Seeing Lin Pingzhi and Jianxiong fighting flirtatiously there, everyone present couldn't understand.

"Sword Hero..."

Jian Zun even thought that his son was better than Long Yang, and was a little dumbfounded for a while.

The rest couldn't understand it.

I thought to myself, what are you two big men doing here?

The words are still so intimate, could it be possible that they really fell in love with each other?

That's the biggest joke in the world.


Sword Master let out a roar, and the veins on his forehead were twitching violently at this moment.

The current situation does not allow any mistakes, so he was naturally furious, and said: "What are you doing? Kill that guy quickly, don't whine about it."

Jianxiong came back to his senses with a troubled look on his face.

She doesn't want to do that.

Even if I have this kind of thought, I don't have that kind of strength, and I feel extremely uncomfortable in my heart.

It was as if a knife was constantly scratching inside, and I was in pain every moment.

Lin Pingzhi remained silent.

His idea was to let Helian Ba ​​get rid of Sword Master, so that the relationship between himself and Jianxiong would not be too awkward.

There is still room for redemption.

Lin Pingzhi thought so, and also felt that Helian Ba ​​did have that kind of strength.

Should be able to solve Jian Zun.

of course.

It would be even better if both of them would lose out, and he would be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.


Helian Ba ​​next to him saw that Lin Pingzhi didn't want to help, and kept wasting time by the side.

He didn't think too much about it, thinking that Lin Pingzhi was only restrained by Jianxiong's feelings, and it was really difficult to become a master.

Helian Ba ​​looked at Sword Master with a sneer, planning to do it himself, and he also had that confidence in his heart.

He sneered: "Brother Jian Zun, in fact, it's okay to have a real duel between the two of us.

Why, is it possible that you are still afraid of the old man? "


Being provoked by the opponent, Jian Zun was furious.

of course.

He is still very calm, if he can bully the few with more, he will definitely bully the few with more.

It's just that the current situation doesn't allow it, so I can only bite the bullet and pretend: "Helian Ba, you are really shameless, it seems that today I must kill you!"


The internal force of the whole body began to explode continuously.

The Fierce Blood Sword in his hand seemed to burn with a layer of flames, enveloping his whole body.

It looks extremely magnificent, and in terms of visual impact, it gives people a powerful feeling.

Helian Ba ​​didn't take it seriously, as long as it wasn't Lingshuangjian, he was confident that he could handle it.

It was also the tiger's body that shook, mobilizing all the internal energy in his body, and he was very domineering.

Both of them can be regarded as top masters in the arena, and the battle between the two sides must be wonderful.

Sword Master considered that this place might be destroyed, so he suggested: "Helian Ba, I don't think it's necessary for the two of us to involve everyone.


We fight alone, whoever wins will stay and get this Lingshuang Sword.

how?This is already the greatest tolerance I have given. "

Helen Ba thought for a while, and there were fewer people on their side, so in the final analysis, they still had some disadvantages.

The request made by the other party is naturally beneficial to him, so he just nodded: "Okay, Brother Jian Zun, it is really a hero who sees the same thing, it seems that the two of us have to compete."

As he spoke, he shouted: "Xue'er Yu'er, step back!"

a shout.

Lian Chixue and Bai Yu'er withdrew.

The other people in Sword Forging City also retreated naturally. After all, they could hear what the city lord said just now, but they didn't agree with it.

They think that as long as they can fight, they can suppress each other in terms of numbers.

Even wheel battles can be won.

It's just that since the city lord has spoken, their subordinates have no way to disobey, they can only obey.

Knowing the temper of the city lord, they know that at this moment they cannot provoke or disobey.

"Then let's stop too."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Jianxiong.

Jianxiong didn't speak, but it was obvious that he breathed a sigh of relief.

She took back her sword and silently returned to the sword master, with her head bowed a little guilty.

Jian Zun didn't care about taking care of his son now, his eyes fell on Helian Ba.

It was really helpless to make the move just now, and now I can only pin all my hopes on myself.

It has to be said that he feels that this is more reliable, and it is better to rely on himself than to rely on the sky and the earth.

It is better to rely on yourself than anyone else.

"Helian Ba, let's go out to fight, it's not convenient here."

Sword Master said in a cold voice.

"it is good."

Helen Ba didn't think much, and after a sneer, he walked towards the exit.

The place was already full of people, and at this moment, everyone gave way to a road.

Lin Pingzhi and others also followed down the mountain, and came to a square not far below, which is relatively wide and very suitable for hands-on.

Both sides are ready.

On one side is the Palace Master of Sea Shark Palace, and on the other side is the City Master of Forging Sword City.

Both sides are well-known masters in the rivers and lakes, and at this moment they are going to have a life-and-death duel for a Lingshuang sword.

People on both sides sweated a bit, thinking that the strength of the two players on the stage was equal, and it was really uncertain who could stand in the end.

"Helian Ba, today you are deceiving too much, this old man will let you experience the tenth most knowledgeable Dragon Slash!"



He raised the fierce blood sword in his hand and swung it non-stop.

One after another, the sword energy criss-crossed, and in an instant, white light flickered on the scene, and the sword energy flew up, making people dazzled and even unable to open their eyes.

Surrounded by sword energy, even the sunlight was refracted, hitting everyone's eyes, as if sealing all vision.

His move of Riding Dragon Slash is extremely powerful, and every time he swings the weapon in his hand, he can make a roar like a dragon's chant.

True exaggeration.

I saw that the sword energy around Sword Master seemed to have gradually formed into a hurricane, and wherever it passed, it was extremely powerful.

The ground was scraped badly, as if it had been slid by the hunting claws of thousands of beasts, it became dilapidated.


Helian Ba ​​didn't take it seriously, naturally he had seen the opponent's tricks before.

"I didn't expect Brother Jian Zun to magnify his moves as soon as he came up. Well, the old man also gives you enough respect!"


He immediately cast the ghost clone, taking out all his unique skills, and not rectifying those fake ones.

I saw countless phantoms glowing around him, spreading in all directions, but the ultimate goal was Sword Master.

The phantoms that Helian Ba's avatar came out of, faced the countless sword qi oncoming, and used their palms to deal with it.

He clasped his palms together to catch the sword energy coming towards him, and he was able to catch it and break it.

There seems to be a tug of war between the two sides.

The sword master kept waving his sword energy, while Helian Ba ​​used his clone to deal with it, it just depends on who can't hold on first.

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