Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1263 Endless magical skills

Helen Ba flexibly played a palm of distraction, it can be said that he grasped the timing very well.

He increased his skill and gave Lin Pingzhi enough respect.

of course.

Helian Ba ​​also knew that it was absolutely impossible to win so easily, waiting for Lin Pingzhi's backhand.

Of course, Lin Pingzhi didn't intend to be polite to him, seeing that the opponent's palm was about to hit the top of the sky.

He flicked the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand quickly, using the Broken Palm Stance in Dugu Nine Swords, and quickly threw out a sword flower to block in front of his head.

Helian Ba ​​had expected it a long time ago, knowing that he would not be able to succeed, seeing that his palm was about to be smashed into meat, he quickly shrank back.

Using his powerful skills, he broke free from the shackles of the Dragon Capture Kung Fu, and opened the distance again.

At the same time, he exclaimed in admiration: "I didn't expect to learn even the Dugu Nine Swords, amazing! It's not in vain that I treat you as a real opponent!

Master Mingyue, you really did not disappoint me! "

Lin Pingzhi sneered, watched him retreat quickly, and said, "Don't worry, there's more to come, I'll let you see enough today!"

Say it.

He took out a throwing knife from his waist, clamped it between two fingers, twisted his wrist rapidly, and threw it out quickly.

This is Xiao Li Fei Dao, the speed is unimaginable.

And there is a package with internal force on it, and the friction between it and the air is smaller, which can increase the speed and sharpness at the same time.

In the eyes of others, the throwing knife that Lin Pingzhi threw was like throwing a ray of light.


"Romantic Swordsman!"

Jian Zun was taken aback, thinking how could Master Mingyue know everything?

From the palm technique just now to the sword technique and saber technique, now even hidden weapons are used.

call out!

While Helen Ba was backing away, he heard something whizzing past his ear, and he turned sideways to avoid it.

It really made him avoid it, but it just cut off a few hairs.

Looking at the fluttering hair, Helen Ba sneered, feeling his body getting more and more excited.

It was even more exciting than fighting against Guan Yutian.

"it is good!"

He shouted good, and said: "Master Mingyue, you are really looking forward to more and more.

The old man should also show his hands a little bit, lest others think that the old man can only be forced to defend, and he has no power to fight back when he is beaten by you! "

Say it.

He immediately used his internal strength to display the ghostly clone.

And his own body also disappeared in place.

All I saw was one after another phantoms, constantly morphing out, rushing towards Lin Pingzhi.

People can't tell which one is the real body and which one is the phantom, which makes people dazzled.

Helen Ba hid his own body in the shadow, it can be said that he used his unique skill to the extreme.

In this way, how many can occupy a great advantage.

Who knew that Lin Pingzhi would not take this trick at all.

Seeing the avatars rushing towards him one after another, he knew that he must not be surrounded.

So he stabbed the vampire blade into the ground, bent the fingers of his left and right hands, and flicked violently under the accumulated power.

The Six Meridians Excalibur shot out.


And because of his profound skill now, he supports Lin Pingzhi in shooting indiscriminately without money.

So there is the next picture.

Lin Pingzhi continuously shot out streams of internal energy, rushing forward like a gust of wind and sword rain.

It has an advantage in numbers.

Helian Ba ​​was taken aback, and hid among those clones, he didn't dare to get too close.

Seeing his avatars being wiped out one by one, he could only be forced to reveal his body and distance himself again, so that he could avoid the attack of the Six Meridians Excalibur.

As long as the distance is far enough and the reaction time is long enough, he will not be in any danger.


The ingenious trick just now was also resolved, and there was no way to get close to Lin Pingzhi.

"Six Meridians Divine Sword!"

Helian Ba ​​narrowed his eyes, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, you are too surprising, aren't you? Will this happen?"


Lin Pingzhi laughed disapprovingly, and said, "Helian Ba, weren't you crazy just now?

I want to see how much capital you have. "


Although Helian Ba ​​admired Lin Pingzhi, he didn't think he would lose.

Boundary already prevails.

not to mention.

Lin Pingzhi was forcibly improving his own skill, and this overdrawn style of play would eventually have a limit.

So Helian Ba ​​was not in a hurry, and said coldly: "Young Master Mingyue is well-deserved of his reputation, but this speed can't help me!"


The whole person rushed up again, and also cast the clone phantom to hide himself in the phantom.

the difference is.

This time he was faster and dazzling.

Even if Lin Pingzhi wanted to aim, he couldn't do it. Even if he predicted it, he would be dodged by the opponent.

In terms of speed, the two sides have opened up a notch.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes moved quickly, catching every movement of the clone, barely able to see clearly.

Now he has to distinguish which one is the main body.

At the same time, they attack randomly, thinking that they can always hit one or two by luck.


He didn't hit that much, he kept throwing out the Six Meridians Excalibur, and at the same time threw out the throwing knives around his waist.

Still didn't work very well.

Seeing the opponent approaching step by step, Lin Pingzhi had no choice but to give a certain method of disturbance.

So he used Lingbo Weibu to transform himself into a phantom, swaying back and forth on the scene.

"Lingbo microsteps!"

Jian Zun was already surprised from ear to ear, because Lin Pingzhi's tricks, if he took out any one, were all martial arts people's crazy skills.

I didn't expect him to be able to combine them into one.

Really envious.

"What a Lingbo Weibu!"

Helen Ba laughed wildly, but didn't take it seriously.

He now has an absolute advantage in speed, and also in number, quickly manipulating countless phantoms to approach Lin Pingzhi.

Crowded together, I don't believe you can still hide!

He sneered in his heart, put his thoughts into action, and quickly moved closer to the middle, squeezing Lin Pingzhi's moving space to a minimum.

Sure enough, it had a very good effect, and I saw that Lin Pingzhi had already bumped into several phantoms.

In other words, some shadows have already touched the traces of Lin Pingzhi.

Helian Ba ​​sneered, quickly figured out the law of Lin Pingzhi's movement trajectory, and immediately flipped his right palm, and made a fierce attack with his distracted palm towards the front.

"not good!"

Sword Master, who had gradually been able to keep up with the movements of the two people in front of him, felt that something was wrong and took a sharp breath.

"Young Master Mingyue, you cannot be hit!"

He shouted loudly to remind him that he sincerely wanted Lin Pingzhi to win the final victory at this moment.

After all, he is a grasshopper on a boat, and he still understands the reason why his lips are dead and his teeth are cold.

But it's too late.

He Tianba had mastered Lin Pingzhi's rules, first he shot with a few phantoms, then pointed his body at Lin Pingzhi's back, and shot out silently.


Accurate hit at last.

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