Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1280 The thief shouts to catch the thief

Seeing that there was no way to learn about Lin Pingzhi from other people in Fuwei Escort.

People like Zhuge Zheng and I had no choice but to give up.

They were open and aboveboard, behaved righteously, and sat upright, so it was naturally impossible for them to do such things as torture.

And there is a grievance and a debtor.

It was impossible for them to vent their unwarranted anger on other people, and Lin Ping was the only person involved in this investigation.

no way.

We can only temporarily control the Fuwei Escort just like we did with Zhujiancheng, and investigate slowly.

It can also cut off the connection between them and Lin Pingzhi, so as not to interfere with the investigation.


The huge Fuwei Escort Agency was brought under control in an instant, and the entire industry was temporarily closed.

This incident caused quite a stir in the world.

No one thought that Fuwei Escort would have such a day.

"Sure enough, the forces of the Jianghu are only the forces of the Jianghu after all, and they will never be able to compare with the imperial court."

"That's right, it's just a six-door door, and it directly controls the escort agency."

"It seems that you still have to enter the court and become an official. Jianghu is just a wild place after all."


Everyone is discussing.

And this moment.

Lin Pingzhi is heading to Jianjian City, and he doesn't know how to investigate and clear up his grievances.

I just wanted to see Jianxiong.

That girl should be in need of her own comfort right now, and she should feel that she needs to rely on her.

So Lin Pingzhi went to Zhujian City first, and when he came outside, he saw people from the imperial court surrounding the whole city.

There are a lot of people here.

It can be seen how much those guys take this matter seriously.

Lin Pingzhi didn't choose to show his face, he didn't choose to confront these guys head-on.

After all, there are some differences in identity.

He waited outside until midnight, and then tried to sneak in while the moon was dark and the wind was high.

who knows.

As soon as he walked in through the secret passage, he suddenly heard the voice of a woman calling for help.

Lin Pingzhi had never seen that woman before, but when he took a closer look, he found it was a maid.


That maid was being molested by two men, and her clothes were about to be torn.

The two men were wearing official uniforms, obviously from the Six Doors.


Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth at that time, and the dignified people from the six doors actually used the excuse of handling the case to do such lawless things in the middle of the night.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't bear it.

He is not full of justice.

It's just that he can't see women being bullied in front of him.

In Lin Pingzhi's view, only he can bully other women, and others are not qualified.


He immediately covered his face, dodged over and slapped those two guys, making them scratch their teeth.


The maid ran away in fright.

Lin Pingzhi did not catch up, and continued to stare at the two people from Six Doors, saying: "The mirror of Six Doors hangs high, except you two traitors! Or is it that you Six Doors are just a group of villains?" gathering place"

Lin Ping was outraged.

The two men came back to their senses, and found that the person in front of him was covering his face, obviously with malicious intentions.

So he immediately shouted: "Come on, someone wants to attack the official family!"

Da da da.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of footsteps around, and people rushed over one after another.

Lin Pingzhi didn't think about continuing to entangle here, lest his identity be exposed.

So he slipped away immediately, relying on his lightness kung fu, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

The two officials just now couldn't swallow this breath, and directly caused trouble in Jianjian City.

They shouted to catch the thief, and said: "The people who boldly built the sword city actually took advantage of the night to attack the officials! Did you dislike yourself for living long enough?"

This trouble.

Let Zhujian City have no peaceful days tonight.

Most of the disciples of the six sects came together, kicking tables and smashing chairs everywhere, trying to seek justice.

Knowing about this matter, Jianxiong immediately came out to solve it and asked what happened.

The two people just insisted that someone attacked them secretly, and they clearly wanted to fight against the six doors.

And this time.

The maid who was molested came out in ragged clothes, the tears had not been wiped off.

She said: "City Lord, it was these two people who wanted to moleste me, and a masked man rescued me to resolve the crisis.

In the end, these two guys shouted "stop thief", it was too much! "

As soon as I heard this.

Jianxiong immediately flew into a rage, and said: "Are people from the Six Doors so shameless?"

Actually pretending to be the public and benefiting the private, I thought you punish the rape and eliminate the evil, and you are the parents of the capital.

Who knows.

They are also a group of treacherous villains, which is really surprising and shameless.

It seems that those good names in the past are all spread out, and the despicable villains are your true colors! "


The disciples of the six sects present were all very angry, thinking that their official children, how could they be stepped on by a group of people from the rivers and lakes, they drew their knives out of their sheaths one after another, wanting to strike.

Relying on their identities, they were unscrupulous, guessing that the other party would not dare to fight back.

So he rushed forward and kept attacking. Although no one was killed, many people in Jiancheng were injured.

Jianxiong saw it in his eyes and was angry from his heart, but he could only watch helplessly.

She tried her best to defend, but she couldn't attack, because her identity was a bit embarrassing now.

If there is a conflict with the people from Six Doors at this time, I am afraid that he will not only be imprisoned here, but he will have to be taken back to Six Doors for investigation.


The disciples of the six doors were rampant one by one, knowing that the other party was restrained, they became even more unscrupulous.

He actually wanted to molested those maids on the spot.

Lin Pingzhi watched from the sidelines, his fists were already crunching, it turned out that the six doors were so dirty.

He couldn't bear it anymore, he jumped out immediately, grabbed a sword casually, and had no choice but to kill.

He danced with swordsmanship, completely defenseless in the dark night, and cut off the heads of several people in an instant.

The disciples of the six doors turned pale with shock, and the two people before them even recognized the person in front of them, and they also knew that the other party's strength was transcendent.

They retreated quickly and threatened at the same time: "Which guy with no eyes dares to oppose the six doors!"

"The dignified six doors are actually people who oppress the people. What will happen if the people in the world find out?"

Lin Pingzhi wanted to intimidate.


Those guys were not afraid at all, and said with a sneer, "Boy, do you think your words are credible or our six doors' words are credible?"

Lin Pingzhi frowned. Indeed, there is still a certain gap in credibility between the two parties.

Especially when Zhuge Zhengwo sits in town, he is admired by all people.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak for a moment.

Jianxiong behind him has already recognized him, and he feels warm in his heart, but it is inconvenient to recognize him at this moment.

Otherwise, it will not appear masked.


The person with the six doors pushed forward: "You are courting death!"

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