Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1259 Don't Love Jiangshan Love Beauty


Sword Master sighed, looking at his daughter with mixed feelings in his heart.

When a man is about to die, his words are also good.

Jian Zun began to look back at his life, he was so machismo, so arrogant and unreasonable.

He just found out.

All are self-inflicted.

His wife also died because of him.

And the daughter, because of her own likes and dislikes, has disguised herself as a man for so many years, and dare not reveal her nature.

sin sin.

Sword Master closed his eyes deeply, and suddenly smiled wistfully, not knowing what he meant.

"I really didn't expect that the young city lord is actually a woman. I really shocked the old man."

Helian Ba ​​sneered, as if he was watching a play.

Anyway, now his goal has been achieved.

The sword master at this moment has no way to pose a threat to him, and he feels that he has a chance to win.


Jianxiong burst into tears, knowing that today seems to be a corner.


She didn't want to die, so she looked at Lin Pingzhi pitifully, and said, "Young Master Mingyue, if you can help me resolve the crisis, I will be yours from now on."

The air suddenly quieted down.

The people of Jiancheng City, as well as Master Jian, listened to Jianxiong's pleading, even in a humble tone.

No emotion.


At this moment, Jianxiong has chosen his own responsibility, even if he pays, everything must be done to keep Jiancheng City.


Everyone's disdain disappeared instantly, and immediately turned into admiration.

It's not easy for a daughter to be able to carry an adult, let alone make such a deal.

"Sword Hero..."

Jian Zun blamed himself even more, it was all because of himself that he ended up like this.

"Ha ha."

Helian Ba ​​next to him sneered again and again, and said, "What a shameless fellow.

Jian Zun is a hero of the world anyway, how could he give birth to such a flirtatious daughter? "

He ridiculed endlessly, feeling very happy in his heart.

Then he said to Lin Pingzhi: "Young Master Mingyue, don't forget that we are here together.

Now that you are about to complete your respective goals, you don't want to go back on your promises, do you? "

"To shut up!"

Lin Pingzhi immediately cast a cold look over.

Looking at Jianxiong's appearance, how could he not feel distressed?

Who knew that Helian Ba ​​would still dare to ridicule and slander, and he was suddenly furious.

Angry as a beauty, Lin Pingzhi stared at Helian Ba ​​fiercely, and said: "You have no right to talk to me, let alone blackmail me!"


Helian Ba ​​sneered, at this moment he no longer needed to rely on Lin Pingzhi, and of course he would not give face.

After all, he is the overlord of one side, so he still has a temper.

He said coldly: "Boy, don't forget that Xue'er is my adopted daughter. If you want to be with her, just obey the old man obediently!"

"To shut up!"

Just when everyone thought that Mr. Mingyue was in a dilemma, they heard Lian Chixue scolding:

"Helian Ba, who has this kind of relationship with you? I'm just regarded as a pawn by you. Is it true that this girl can't see it?

I also had a showdown today, since I followed Mr. Mingyue, I only know that I am alone.

Helian Ba, I will never be manipulated by you in the future, and I will break up with you today! "


Helian Ba ​​had many surprises. He never thought that his loyal subordinate would betray him because of a man.


We've only known each other for a few days.

He couldn't believe it.

He said: "You dead girl, you actually did a fake show for real. You were only asked to seduce him back then. Did you really fall in love with him?"

"is it not OK?"

Lian Chixue's tone was very firm: "Young Master Mingyue is open-minded, always thinking of me.

You just want to use me. In this situation, I still don't know who to talk to? "


Helen Ba laughed wildly: "A bitch still wants to have human rights in vain? Laugh to death.

Practice Chixue.

Even if you follow him, you are just a plaything of his, do you really take yourself seriously?

This palace lord tells you that you are a dog's life in this life, and you can't change the ending with anyone! "


Lian Chixue was so out of breath that she trembled with anger.

Lin Pingzhi walked over and took him into his arms, saying: "A wild dog is barking, why do you take it seriously?"


Lian Chixue only felt the spring breeze blowing on her face, and instantly calmed down, not taking Helian Ba ​​seriously.

Helian Ba ​​was not angry when he heard that he was called a wild dog, after all he felt that he had a chance to win.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, "Young Master Mingyue, those who know current affairs are outstanding.

Don't ruin your future because of a few women. "


Lin Pingzhi sneered, and said, "My lord loves beauties more than country, and I don't need you to teach me what to do!"

Helen Ba sneered, and said: "Tsk tsk tsk, what a flirtatious and happy guy, but since you want to die, of course I don't have any objections.

Anyway, getting rid of you solves a future threat. "


Seeing his arrogant appearance, Lin Pingzhi also laughed a few times.

He shook his head: "Helian Ba, do you really take yourself seriously?

Why, judging from your tone, you seem to say that you have already won. "

"Isn't it?"

Helian Ba's tiger body shook, his eyes were full of killing intent.

His monstrous internal strength raged on the scene, as if there were waves of evil wind blowing.


Before everyone noticed that his inner strength was stronger, who knew it would grow so fast.

Lin Pingzhi understood that Helian Ba ​​should now know that his realm has reached the half-step Martial Saint.


There are not many people who can sense this on the scene.

Sword Master is one of them.

He realized that Helian Ba ​​had advanced, and the hope that had just been ignited was instantly extinguished.

He was also afraid that Lin Pingzhi would turn his back on what he said, and that the opponent's power would once again be on Helian Ba's side.

So he quickly took out the last straw: "Young Master Mingyue, I know the purpose of your coming here.

Just to prevent me from telling your secret.

My sword master guarantees with my own life and the reputation of Jiancheng City that I will never tell you about that matter.

Otherwise, there will be thunder and bangs!I just ask you to help me build Jiancheng through the crisis. "

Listen to Sword Master's sworn promise.

Lin Pingzhi knew that with his arrogance, he would never back down.


Even so, he might as well believe that a dead person would be happy, so he still planned to get rid of Sword Master in his heart.

of course.

Lin Pingzhi also knew that what Jian Zun said just now was just to prevent himself from choosing to stand by because he was afraid of Helian Ba's realm improvement.

at this point.

He would not, and said: "In this case, then I have nothing to worry about.

What's more, with Jianxiong around, how could I stand by and watch? "

Jianxiong's eyes were moist, and there were mixed feelings in his heart.

Jian Zun looked at his daughter and felt even more guilty.

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