"What the hell is this?"

Guan Yutian was a little surprised, feeling that Lin Pingzhi seemed to be a different person, and the pressure was even stronger than before.

Even he was a little apprehensive, not daring to continue the previous powerful attack.

Because that kind of oppression is often accompanied by risks, which is equivalent to handing over your back to the other party.

Once the opportunity to counterattack is seized, there is no defense at all.

Therefore, after feeling the changes in Lin Pingzhi, he gradually slowed down his offensive, subconsciously looking for patterns.


Continuing to fight, Guan Yucai discovered that Lin Pingzhi's hands did not have any regularity at all.

It's as if each fights each other, and the combat power is doubled in an instant.


It could be seen that this move had an effect, Lin Pingzhi sneered, and said: "The technique of fighting left and right is really easy to use."

It is Zhou Botong's own trick, the technique of fighting left and right, which can double the fighting power.

In this case.

Lin Pingzhi slowly regained his disadvantage, and he was able to equalize with Guan Yu Tianping, which stunned everyone.

But it is not a long-term solution after all.

Guan Yutian is still the same Guan Yutian, after all he is old and cunning.

He had never met Zhou Botong, but Ting Zong had heard of it before, and after a careful recollection, he knew the reason for the trick.

"It turned out that Quanzhen taught Zhou Botong the left and right fighting skills, which really surprised me."

As he dealt with Lin Pingzhi, he praised him: "This lord has not seen it in person, so he is very disdainful.

It was a surprise to see it today. "

"What surprises you is still behind!"

Lin Pingzhi began to speak harshly, and continued to suppress with left and right fighting techniques.

Guan Yutian smiled disdainfully, thinking to himself, how could he be defeated so easily if he was able to sit firmly as the leader of the Supreme League?

His hands trembled, powerful internal force emanated from his arms, and he slowly changed his path.

Lin Pingzhi was afraid of the opponent's strength, so he also made the most basic reaction, that is, to slow down the offensive and figure out the way first.

The results surprised him.

Under Lin Pingzhi's gradual understanding, he found that the opponent's way was the same as his own.

It is clearly a technique of fighting left and right! ? !

Lin Pingzhi couldn't believe it. After observing for a while, he was finally sure that his eyes were right.

That is fighting each other left and right!

I saw that the number of Guan Yutian's hands became more and more strange, and gradually lost any connection.

Lin Pingzhi felt that the opponent seemed to be learning his own moves while fighting.

Guan Yutian's left and right fights, from being immature at the beginning, to taking shape later, and now proficient.

There is a growing process from beginning to end.

Such a scene made Lin Pingzhi turn pale with astonishment, and it was the first time he saw such a learning ability as if he cheated on himself.

How can we not surprise him?


Guan Yutian laughed loudly, as if he had picked up a big treasure: "This move is really exciting!

With it, it will not be a problem for the leader to single out two people in the future! "


how to say?Lin Pingzhi is in a terrible mood now.

Originally, he wanted to rely on this trick to regain his disadvantage, but who knew that it would actually make the opponent successful.

Ever since, with the same tactic, Guan Yutian quickly turned the situation back, and Lin Pingzhi gradually fell into the trap.

"This... Guan Yutian is too exaggerated!"

All the people present were surprised.

Jian Zun's eyeballs almost dropped to the ground: "How did he learn it so quickly?"

Everyone felt hopeless, thinking, Guan Yutian has such an amazing learning ability, so can he still show his unique skills in front of him?

Maybe he will be stolen soon, wouldn't it help him to a higher level?It's really a plug-in ability.

But at this moment, Lin Pingzhi finally sensed something was wrong, and said: "No, you are not fighting left and right, it is a small formless magic skill!"

"Not bad!"

Guan Yutian didn't hide anything, and generously admitted: "Young Master Mingyue is indeed well-informed, and I just imitated the left-right combat technique with the Xiao Wuxiang Divine Art!"

Hearing his confession, Lin Pingzhi was even more surprised: "Could it be that you belong to the Happy School?"

In Lin Pingzhi's impression, the TV series only explained Guan Yutian's family identity, but did not explain where his master came from.

In this way, he is a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, so it will work.

"It doesn't count."

Seeing the other party's surprise, Guan Yutian felt very happy, and blurted out without thinking: "At the beginning, I just learned a thing or two from Xiaoyaozi, so I can't be regarded as his disciple. He didn't even want to accept me as a disciple."

"So that's the case, no wonder you know little Wuxianggong."

Lin Pingzhi realized that he had no chance of winning today.

Even if he used all the magical skills of Yi Jin Jing, he probably wouldn't have much chance of winning.


It means he gave up.

His eyes became more determined.

"Good eyesight!"

Guan Yutian praised: "Under this situation, you still don't admit defeat, this old man very much recognizes your willpower.

Unfortunately, after all, it is hard to recover. "

"Then you have to try and see!"

Lin Pingzhi doesn't talk nonsense, and now he wants to use the tactics of bullying more to defeat him, so he can only find another way.

Think carefully.

The opponent didn't have a weapon in his hand, so he wanted to take advantage of the weapon, and quickly took out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.


Holding the sword in his right hand, he swung it out, making a movement of drawing the sword and slashing.

It was Ximen Chuuxue's sword-drawing technique, with lightning speed, that directly pulled out a white light in front of the face, and even that white light stayed in the air for a while.

"Such a fast sword drawing!"

Guan Yutian sneered, but his eyes were disapproving, and said: "I'm afraid it has surpassed Ximen Chuuxue, but unfortunately, it is still nothing in my eyes."

He dodged sideways, wanting to continue attacking.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't give a chance, and immediately used the Dugu Nine Swords, and took corresponding measures to break the opponent's tricks.

At the same time, he took advantage of the length of the weapon, did not give the opponent a chance to get close, and wanted to delay it.

Although I don't know what to do if I drag it on, it's better than falling to the ground immediately.

"Damn Dugu Nine Swords!"

Due to the advantages of the opponent's moves and weapons, Guan Yutian didn't succeed for a while, and his heart became more and more irritable.

He also saw that the opponent's move was the world-famous Dugu Nine Swords. He had heard about it for a long time, but now he tried it himself, and it was indeed very difficult.

Can't help but get bored.

"Master, take the sword!"

not far away.

Seeing his master's embarrassment, Ren Qianxing immediately threw his sword away.

"not good."

Lin Pingzhi frowned, thinking, if he lost the advantage of weapons, wouldn't he let the opponent decide?

I thought in my heart that I must stop all this no matter what.


He faced the powerful enemy Guan Yutian, and when it came to speed, he was unmatched at all, and was quickly overtaken by the opponent.

Seeing that Guan Yutian was about to receive the sword, everything seemed to be settled.

at this time.

Suddenly a sword qi flew from a distance, directly splitting the sober sword in two.


The sword body broke, and everyone looked at the direction that the sword energy was coming from, and felt the breath of a strong man.

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