Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1262 God Helps Me Too


Helian Ba ​​snorted coldly, knowing that the other party was blaming him, blaming him for not considering her safety.

Forget it.

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, he is already invincible in the world, so why bother to be tied down by feelings?

Helian Ba ​​said indifferently: "Yu'er, don't regret the choice you made just now, when the time comes, I won't give you a second chance."

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Yuer agreed not to care anymore, and said, "Father, you forced me to make a choice, I hope you understand this."


Helian Ba ​​laughed wildly twice, very disapproving.

He folded his hands on his chest, looking down like a strong man, and said, "Yu'er, haven't I taught you to understand it all these years?

In this world the weak eat the strong.

Whoever can stand at the top is the strongest, and what he says is like an imperial decree.

Do you still want me to teach you this truth? "


Of course Bai Yuer understands this truth, but she also has the right to make her own choices.

Although this choice is likely to lead to death, she has no regrets.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Lin Pingzhi said softly beside him, giving enough care.

Bai Yu'er smiled warmly, feeling very warm in her heart, a warmth that had never been felt before, floating in her heart.

That feeling should not be too wonderful.


Helian Ba ​​only thought that Lin Pingzhi was farting, and he didn't pay attention to him at all.

It's all at this level, and you can still say such crazy words, which shows how ignorant you are.

He said disapprovingly: "Lin Pingzhi, now you are a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and you cannot protect yourself.

Who else do you want to protect? "

"is it?"

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, and asked Bai Yuer to stay by the side, and the battle between the men followed.


All kinds of magical powers in Lin Pingzhi's body began to function.

What Nine Suns Divine Art, Beiming Divine Art, Yi Jin Jing and Shen Zhao Jing are all in operation.

Immediately raised his skill by many levels, forcibly stretching his combat power at the moment.

Originally, his realm was in the middle stage of Wu Chi, but after experiencing the hard work just now, he has now reached the peak of Wu Chi.

The majestic internal energy roared non-stop around him, like a hurricane rising, lingering around Lin Pingzhi.

see this scene.

Helian Ba ​​was indeed a little surprised, thinking that his previous worries were indeed justified.

If he hadn't raised his realm, with the him just now, he might not be able to handle Lin Pingzhi with confidence.

After all, it has been consumed a lot, maybe it will be reaped by the other party.

It's a pity that God help me too!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Helian Ba's mouth, thankful that God helped him, and said: "It's really dangerous.

If I didn't advance today, I'm afraid I'd be trampled under your feet. Unfortunately, even the heavens are on my side! "


He let out a roar, and his mighty internal force slapped around like waves, catching everyone off guard.

I just feel like the gusts of wind are going to blow me down, which is very uncomfortable.

Helian Ba ​​said at the same time: "You may not know what it means to come to the Half-step Martial Saint.

I will tell you today! "

Say it.

Immediately started to act, the whole person disappeared in place, and ordinary people could not catch his whereabouts.

It looks as if it disappeared in place, ghostly and swift.

"not good!"

Jian Zun and others were taken aback, they had long heard that when they came to the realm of martial saints, their strength would improve by leaps and bounds.

I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. It's not a dimension at all. How should I fight?

In just the blink of an eye, Helian Ba ​​came behind Lin Pingzhi, showing a sneer.

He exercised his right hand, concentrated his inner strength on it, and struck out with a distracted palm.


Lin Pingzhi can perceive actions that others cannot perceive.

He stood motionless on the spot, and it took a little time to catch Helen Ba's whereabouts.

At this moment, he also felt that the other party was sneaking behind him, so he couldn't help but twitched his mouth and showed a sneer.

He didn't move at all, it looked as if he couldn't react at all, but he was really good at it.

"Helen Ba, do you think I'm as easy to deal with as other idiots?"

Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth suddenly, which startled Helian Ba, who was distracted for a moment.

Taking advantage of the opponent's surprise, Lin Pingzhi seized the opportunity, quickly pulled out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and slashed back.

Then there was another flirt.

The seemingly simple two moves, in fact, are the quintessence of the quintessence of the combination of the Miao family's sword technique and the Hu's family's sword technique.

This simple wave twice, in fact, whether it is timing skills or speed power.

They have all reached the point of perfection.

Only those with profound skills can see the profundity of it.

For example, Jian Zun frowned at that time, only then did he realize that Master Mingyue did not get his name in vain.

Just based on the simple counterattack just now, it is enough to see his profound skills and experience.

It's not like a young man.

Of course, Helian Ba ​​who fought against Lin Pingzhi could also feel it, and he immediately came to his senses after being surprised.

He frowned.

Being able to clearly perceive the essence of the opponent's suffering, he had to pull away temporarily.

Helian Ba ​​took several steps back again and again, sensing the danger, his body instinctively backed away.

This surprised him unceasingly. He didn't expect that he could feel the aura of danger. It seemed that he couldn't take it lightly.


Taking a deep breath, Helian Ba ​​put away his arrogance for the time being, and planned to wait for the winning ticket before holding on to his arrogance.

He has been able to get to this day step by step, of course, there are advantages and cautions.

How is it possible to make such small mistakes?

"What kind of trick was that just now?"

Helen Ba asked.

Lin Pingzhi didn't make a sound, just turned around to face Helian Ba, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he didn't intend to answer.

The sword master next to him couldn't help but said: "According to my knowledge, it should be the Miao family's sword technique and the Hu family's sword technique."

"I see."

Helian Ba ​​smiled, and praised: "Master Mingyue has learned the mastery of the two masters who use knives.

It's amazing, you have a lot of peerless magic skills. "

While he was still talking, Lin Pingzhi had already started, and quickly stretched out his right hand, drawing the strokes in the shape of a claw.

Helian Ba ​​only felt his body being attracted by an invisible force, forcing him to fly towards Lin Pingzhi.

"Capturing the Dragon!"

He immediately realized the opponent's tricks, and his body became excited accordingly. This is the sympathy between the strong.

"What a bright moon!"

He laughed wildly, and he didn't fall back like ordinary people to fight against the suction force.

Instead, he kicked his feet, using that force to speed himself up, and rushed towards Lin Pingzhi quickly.

Such a reaction was really courageous. Immediately, when he was about to approach, he flipped his palm and slapped a palm of distraction.

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