Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1270 Pure Killing Intent

Lin Pingzhi thought that Guan Yutian's upside skills were too strong, so he turned to his downside and used a whirlwind to sweep Ye's legs.


Guan Yutian didn't take it seriously, he was playing with a little enthusiasm just now, but he didn't expect the opponent to suddenly change the way.

However, I was a little amazed in my heart, being able to judge the situation, make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, really lived up to the current reputation.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and his legs bounced up without warning, without any warning.

It is conceivable how skilled he is in this action.

of course.

It must also rely on one's own internal strength to be able to fly without preparation.

Quickly dodging Lin Pingzhi's sweeping legs, Guan Yutian opened a certain distance, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, you still have a little brain.

It's a pity that this kind of cleverness can't achieve any effect in the face of absolute strength. "

Lin Pingzhi ignored him and made various analyzes in his mind.

Just now I made a move, but the opponent did not meet him head-on, but chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

Later, he used language to cover up, so Lin Pingzhi analyzed that the opponent was deliberately covering up the shortcomings.

Alright, let's start attacking the market.

Having made up his mind, Lin Pingzhi immediately stepped close to him, lowering his center of gravity very low.

Almost close to the ground.

Lin Pingzhi bowed his body, and soon came in front of Guan Yutian, fists and palms interlaced, and quickly attacked the opponent's lower body.

He aimed at Guan Yutian's legs, as if he wanted to remove those legs.

Guan Yutian frowned, and backed away again and again, only feeling a little annoyed, and didn't enjoy the fight very much.

What he did just now was really trying to cover up his shortcomings.

Because all his life's energy has been devoted to internal strength and the palm of the mighty dragon, his lower hand skills are not very stable.

Under normal circumstances, there is no absolute self-confidence.

What's more, facing Lin Pingzhi, although he was young, Guan Yutian did not despise him.

Under such circumstances, he showed respect and did not use his weaknesses to meet the enemy.

Because he wanted to recognize Lin Pingzhi's strength.

Lin Pingzhi found more self-confidence after retreating one after another, and also confirmed that his analysis was correct.

"It seems that your playing skills are really unstable."

Lin Pingzhi sneered, took advantage of his unpreparedness, and quickly bounced up, slamming east and west.

He just wanted to suddenly attack the upper hand when Guan Yutian thought he could only attack the lower hand.

Want to be caught off guard.

who knows.

Guan Yutian didn't hold back anymore, seeing that the other party was hard to tell the truth from reality, he directly unfolded the innate qi.

A powerful internal force condenses around the body, forming a protective ball, no matter whether it is up, down, left, or right, there is no dead angle.

With her hands raised in front of her body, Zhang Shan looked dignified: "Lin Pingzhi, you are indeed very powerful.

In my young life, no one is qualified for me to perform this trick.

You are still the first! "

"Then I'm really honored!"

Seeing the opponent's absolute defense, of course Lin Pingzhi would not attack indiscriminately.

All moves will be doubled, why did he rush forward to fight?

Although Xiantian Gangqi is indeed good, it is a backhand move, and generally there is no way to take the initiative to attack.

It is one of its weaknesses.

There is no perfect martial art in this world. Lin Pingzhi is very aware of this, so he can always find some breakthroughs in the battle.

At this moment, he quickly stepped back to open the distance, adjusted his breathing, and simply recovered.

The fierce battle just now consumed him a lot. After all, he was tense all the time, so he couldn't make the slightest mistake.


Watching the other party move away, Guan Yutian also knew that the other party had noticed the weakness of the innate qi.

He quickly put away his skills, and muttered: "You are young, and your observation skills are quite keen.

Much better than those old guys. "

When I said this, I was very jealous.

He felt that when he was young, he did not have Lin Pingzhi's strength and level.

So he began to fear what kind of formidable enemy Lin Pingzhi would be if he continued to grow.

He didn't dare to take risks, thinking, if possible, he would kill Lin Pingzhi on the spot, so as not to become a threat in the future.


Lin Pingzhi let out a long breath, and was ready to attack again.

At the same time, I know that this time will not be too good.

Just now, Guan Yutian was forced to defend by using various psychological warfare and tricks.

It looks like it suppressed the opponent, but in fact, it was just a trick.

Now that Guan Yutian has readjusted his state, he will definitely not let himself succeed.

Lin Pingzhi knew this very well, with a serious expression on his face, he quickly brainstormed and thought about countermeasures.

"You are qualified to die by my hands!"

Seeing that Guan Yutian didn't say anything else, he uttered a harsh word first, and his expression changed a lot.

Before, it was joking, teasing, and not paying attention.

And now.

It is full of pure killing intent, without any other impurities.

It means he has made up his mind.


The people around broke into a cold sweat and began to worry about Lin Pingzhi. They only hated that they were not strong enough to participate in that level of battle and could not help.

"That's really my honor."

Lin Pingzhi comforted himself with joy in his pain, and quickly put on a fighting stance, about to face a powerful enemy.

Guan Yutian was not ambiguous, and immediately went close to him, choosing to take the initiative to strike first.

I saw that he was like a ghost, dragging many figures in the sight of everyone, and quickly moved in front of Lin Pingzhi.

Due to his extremely fast speed, it looked like he had cast Helen Ba's Clone Phantom, there were too many shadows.

In fact, there is only one.

It's all because of his speed.

"So fast!"

Lin Pingzhi sighed in his heart, knowing that the opponent could not take the lead, so he took the lead in striking.

Guan Yutian didn't shy away from it at all, he also slapped out with one palm, but was surprised by the opponent's reaction.

In this state, he was still able to make such a correct judgment, preventing himself from taking the lead.

It can be said that he is extremely intelligent and has extremely rich combat experience.

On the contrary, Guan Yutian became more excited, his punching speed became faster, and his palm technique became unpredictable.

for a while.

Lin Pingzhi had no way to fight back and was forced to retreat repeatedly.

But it was barely able to defend his body, and he didn't suffer a heavy blow, only being rubbed occasionally, which was harmless.

"Look how long you can hold on!"

The more Guan Yutian fought, the more excited he became, his eyes were red, and his moves became faster.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi couldn't even find a chance to attack the opponent's next game. He wanted to delay, but he couldn't find any space.


Guan Yutian laughed wildly, looking forward to destroying a peerless genius.

But right now.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly seemed to be a different person, his two hands counterattacked from different angles, and there was no connection at the same time.

Even Guan Yutian, who had quite a lot of combat experience, felt a little caught off guard for a while.

He just felt that Lin Pingzhi's two hands didn't have any pattern to be found.

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