Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1281 Unbearable

"Oh shit."

Lin Pingzhi can't control so much, he has always been arrogant, and he is the only one who respects himself.

After all, he is a person with a system, and his behavior style must be different from ordinary people.

He really couldn't understand the faces of those guys in front of him, and couldn't help but make a move anymore.

Wielding the long sword in his hand again, Lin Pingzhi directly chased and slashed. This time, he didn't kill them, but just chopped off their arms or legs.

But this is enough to punish them, and it may be even more enjoyable to become a useless person for the rest of their lives.

"Run away, hurry up and notify Lord Shenhou!"

The people from Six Doors couldn't beat them, and it was not easy to continue to clash with the people from Sword Forging City.

Lest those guys also join the battlefield.


They also knew in their hearts that what they did tonight was somewhat wrong, and if there was a bigger disturbance, some people would suspect it.


I just wanted to let Zhuge Zheng me come over to suppress the situation, and quickly retreated outside the city, waiting for rescue.

They were tense and would never let anyone in or out, unless they let out a bad breath.

in the city.

Lin Pingzhi still did not take off his veil, not wanting more people to see it.

The people from Jianjian City thanked, and said: "Thanks to this young hero for saving me, you can leave quickly, those guys are unreasonable."

Lin Pingzhi nodded and disappeared into the night.


Then I heard the people from the six gates shouting from outside: "Boldly Forging Sword City, you dare to attack the six gates, just wait! Wait to die!"

Everyone just felt furious in their hearts.

It is obvious that those guys are doing something wrong, but they are biting back, which is extremely hateful.

Angry in my heart, but there is nothing I can do, it seems helpless.

After disappearing, Lin Pingzhi came to Jianxiong's room, smelled the familiar smell, and finally showed a little smile.

He took off his disguise, just when Jianxiong came back, the two kissed without saying a word.

Although it hasn't been long, but not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns.

What's more, the newlywed Yan'er is even better than the new love, and she doesn't talk much, and she becomes ecstasy on the spot.

It wasn't until midnight that the two of them stopped for a while.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the person in his arms and said distressedly: "Jianxiong, you must have worked hard during this time."


Jianxiong didn't feel wronged, he said: "Those guys just trapped us.

But after Zhuge Zheng and I left, the disciples of the Six Doors became more and more arrogant, and they actually did such an outrageous thing tonight.

Lin Lang, hurry up and leave, it will be terrible if they find you here.

I believe Zhuge Zheng will come back soon, that old guy's strength is unfathomable. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded perfunctorily, and did not intend to leave.

The disciples of the six sects outside will definitely not let it go, Lin Pingzhi wants to stay and deal with it together, and Jianxiong cannot bear it alone.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Jianxiong guessed what Lin Pingzhi was thinking, at least he was the person next to him.

She felt very happy and smiled.

Then fell asleep in Lin Pingzhi's arms.

Lin Pingzhi didn't fall asleep, and his views on the six doors changed slightly.

I originally thought that those guys were upright and representatives of justice, but now it seems that this is not the case.


Reasoning may not be the best way.

As Jianxiong said, Zhuge Zhengwo was so powerful that Lin Pingzhi himself might think he couldn't handle him.

At times like this, you need someone else to help.


He quietly got out of bed, and immediately wrote a letter, the address is Hulong Villa.

There are two great gods in the imperial court today, and they don't fight each other.

Really want to talk.

Hulong Villa and Shenhou Mansion are very similar, both have the dual identities of the imperial court and the Jianghu.

Those two Lord Shenhou were fighting openly and secretly with each other.

Offending the six doors now is equivalent to offending the Lord Zhuge, so he can only let the Lord Tiedan come out to check and balance the situation.

not to mention.

Lin Pingzhi is now at least a member of Hulong Villa, at least he is a secret agent.

of course.

He also knew that it was unrealistic to let Zhu ignore helping with these identities.

So I wrote some bargaining chips in the letter.

Nature is pure heart.

Su Xin still needs the last piece of Tianxiang cardamom, which happens to be pinched in Lin Pingzhi's hands.

So he used this as a threat to make Lord Tie Dan leave immediately and come to Zhujian City immediately.

The envelope was delivered soon, and Zhu Wushi frowned, feeling very upset in his heart.

But the beloved woman is in the hands of the other party, after all, it is a kind of handle, and there is no way to do it.

"You bastard, you want to take advantage of me again"

Zhu Wushi scolded, then remembered his old opponent Zhuge Zhengwo this time, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth.

"We really don't fight each other, we can confront each other wherever we go."

He whispered something, and then set off for Sword Forging City.

the other end.

Zhuge Zhengwo, who was in Hangzhou, also received news that something happened in Jianjian City, and the disciples of the Six Doors were attacked.

Of course he wanted to go and have a look, and set off immediately with his four apprentices and granddaughter.

"Master, what happened so anxious."

Ruthless question.

Zhuge Zhengwo replied: "I heard that the people from Jianjian City attacked the six gates and killed several of our disciples."


Zhuge Qingqing looked surprised: "Those guys don't want to live? They were already suspected, but now they still do such a thing."

"do not know."

Zhuge Zheng and I have a calm expression. He has seen too much and never believed the surface of things.

Let's talk when we arrive first.

For the next few days, the people in Jianjian City were nervous and didn't know what to do next.

at last.

In the morning of a certain day, it still has to face everything.

Zhuge is here.

As soon as he appeared.

The people in Jianjian City frowned, really not knowing what their fate would be next.

Jianxiong was silent, looking at Zhuge Zhengwo at the foot of the mountain, he didn't have too many worries in his heart.

Because Lin Pingzhi said he would handle it.

"Shenhou, when we were patrolling a few nights ago, we were attacked by people from Jianjian City. They actually killed several of our disciples!"

The people at Six Doors turned black and white, making it look like they were victims.

Zhuge Zheng and I looked at the corpse next to me.

The expression is calm.

But those disciples couldn't sit still, especially the iron hand, who was about to smash with his fist.

"It's really unreasonable. They dared to kill people in the court! They clearly didn't take us seriously."

With a cold-blooded tone, he said, "Master, why don't you just kill him?"


Zhuge taught me a lesson: "We are members of the imperial court, so of course we must act according to the law.

If this matter is true, there is naturally a way to sanction them, and they cannot commit suicide privately. "


The two nodded and retreated, restraining their temper a little.

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