Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1272 Old City Lord


Someone ruined his good deed, Guan Yutian looked in that direction with a gloomy face, his eyes were lost.

Everyone also looked up.

I saw an old man with fluttering white hair standing above a huge statue.

The old man looks as thin as a stick, but he is immortal and has a Taoist demeanor.

But the eyes are extremely sharp, like two swords, making people uncomfortable.


Just when everyone was wondering who he was.

Only heard Sword Master suddenly shouted.

Everyone was shocked, and they looked at Sword Master in disbelief, with question marks all over their heads.

That man is Sword Master's father? ! ?

"Old City Lord!?"

A few people from Sword Forging City present also recognized it, and they were quite excited.

This time.

The identity of the other party can be basically confirmed, it is the previous city lord of Forging Sword City.

Jian Zun's father, Jian Xiong's grandfather.

Everyone was a little surprised.

In Lin Pingzhi's impression, but there is no such a character, neither in the TV series nor in the book, has he ever explained Jian Zun's father.

"Ha ha."

He only heard the old city lord chuckle, he didn't look at Jian Zun, but at Guan Yutian instead.

He stroked his beard and said: "I haven't seen you for many years, Guan Yutian, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful."

"I haven't seen you before."

Guan Yutian said that he had never seen the old city lord, and he was looking up and down at the moment, frowning unconsciously.

He didn't think he couldn't beat it, he just thought it was more difficult.

Now that there is another master, I am afraid things will be a little difficult.

call out.

The old city lord did not speak, put his hands on his back, flew onto the scene with a whoosh, and landed on both feet.

He came to the arena steadily, looked at Guan Yutian and said: "It is true that you have never seen me, but I have seen you.

What, is the Supreme Alliance not treating you well?He just came to me to make trouble. "

"Old man, do you have any objections?"

Guan Yutian didn't show any face, and was very confident in his own strength.

Because he can see the realm of the other party.

The same is Wu Sheng.

"Cultivate wildly!"

Jian Zun was furious, watching the other party humiliate his father, he became emotional.

"Guan Yutian, it's fine if you are arrogant in front of others, but if you pretend to be in front of my father, you are courting death!"

When he was excited, the old city lord interrupted: "It's alright, Zuner, I'm not his opponent at all."


As soon as he said this, everyone present was splashed with cold water.

Originally thought that the appearance of the old city lord could turn the situation around.

Who knew that he actually admitted that he couldn't beat Guan Yutian?

I'll go, are you out to be funny?

Lin Pingzhi also rolled his eyes, but he knew that the appearance of the old city lord definitely changed the situation of the battle.

"I can't beat him, but I can't let him act recklessly."

The old city lord continued to add, looked at Lin Pingzhi next to him, and said, "Little brother, thank you very much this time."


Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, and said, "Old City Lord, if I read correctly, you should also be a mid-stage Martial Saint."


The old city lord nodded, approving Lin Pingzhi's sharp eyesight, and said: "It's just that he has just been promoted, so there is definitely no way to compare with Guan Yutian."

"It's okay."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, heard the answer he wanted, and said: "That's enough, fighting alone is not his opponent.


Is it not enough for us to join hands? "

"Hahaha, this old man has exactly that intention."

The old city lord stroked his beard and smiled heartily, approving Lin Pingzhi's thoughts very much.

Hearing these words, Guan Yutian couldn't help frowning.

That's what he's worried about.

On fighting alone, he has absolute confidence.


The opponent wouldn't be that stupid, so why would they insist on a one-on-one fair fight?Isn't it courting death?

"How about it, leader of the Supreme Alliance."

The old city lord looked at Guan Yutian, wanting an answer from him.

In the end is a hands-on contest, or let it go.

It's a matter of one sentence.

Guan Yutian fell into deep thought, originally thinking about killing them all today, and then taking Lingshuangjian away.

Who knows.

Killing Cheng Yaojin halfway is still the most critical link.

In this way, he can't do whatever he wants.

Going out of thinking, Guan Yutian wanted to try again, and said: "I can leave here, but there is one condition, or an exchange.

From now on, I will not do anything to Forge Sword City, you have to hand over Lingshuang Sword to me. "


The others didn't say anything, Jian Zun sneered first, and said: "We have spent decades to build something, and leave it to you?

Don't be delusional! "

"Then make a plan to be an enemy of the Supreme Alliance."

Guan Yutian said coldly: "Your Sword Forging City is indeed dominant, but compared with my Supreme Alliance, the gap is not small."

"Are you threatening?"

The old city lord narrowed his eyes, putting on enough pressure.

The two sides stalemate.

No one spoke first to break the silence.

As a result, at this moment, the Jianjian Mountain above suddenly made a huge movement.

With the sound of rushing, the top of the entire mountain range swayed and shook violently.

Countless fiery red stones rolled down from above, as if the whole mountain was about to collapse.

"not good!"

Seeing this situation, the faces of the people in Sword Forging City changed drastically.

Sword Master said loudly: "It's Lingshuangjian, something happened to Lingshuangjian, someone pulled it out!"

Hear this.

Everyone's face changed.

Someone is stealing the sword!

The purpose of everyone present was for this sword, and of course they were shocked when they heard the news.


They all rushed towards the top of the mountain, trying to stop all this.

Lin Pingzhi's official Yutian and the old city owner took the lead and set off towards the top of the mountain with lightness kung fu.

There is no distinction between equals.

What Lin Pingzhi used was Dark Night Fragrance, which is just suitable for such situations.

Guan Yutian and the old city lord were a little surprised, thinking, it's really amazing that a young man can catch up with their speed.

But didn't think much of it.

After all, my mind is all on Lingshuang Sword, so I quickly withdraw my thoughts and continue climbing.

It didn't take long.

The three of them came to the sword refining pool first, but when they saw the empty words inside, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

The sword is gone! ?

Lingshuang Sword was stolen!

"what happened?"

Guan Yutian was furious, he spent so much time and energy just to get the Lingshuang Sword.

Was it stolen by someone else?

And it was stolen right under his nose.

It was still stolen when he was about to succeed.

How can he accept it?


The old city lord hammered the stone wall next to him hard, feeling very unwilling.

Only Lin Pingzhi didn't have much fluctuation.

He didn't come here for the sword, but just to kill and silence.

Instead, I want to laugh.

Things are getting better and better.

Without the Lingshuang Sword, I believe that Guan Yutian will not fight to the end, after all, there is no benefit to speak of.

Maybe it can extinguish the wolf smoke invisibly, saving everyone the trouble.

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