add fuel to the fire, and said:

"Boss arrester, this group of unscrupulous people not only killed our people, but also turned the vicious dog to bite people first.

It is unforgivable.

If we don't make a little reaction today, I'm afraid we won't have a foothold anymore!

After the news got out, whether it was Jianghu or the court, we were all ashamed! "

As soon as this sentence comes out.

Wuqing and the others also agreed, saying: "Master, what you said is not unreasonable, we still have to take care of face."

was talking.

The four famous arresters were gearing up and ready to make a move.

And right now.

Lin Pingzhi, who had been observing secretly, couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped out immediately, appearing in front of everyone.

Just when everyone was surprised, he directly shot a six-veined sword, instantly killing the person who turned black and white just now.

This sudden scene shocked everyone.

In front of Zhuge Zhengwo, killing people from the six doors is extremely rampant.

They were even a little surprised by the six doors. Does Xingchen still have such a guy who is not afraid of death?

"Oh shit."

Now that he had revealed his Six Meridians Excalibur, Lin Pingzhi knew that the matter must have been revealed, and he could not hide his identity after all.

He took the initiative to take off his veil, and now he has a face full of hatred.

He said loudly: "I thought the six gates were a place of fairness and justice.

Now it seems that it is nothing more than that, it is a gathering place for a group of villains, just shouting cheap and open slogans.

What he did was dirty. "

"Lin Pingzhi!"

Someone recognized him at a glance.

Wuqing slid two steps forward, and said: "Lin Pingzhi, you are the main suspect now, and you actually killed the disciples of the six sects.

Hurry up and grab it! "


The other person who molested the maid before saw his companion suffer, and wanted to add fuel to the fire.

He sneered.

I thought about Mr. Mingyue, but he was so impulsive, it really gave him a chance.

Immediately urged: "Chief arrester, that guy is in a hurry, if he wants to kill him, he must not be allowed to succeed!"

"Lin Pingzhi!"

Zhuge Zhengwo couldn't sit still when he killed someone in front of his own face. Although he had doubts before, now he pointed the finger at Lin Pingzhi.

"You dare to kill people in front of the old man, is it really lawless?


You really want to kill and silence"


Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously, laughed wildly, and said: "A group of hypocrites are still here to speak justice.

I don't want to be entangled with who is trying to kill people and silence them now, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, everything is up to you. "


Zhuge Zhengwo frowned, and said: "Do you really think you are invincible?

Lin Pingzhi.

You have to know that the world belongs to the imperial court after all, you are just a reckless, how can you have the capital of arrogance?"

"Stop doing this."

Lin Pingzhi sneered, he was not in the mood to listen to his rationale, and said: "However, my son is not reckless now.

Don't forget, I'm from Hulong Villa now. "

"So what"

Clenching his iron fist, he said: "Don't say you are from Hulong Villa, even if you are Zhu Wushi, you would not dare to be so arrogant in front of my master.

To actually kill someone in front of him is really lawless enough! "

"Come on!"

As soon as he yelled, the people behind responded immediately.

"Get ready to take down all these traitors!"

The iron hand gave the order.

The disciples of the six sects said hello in unison, each with a sneer, thinking that you are too young to want to fight the imperial court.


Seeing that the other party wanted to attack together, the people in Jiancheng City were full of blood, and finally couldn't help it.

"You bastards, you have done a lot of things, but you are full of justice, and you want to turn black and white.

Okay, I will fight with you!The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken! "

"Yes, don't reason with these guys. A group of people who are corrupt and pervert the law. It's really hard to imagine what the current court is like, and they are actually entrusted to manage law and order!"

"Let's fight together, and die standing up! Never bow your head in front of these bastards!"

"Yes, everyone resist together!"


In an instant, the crowd became angry. Seeing the other party being unreasonable, the people in Jianjian City became irritable, and they would never just admit defeat like this.

Zhuge Zhengwo frowned, feeling that the other party's emotional ups and downs were not faked.

Is it really something wrong with your own people?

But now he can only protect his shortcomings, he said coldly: "Have you thought it through?"

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