"Whether you can reap the benefits of being a fisherman or not, you have to fight to know."

Lin Pingzhi patted the dust off his body, he didn't pay attention to Helian Ba, instead he sneered.

In his opinion.

Just now he just used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and he was able to contend with the opponent for a while.

In fact, the opponent's strength has been tested.

Should be able to handle it.

Lin Pingzhi was quite confident about this point, so with a little bit of confidence, he said, "Helian Ba, who doesn't know himself, we will find out later."


Helian Ba ​​sneered, obviously not paying attention to Lin Pingzhi.

He looked down upon everyone present and said, "Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish!

Anyone who opposes me today, Helian Ba, will only have a dead end!

I will give you a chance, whoever openly expresses his side now will be able to survive! "

Learn about Soso.

There were whispers all around.


No one offered to take his side.

Everyone in Sword Forging City is a loyal person, even if they die, they will choose to be loyal to righteousness.

It is definitely not the generation who drags out an ignoble existence.

"it is good!"

Helen Ba sneered again and again, but didn't take it to heart.

Just right.

He can start a killing spree now, there is no need to worry about hurting his own people.

Now that Lian Chixue has rebelled, it is estimated that his adopted daughter Bai Yuer has also believed that she is the murderer of her father and enemy.

That being the case, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Helian Ba ​​spread his palms open, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and the inner strength in his body was vigorous, spreading towards the surroundings non-stop.

Even the floor under his feet was loose, and some small stones were suspended.

At this moment, he looked extremely domineering.

"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish! Today, this old man destroyed Sword Forging City with his own hands to let you know what will happen if you go against me, Helian Ba!"


The soles of his feet gradually started to lift off the ground, slowly levitating, and he actually used his internal strength to drag himself in mid-air.

It is conceivable how powerful the internal force is.


Only the strong can feel how terrifying he is.

Sword Master reminded loudly that he only hated himself for not having any fighting power now, but still needing protection.

He said to Jianxiong: "Jianxiong, it is not for you to take everyone else out of here.

Except for Young Master Mingyue, no one can compete with him! "

"Do not."

It is impossible for Jianxiong to leave, he wants to live and die with Lin Pingzhi, he said: "I won't leave."

Sword Master was silent, knowing that he was not qualified to say anything.

At this time.

Jianxiong ordered the four major sword envoys again, "Hurry up and carry the city lord down, and find a safe place to hide."


Although the four major sword envoys hesitated a bit, they did not dare to resist the order. After nodding, they walked towards Sword Master.

The sword master is still proud, it is impossible to escape like this, said: "Go away, as the city lord, how can I escape by myself at this time?"

"Don't whine about there, none of you can leave!"

Helian Ba's ears were callused, and he said: "The old man just said that everyone must die!"


While speaking, he quickly shook his palm.

Once the vigorous internal force is reached, it is just like this.

It exploded directly in the crowd next to it.


The crowd over there was blown to pieces in an instant, and many of them lost their bodies and their heads were in different places.


The screams were incessant.

Those who died on the spot were fine, those half-dead were the most uncomfortable, missing arms and legs, and the pain spread all over the body.

"Come on!"

Jianxiong frowned, and quickly asked them to retreat, this is not a battle they can participate in.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, it is better to go first.


The crowd began to disperse, and the other subordinates of Jianjian City fled in all directions without any nostalgia.

Jianxiong originally wanted to take his father away, but seeing the other party's stubborn appearance, he knew it was impossible and could only stay.

Sword Master said: "Young Master Mingyue, his avatar Phantom and Distraction Palm are both excellent martial arts.

Can't be hit.

Especially the palm of distraction, as long as it is hit, it basically declares that there is no hope of winning.

This palm can disturb the internal energy, if the foundation is not deep, it is likely to be killed on the spot. "


Lin Pingzhi responded casually, thinking how could he not understand this?

He looked at Helian Ba ​​indifferently, and said: "Helian Ba, you look like you think you are invincible.

I've seen people like you a lot, and they usually end up dead. "


Helian Ba ​​was very arrogant: "The old man really wants to know how he died, Mr. Mingyue, please give me a death!"

"I've never seen anyone like you before."

Lin Pingzhi was speechless: "I have never seen such a request from you in my life, it is really cheap."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Helian Ba ​​knew that he was no match for the other party's lip service, so he sneered and was about to make a move.

I saw him waving his palms non-stop, even closing his eyes to attack frantically, regardless of where he pointed.

Boom boom boom!

on the scene.

There was an explosion all around, and thick smoke billowed.

The stone fragments brought by the explosion scattered like fireworks, hitting people's bodies was painful.

Helen Ba now attacks indiscriminately because he considers that he no longer has any loyal subordinates.

No scruples.

Lin Pingzhi and the others kept dodging, consciously not being attacked.

at this time.

He suddenly saw that Bai Yu'er was in danger, but the silly girl was still collapsing and didn't notice at all.

no way.

Lin Pingzhi could only move over quickly, with a move of Lingbo and small steps, and came to Bai Yu'er in the blink of an eye.

Just when a palm print hit, Lin Pingzhi used his own body to help carry it off, and suffered a little internal injury.

But for him who has the Yi Jin Jing, it is too easy to heal, it only takes a few breaths.

Only then did Bai Yu'er come back to her senses, knowing what happened just now, she looked distressed and moved.

"Master Mingyue, why do you..."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly: "Nonsense, my woman, why don't I protect her?"


Bai Yuer was very moved, with tears in her eyes, as if she already knew what her answer was.

She wiped away her tears, raised her head, looked at Helian Ba ​​who was suspended in mid-air, and said, "Father, are you so indifferent about the life and death of God?"

Helian Ba ​​hesitated a little, he still valued his adopted daughter a little, and said: "Yu'er, now that you are on my side, we can still reconcile as before."

"no need."

Bai Yu'er shook her head with firm eyes, and said, "If it wasn't for Mr. Mingyue, I would have died at your hands just now, how can I look back now?"

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