Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1264 White-hot battle


As a voice resounded, everyone present was a little desperate.

Jian Zun and others opened their mouths wide, not daring to look at the next scene.

Being hit by the palm of distraction, even if he could survive, his life would not be long, let alone the palm hit by Helian Ba, who was already a half-step martial saint.

The power is even more unusual.

"Ha ha!"

Helian Ba ​​laughed wildly, feeling that the victory was within his grasp at this moment, he retracted his shadow so as not to waste his skills.

He said: "Young Master Mingyue, the strength of the two of us is limited after all, if you play around, you can tell the winner with a single palm of my hand!"

After a pause, he said again: "Don't you have a lot of magic skills? I'll see how you deal with it next!"


Just when everyone thought the outcome had been decided.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly laughed out loud, and it was obvious from the sound that there was nothing serious about it.

He turned his head slowly, with a disapproving smile on the corner of his mouth, and even more contempt in his eyes.

"Helian Ba, your distraction palm is nothing more than this!"

In the end, he sarcastically made a sound, full of style.


Even Helian Ba ​​was taken aback, looking at the other party's still ruddy complexion, there were thousands of question marks in his head.

Why is he fine?


Sensing that something was a little strange, Helen Ba stepped back again and again to distance himself, feeling that everything was a little weird.

At this moment, he recalled the scene just now in his mind.

When he hit it just now, he did notice that there was an internal energy shield on the opponent's body, and he recognized it as the Beiming True Qi of the Beiming Divine Art.


At the moment of contact, hasn't that burst of Beiming's true energy been broken?

Beiming Zhenqi is indeed powerful, but in the face of absolute strength crushing, it will not have much effect.


Helen Ba couldn't figure it out.

But at the moment.

The skin on Lin Pingzhi's body gradually turned into a golden-bronze color, making it clear to everyone present.

"King Kong is not bad magic..."

Jian Zun was completely dumbfounded, he never expected that Lin Pingzhi would actually learn the indestructible magic of King Kong.

Isn't that too perverted?With both attack and defense, if you really want to talk about fighting alone, I am afraid that no one in the same realm is an opponent.

Even one level higher than that, you can make gestures.

At this moment, Sword Master understood why Lin Pingzhi was able to wrestle with Helian Ba, a half-step martial saint.

That's why.

The gap in realm can be made up by various unique skills.


At this moment, Helian Ba ​​gritted his teeth, felt a little bit of effort, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"As I said, distraction is nothing more than that."

Lin Pingzhi had a disdainful smile on his lips, and looked at Helian Ba ​​with contempt in his eyes, which can be said to be contempt to the extreme.

He is trying to use psychological tactics.


He has unique skills, but Lin Pingzhi also knows that there is no way to completely defeat Helian Ba ​​with these alone.

Some small tricks are also needed.


Helian Ba ​​is considered an old man, and he knows what the other party is planning.

At the same time, he recognized Lin Pingzhi in his heart, knowing that he could only take it down with all his strength.


He flicked the dust off his body, changed his attitude just now, and said, "Young Master Mingyue, I really didn't expect you to be able to compete with this old man to such an extent.

good!That old man will use [-]% of his skills to compete with you! "


Lin Pingzhi looked impatient, and said: "My lord has a lot of unique skills, let's see which trick you can stick to!"

"court death!"

Helian Ba ​​stared, and rushed towards Lin Pingzhi like a ghost again, this time even faster.

He didn't give Lin Pingzhi a chance to perform the Shattering Palm Stance, and rushed forward at a very fast speed, trying to catch him off guard.

Lin Pingzhi did not have time to perform Dugu Nine Swords' Broken Palm, but he did not panic either.

Seeing that the other party is coming towards him with distracted palm again.

With a sneer, he also pushed forward with his palm, and a chilly aura filled the air.

This level of weirdness can actually compete with distracting palms.


The two palms collided quickly, generating a powerful wave of internal force that shattered the floor under their feet.

"This is……"

When the two were in a stalemate, Helian Ba ​​recognized Lin Pingzhi's move: "The heart-destroying palm in the Nine Yin Manual!"

"As expected of you, I recognized you at a glance."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

"I really didn't expect that, as a well-known and upright son of Mingyue, he would practice such insidious martial arts!"

Helen Ba wanted to attack from a certain angle.

It's a pity that Lin Pingzhi doesn't follow this at all.

He was already shameless, so how could he feel ashamed?

But he smiled and said: "Helian Ba, you said these are useless to me, practice is one thing, how to use it is another matter."

"it is good!"

Helian Ba ​​chuckled, feeling even more excited.

Really met like-minded people.

At the beginning, he practiced distracting palm and clone phantom, two martial arts that were considered evil skills by the people in Jianghu, and he also learned it with this mentality.

What kind of martial arts you practice has nothing to do with how you behave.

It felt like meeting a bosom friend, the power that Helen Ba erupted became stronger and stronger.


As his skills increased, the palms of the two exploded quickly, causing both of them to retreat.

As for Helian Ba, he reacted quickly, and after stabilizing his body, he swooped up again, intending to seize this opportunity to give Lin Pingzhi a slap.

Even with the body protection of King Kong's indestructibility magic power, if you are hit continuously, you will definitely suffer internal injuries.


Helian Ba ​​could only think of this method to break through Lin Pingzhi's absolute defense.

call out!

He walked forward ghostly, and the series of actions just happened in the blink of an eye.

While Lin Pingzhi was still retreating, he slapped out again.

"Old guy, it's really insidious enough."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, he could naturally sense the opponent's movements, and while retreating, his eyes had already locked onto Helian Ba.

Step back.

He stretched out the index finger of his right hand, concentrating his skill on the fingertip.

A powerful internal force quickly condensed, and a small storm seemed to appear on Lin Pingzhi's index finger.

Followed by.

He poked his finger forward and aimed at Helen Ba's palm.

Breaking the palm with fingers is actually a very ingenious method. Lin Pingzhi adapts to the situation and uses the unique Yang finger.

"One Yang Finger!?"

Helian Ba ​​was taken aback, only felt the absolute penetrating power condensed on the opponent's fingers.

As a result, I accidentally hit the palm of my hand, and felt my whole arm tremble, numb.

call out.

He immediately withdrew his palm, and at the same time touched the ground with his toes, and retreated like a dragonfly.

Lin Pingzhi was so poor that he didn't chase after him, he didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, instead he stood where he was and slowly calmed down his internal strength.


Jian Zun didn't know what to say anymore, his eyes were full of light.

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