Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1279 The Six Doors Arrive

"Really? The impact of this matter is really not small."

"That's right, it's a pity that I didn't find out why, I only heard that Lingshuangjian is not in Sword Forging City."

"Where will that be"

"Are you stupid? Of course the first person to suspect at this time is Young Master Mingyue.

after all.

Master Mingyue has just married Lord Jianxiong. "

"That's right, then the next six doors should investigate Fuwei Escort!"

"I really didn't expect Fuwei Escort to have what it is today."

"Hey, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

"Anyway, I don't think Mr. Mingyue would do these things. He has no reason."


"Hey, it doesn't matter to us whether it's true or not, we just need to watch the show."



Nowadays, too many places in the Jianghu are discussing this matter, and it has even become an after-dinner talk for some ordinary people.

Lin Pingzhi walked and listened all the way.

I felt the impact of this firsthand.


The six gates of the imperial court have already been mobilized. It is conceivable that this matter has a great impact.

Originally, the six gates were only in charge of the important places in Gyeonggi.

This time, he made an exception to investigate cases in other places, which already shows the importance of the matter.

the other side.

As soon as Lin Ping left, the people from the six doors arrived.

They directly led a team of officers and soldiers to surround the entire Escort Bureau and took control of the Escort Bureau.

After Lin Pingzhi left, Ning Zhong took up the big task and came to the door to deal with it without any fear.

"Minister Ning Zhongze, I have met some adults."

Ning Zhong was neither humble nor overbearing, looking at the people with the six doors in front of him, he had already recognized them.

The one at the front is an old man, majestic but approachable, obviously the chief catcher of the six gates, the owner of the Shenhou Mansion, Zhuge Zhengwo, known as Zhuge Shenhou, and Zhu Wushi, the God of Tiedan. Shuanghou of the current world!

As for Zhuge's five young men by my side.

Apparently they are the four famous young arresters who are well-known in Kyoto, and Zhuge Qingqing, the granddaughter of Zhuge Zhengwo.

"Zhuge Zhengwo, the chief arrester of the Lower Six Gates, was ordered this time to investigate the tragedies in Jianghu.

Some of the minutiae involved Mr. Mingyue, so he came to the bodyguard bureau and asked to see Mr. Mingyue, please introduce him. "

Zhuge Shenhou said politely, acting extremely polite.

Everyone in the Escort was a little surprised.

I thought you were here to handle the case, not to beg for help.

It seems that they want to play some psychological tactics.

Ning Zhong is of course not a young man. Knowing that the other party wants to be courteous first, she said with a smile:

"Of course the women of the people have heard about this matter that is raging in the Jianghu.


I'm afraid I will disappoint you all.

Husband has been away for many days and has not come back. I am afraid that if you want to find him, you have to go to other places. "


Zhuge Zheng narrowed his eyes, and looked carefully at Ning Zhongze in front of him. He could tell at a glance that the other party was lying.


To expose on the spot.

At this time.

A young man with a rather cold expression next to him stood forward, holding a sword in his hands and holding it to his chest.

He said: "Don't make excuses, if you don't hand it over, you will blame our six doors for being rude."

Ning Zhong looked at the man in front of him, and saw that his expression was extremely indifferent, and his eyes were even more fierce like a wolf.

It is not difficult to guess that the other party is cold-blooded.

She still smiled slightly, not being frightened by the other party's aura, and said: "If you don't believe me, you can go to the mansion to search.

Our husband has indeed been away for many days. I can guarantee this sentence, and I can also bear the responsibility of lying. "


Next to him, a man sitting in a wheelchair smiled slightly, pushed the wheelchair, and leaned forward.

Then I closed my eyes and looked carefully at something.

Finally, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "Master, there is indeed no aura of a strong man inside."

Ning Zhong looked at the crippled man, not daring to despise him in the slightest.

Everyone knows that among the Four Famous Detectives, there is a disabled man named Wu Qing, who obviously has inconvenient legs, but he is able to sit on the reputation of being the head of the Four Famous Detectives and become the senior brother of several people.

Obviously capable.

handed down.

Because of his inconvenient legs and feet, his senses in other aspects are much better than ordinary people.

For example, hearing, vision, and some special perceptions are beyond the reach of humans.

Ning Zhong analyzed carefully, thinking that when he closed his eyes ruthlessly just now, he should be sensing something.


Zhuge Zheng and I took a look at Wu Qing, believed the other party's words, and thought that Mr. Mingyue left a step earlier.

"Everyone, I said that my husband is not here, now you believe it"

Ning Zhong smiled.


Zhuge Zhengwo didn't intend to stop there, and said: "That being said, Mr. Mingyue is already a major suspect.

Can't we just let it go like this, we still have to look good, I hope you can understand. "

Da da da.

talking room.

Another group of people came outside the escort agency.


This time, he intends to firmly control the Escort, so as to facilitate subsequent investigations.

Ning Zhong already knew about it and expected it a long time ago, so he was not surprised, and said: "Of course, it is also our duty to cooperate with the six doors in investigating the case.

You guys just investigate, just don't mess around inside, otherwise some bad rumors will spread in the world, which will be bad for you and me. "

There was clearly some threatening meaning in the words.

Let's talk about prestige in the rivers and lakes again.

Today's Fuwei Escort is still a little bit.

Zhuge Zhengwo smiled, looked at the woman in the eyes with admiration, and said: "It all means that Mr. Yue is blessed with the blessings of all people, and the beauties in his arms are more beautiful than each other, and each is more powerful than each other.

The old man has seen it today, Mrs. Ning, with your backing, Mr. Mingyue will be at ease. "

"Thank you Lord Zhuge for your praise, the little girl can't afford it."

Ning Zhong is modest.

Zhuge Zheng and I stroked his beard, and said: "Being responsible, speaking of it, that fellow Yue Buqun is unlucky.

She obviously had such a good wife but didn't cherish her, and was finally taken advantage of by others. "

Hearing these words, Ning Zhong felt a little uncomfortable, and said, "Master Shenhou, I have already broken up with that man, so don't use it to tease me."


Zhuge Zhengwo laughed, then changed the subject, and said, "According to Madam, all of you will cooperate with the investigation, right?"

"Of course, but, it is definitely not at your mercy."

Ning Zhong stated his position.

Zhuge Zheng said with a smile: "Of course, our six sects do things for a reason."


The questioning session started, and the people from Six Doors wanted to get some news from the people from Fuwei Escort.

Of course, this is almost impossible, and it ended up sloppy in the end.

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