Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1260 The Collapsed Yuer

"it is good!"

Helian Ba ​​had cleared Lin Pingzhi's determination now, and he insisted on going against him.

He doesn't care either.

What's more, finding out that he has reached the half-step Martial Saint is even more frenzied.

Helian Ba ​​said that even if Guan Yutian came now, he would not take it seriously.


The whole body was shocked, and even the floor was cracked, which can be said to be extremely overbearing.


He laughed wildly, the inner strength of his body lingered around like a hurricane, and he had already become the most beautiful boy in the scene.



Bai Yuer, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened her mouth.

In her heart, is she not as tangled as Jianxiong.

One side is my adoptive father, the other side is my lover, how should I choose?

She said: "Father, please spare Master Mingyue's life, Yu'er, please!"

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, and looked at Bai Yuer fondly.

From her point of view, all of this was a bit unexpected, who would have thought that it would develop to this extent.

Bai Yuer is not as tragic as Lian Chixue.

At least.

Helen Ba really treated her like a daughter.


At this moment, Bai Yu'er is very entangled. Seeing her two closest relatives going to a life-and-death duel, what kind of pain does she feel in her heart?

Lin Pingzhi understood this, but he couldn't change it. He said with a smile, "Yu'er, you can just watch it from now on. The ending can't be changed."


Helian Ba ​​said domineeringly: "Are you going to betray your adoptive father for a man?"

"Yu'er dare not, it's just...just..."

Bai Yu'er was very uncomfortable. She really didn't know what she could do at this moment, and felt very helpless.

"Then get out!"

Helen Ba was crazy.

Because he was promoted just now, he now has an aura of dominance all over his body.

I feel that everything in the world should be controlled by myself, and that all people should follow my own intentions.

Therefore, he became even more arrogant, and said: "Either, join hands with the foster father to kill this bastard, or, just get out of the way, don't do anything, don't get in the way!"


Bai Yuer looked at such a strange Helen Ba, and was in a daze for a moment.

Although that man is not his biological father.


I have always regarded myself as my own daughter.

Why is it different today?

Is it just because the strength has been improved?


Bai Yuer's heart was shaken.

Lian Chixue caught this very keenly, rolled his eyes, and said, "Sister Yu'er, haven't you seen his true face clearly?"

After a pause, Lian Chixue continued to organize the words in his mind, "He treated us with courtesy before because we were useful.

But now.

Helian Ba's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he thinks he is invincible, so naturally he won't rely too much on us.

It won't give us a good look.

You are so smart, how can you not see this? "

Bai Yuer was very confused and didn't want to admit this, but she couldn't find any words to refute it.

She clutched her head tightly, feeling distraught and not knowing what to do.

"Dead girl!"

Helian Ba ​​was furious: "If you betray, you betray, and you dare to sow discord here, don't you know how to die?"



With a wave of the palm, he made a palm of distraction.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi was right next to him, and immediately used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to neutralize the internal energy.

Lian Chixue is not worried, as long as Lin Pingzhi is by her side, she is not worried at all, full of sense of security.

"Sister Yu'er!"

Lian Chixue continued to attack, and came up with an excellent idea, saying: "There is something I actually knew a long time ago, but I didn't tell you after much deliberation.

Now I think I can tell you.

Your father is Bai Ting, the leader of the Shenhuo Sect, you know that.

But do you know how he died? "

Hear this.

Bai Yuer pricked up his ears, and looked straight at Lian Chixue: "How did he die? Wasn't he killed by Guan Yutian?"

"Oh, naive."

Lian Chixue immediately sneered, and said: "Do you just believe what Helian Ba ​​says?

In fact, the murderer is Helian Ba, he was the guy who gave Guan Yutian, and he used this set of rhetoric to brainwash you, making you work for him.

Really sinister, extremely vicious! "


Bai Yuer, who heard these words, seemed to be struck by five thunders, and she was dumbfounded.

She stayed where she was, and turned her head to look at Helen Ba, her adoptive father, in a daze, and asked: "Father, this is not true, you tell me it is not true."


Helian Ba ​​clenched his fist, of course he knew that Lian Chixue was trying to sow discord.

Just as he was about to explain, Lian Chixue beat him one step ahead.

Lian Chixue said: "Sister Yu'er, are you stupid? Will he admit it?

Any fool knows that he will definitely say something, what is the point of asking him?

These words were overheard by me, and they shocked me at the time.


Because Helen Ba was really kind to you and me at that time, so I didn't expose him.

Now that I see his true face clearly, I can no longer hide from you. In fact, he is your father-killing enemy! "


Bai Yuer raised her head to the sky and yelled, covering her ears tightly, not wanting to continue listening.

Just feeling broken right now.

"Practice Chixue!"

Helian Ba ​​knew that what he said now was useless, he stared at Lian Chixue firmly.

"You despicable and shameless bitch, you dare to slander me, today I will let you die!"

Say it.

He could no longer restrain the anger in his heart, and rushed towards Lian Chixue angrily.

of course.

Lin Pingzhi must have stood in front of him, with a sneer and disdain on his face.

The two sides are finally going to fight, Jian Zun reminded: "Young Master Mingyue, this guy's strength is no longer what it used to be, don't fight him head-on!

Go and hold the Lingshuang sword first, maybe there is still a chance. "

"Heh, do you think the old man will give you a chance?"

Helian Ba ​​sneered, knowing that Lin Pingzhi had to be dealt with first, and then he could slowly train Chi Xue.


Pointing the finger at Lin Pingzhi, he made a move with distracted palm.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Lin Pingzhi used the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, his powerful internal energy roared out, facing Helian Ba's palm together.

The internal forces between the two sides kept colliding.

But in this case.

Still Helen Ba is even better.

After all, there is an advantage in realm.

In addition, Lin Pingzhi only used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and did not use other inner skills.

In such a state, it must be incomparable, but within a few breaths, he was shocked back.

It took him a lot of effort to stabilize his body, but there was no solemnity on his face, and the situation was still calm.


Helian Ba ​​laughed wildly: "Lin Pingzhi, you want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, but you don't look at your own weight!

At this level, do you want to eat two in one bite?Really overwhelmed!No self-awareness at all! "

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