Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1269 Battle Officer Yutian

Facing the opponent's ridicule, Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously, and was brainstorming how to deal with the powerful enemy in front of him.

After all, he doesn't need to take risks, because the opponent has the chance to make mistakes, and he doesn't have that kind of error tolerance rate.

But if you get a chance, I'm afraid you have to confess here.

So Lin Pingzhi didn't intend to make a risky move.

Dodging Guan Yutian's palm, Lin Pingzhi did not sit still, blindly defending could only give the opponent a chance.

He immediately counterattacked, taking advantage of the disappointment of the opponent, quickly approached him, kept brewing with both palms, and hit the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.


Seeing the opponent attacking on his own initiative, Guan Yutian was still a little interested, and after a wild laugh, he took the palm of his hand.

However, Lin Pingzhi had an idea, quickly withdrew his palm just now, and made a move before striking out.

He retracted his palm and stretched out his index finger at the same time.

This is a yang finger used to deal with Helian Ba ​​before, and he wants to repeat the old trick.


Guan Yutian kept watching the previous screen, of course he wouldn't be fooled, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why, can one Yang finger break my mighty dragon palm? How naive!"

I saw that he was unmoved, and still pushed his palm up, and the palm touched Lin Pingzhi's fingertips.

The imagined picture did not appear.

Originally thought that Lin Pingzhi's fingers could poke a hole in the palm, but it was blocked by an air wall.

It was Guan Yutian's internal force, so powerful that it was like a wall blocked in the middle, making it difficult for Lin Pingzhi to make an inch of progress.

of course.

Lin Pingzhi was not discouraged.

Originally, when using this move to deal with Helian Ba, it seemed a bit difficult.

If the other party did not give him a chance, he would not succeed.

There is definitely no other way to deal with Guan Yutian now.

Yiyang Finger didn't make a breakthrough, Lin Pingzhi pretended to retreat, his legs retreated again and again, giving the opponent a false appearance.

Guan Yutian was really fooled, seeing that the opponent was about to distance himself, he was not good at long-distance attack, so he took advantage of him.

Compared with melee combat, his long-distance attack skills are really not many, so he wants to fight melee combat.

Little did he know that this was Lin Pingzhi's trap.

Seeing the other party follow his plan, Lin Pingzhi sneered.

Immediately afterwards, a six-veined divine sword was shot out of nowhere, directly approaching the opponent's face.

In this state where the opponent is coming close to him, it is generally difficult to avoid it, and this is also where Lin Pingzhi calculated.

His strength is slightly inferior, so he can only spend some effort on his mind, trying to outsmart him.

It has to be said that this tactic was really clever, but facing the experienced and powerful Guan Yutian, it didn't have any effect.

Guan Yutian really didn't expect the other party to be so scheming.


His strength is not covered, seeing a laser beam coming, he quickly sensed the danger.

You must not be hit, otherwise, even yourself will be injured.

Therefore, Guan Yutian quickly reacted, and quickly retreated, giving up this opportunity to get close to him.

He quickly opened the distance, and his eyes already showed that he was afraid of this move.

"As expected of Dali's Six Meridians Excalibur, it's really powerful."

Guan Yutian also admitted the power of this move, and at the same time named the move, saying: "The leader of this alliance went to Dali Temple to study, but it's a pity that the other party didn't give face.

Otherwise, if I had learned the Six Meridians Excalibur, the world would have belonged to our alliance long ago! "

"That's because you're not qualified."

Lin Pingzhi replied, but he was not in such a good mood.

His lure the enemy to go deep just now didn't work, so the probability of success in the future will definitely be greatly reduced.

The other party will definitely be on guard in advance. If they want to invite Jun into the urn again, it will be even more difficult. The other party is still Guan Yutian.

Forget it, there is no time to think too much.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head vigorously, thinking that there was no way to continue the analysis. Now, the only thing he could do was to take advantage of his number of moves.

The subject's brain is running extremely fast, analyzing to the extreme.

He believed that no matter what kind of psychological tactics and brute force he used, he could not defeat his opponent.

Then he has only one advantage left.

That is world martial arts.

Maybe you can catch the opponent by surprise.


When the opponent retreated again and again, Lin Pingzhi went up close to him, thinking of fighting Guan Yutian close to him.

Such a picture makes everyone around look stupid.

Most people still didn't understand, they only saw Lin Pingzhi take the initiative to go up to die, so they were puzzled.

But in Jian Zun's view, there are some ways in it.

He and Guan Yutian are also considered old rivals, so they naturally know that the other party's personal skills are quite good, and now they have innate strength, they can almost be said to be invincible.

Lin Pingzhi deliberately set up an ambush before, just to take advantage of this point, and wanted to catch Yu Tian by surprise.

After failing, he took the initiative to get close. What kind of operation is this?

Jian Zun couldn't understand it, fighting is all about making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses, why is Lin Pingzhi now making use of weaknesses and avoiding strengths?

Do you pick out the strengths of the other party?

Jian Zun was a little puzzled, and considered that he could not be compared with Lin Pingzhi now, so he didn't raise any objections, and read it first.


Regarding Lin Pingzhi's operation, Guan Yutian also expressed his incomprehension, and laughed out loud: "You actually want to confront me head-on? Good boy, I really look down on you."

Stabilizing his body, Guan Yutian sneered and quickly counterattacked.

While interlacing fists and palms, he said: "This lord knows what you want to do, and also knows that you have multiple unique skills.


It doesn't work for the old man! "

"Try and see!"

Lin Pingzhi's mentality was not affected, first he used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to explore the way.

This kind of almost transparent tactic will naturally not be effective. The other party already understands it and knows how to deal with it.

That's why it's used to explore.

Seeing that Guan Yutian cracked it head-on without any effort, Lin Pingzhi switched gestures and struck out with a heart-breaking palm.

Guan Yutian didn't pay attention to the cold air approaching. He had seen this trick before, and he could easily break it.

"Use any other tricks."

He said disdainfully.

Lin Pingzhi didn't respond, seeing that the kung fu of the Nine Yin Manual was deciphered, he pinched it like a claw again, and used Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand.

As soon as the trick came out, Lin Pingzhi's fingers kept slashing across the air like blades, leaving streaks of white light behind.

When it danced, it turned out to be as sharp as a blade.

"Even the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand can do it!"

Guan Yutian chose to avoid at first, but figured out the way in just a few rounds, and counterattacked again.

After all, he is a senior in the world with rich experience.

In just a few rounds, Lin Pingzhi was able to figure out Lin Pingzhi's moves so clearly that Lin Pingzhi couldn't use his strength.


Sighing secretly in his heart, Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to be negligent. Seeing that the opponent's upside was so powerful, he began to calculate the downside again, and swept away with a whirlwind.

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