
Helian Ba ​​was also ready a long time ago, and said: "Brother Jian Zun, I haven't fought against each other for so many years, and I don't know if your strength has improved now.

I've long wanted to learn more about your Riding Dragon Slash. "

His palms began to brew, and his eyes were also full of killing intent.

This battle.

Someone on both sides must die first.

This is a battle of life and death.

Who wins.

Whoever can get the Lingshuang Sword can dominate the martial arts world and be famous all over the world.


But Jian Zun was not that stupid, he said: "Brother Helian, do you think I will confront you head-on?

Don't forget that this is my territory, I don't need to compete with you fairly! "


He reached out and snapped his fingers.

I saw a group of people rushed out of the outside quickly and surrounded the scene, all of them were vicious.


Sword Master laughed loudly: "Although you have found this place through the secret path, you are still the turtle in the urn.

What, do you still want to fight me? "

Jian Zun weighed it in his heart, he was unwilling to take risks at this moment, and he didn't want to do other superfluous things.

He planned to give a step down, and said: "If you leave now, I can let you go down the mountain without any blame.


Don't blame me for being cruel. "


Of course, Helian Ba ​​would not just give up all his previous efforts like this, he had already paid so much, and he had to fight for everything.

He sneered: "Brother Jian Zun, you say such a thing, it shows that you don't have much confidence in your heart.

That being the case.

So why don't I try it out? "


Sword Master had already thought of what the other party would say, and said: "Since you want to die, then don't blame me.

Get your hands on it! "


Everyone rushed forward.

Of course, Lian Chixue, Bai Yu'er and the others rushed forward to entangle with those guys.

for a while.

It can also be blocked.


After all, the strength of the two people is not very outstanding, in the face of a large number of people.

Will eventually lose.

Lin Pingzhi stood still at the same place, the main target was Jian Zun, and the others didn't pay attention at all.

I don't want to mess with them either.

"Master Mingyue, it seems that I still underestimate you a little."

Jian Zun didn't expect them to be entangled together, and instantly understood the meaning of Lin Pingzhi's coming.

His tone was cold: "I should have thought that you would kill me to silence me, but I didn't expect that you would join forces with Helian Ba."

"It may be a little late to realize now."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said, "You have my secret in your hands, so of course I can't let you leave alive.

Just like Baijian Villa, only the dead can make me feel at ease. "

"It turns out that the villa was killed overnight, and it was your hand @笔啦. I never thought that the dignified Mr. Mingyue would have such a bloody side."

Only then did Jian Zun realize that what happened before was all done by Lin Pingzhi.

And hear these words.

Even Helian Ba ​​looked at Lin Pingzhi with admiration.

Those who achieve great things must be ruthless.

He also thought that Lin Pingzhi was a kind-hearted person, after all, his good reputation had already been spread all over the world.


Never expected that he was also ruthless.

This made him feel even more that this child could not be left behind.


Maybe one day I will be counted.

"Master Mingyue, it seems our goals are the same."

Helian Ba ​​took the initiative to propose: "Let's work together to get rid of him now, the best of both worlds."


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"Xue'er, Yu'er, hold on for a while."

Helian Ba ​​commanded the people next to him, and then cast the Clone Phantom.

Shadows sprang out of him one after another, hovering in the entire space like a ghost.

It's dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, they rushed towards Sword Master from different angles, raised their palms and patted him.

The sword master is not a vegetarian either, he swung up with a move of riding a dragon, and the sword energy flew one after another.

Directly brushing away many shadows, temporarily ruled out the close threat, and stared at Helian Ba ​​coldly.

"Master Mingyue, why don't you make a move?"

I saw the people next to me standing still.

Helen Ba urged.

The reason why Lin Pingzhi is not moving now is because he saw someone.


Jianxiong did not know when he appeared at the entrance of the cave. At this moment, two eyes were staring at Lin Pingzhi.

It seemed a little disappointed, and even a little angry.

"Young City Lord."

Lin Pingzhi yelled, "I really didn't expect to fight you today."

"How can I be the opponent of Young Master Mingyue?"

Jianxiong sneered, obviously he was angry, he was speaking angry words.


The situation was already like this, she had no choice but to make a choice.

"Jianxiong, what's the matter with you?"

Jian Zun seemed to see a special connection between his son and Lin Pingzhi.


The conversation between the two will not be so complicated.

He immediately said: "Find a way to entangle him. If he and Helen Ba fight against me together, he will definitely die as a father!"


Jianxiong really had no choice but to agree.

She raised her sword and aimed at Lin Pingzhi, feeling very painful in her heart, said: "Let's fight, we are already enemies now, there is no need to show mercy to me.

Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky. "


Lin Pingzhi sighed, he really didn't think of this situation before, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Master Mingyue!"

Helian Ba ​​next to him was a little confused, and said, "You and him just met each other, what is there to be entangled with??

He is a good-for-nothing young city lord, not to mention you, even Xueer Yuer can defeat him.

Hurry up and get rid of him with one move, come and help, the enemy on my side is the toughest. "


Lin Pingzhi dealt with it casually, of course it is impossible to kill him directly.

He knew that the other party was a daughter, and he also knew that the other party had feelings for him.

How much I can't do it.

Moreover, Jianxiong, who is disguised as a man, is already so charming. I really don't know how beautiful she will be if she puts on a woman's clothes.

The lustful Lin Pingzhi naturally had no way to kill him.

He suddenly rolled his eyes and thought of a certain possibility, so he rushed towards Jianxiong immediately.

Jianxiong raises his sword to meet the enemy, but finds that the other party has no intention of getting serious with him, and has been playing tricks with him all the time.

Immediately burst into flames.

Feel insulted.

"Lin Pingzhi, you look down on people too much! A scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated. What do you want?"

Jianxiong roared.

Lin Pingzhi said softly, "How can you let me do anything to you? Even though we only knew each other for a few days.


There is enough time these days. "


Jianxiong was stunned, his heart was very moved, his eyes were already wet, he really didn't know what to do.

He couldn't even hold the sword in his hand.

The situation was too complicated. He had been pampered since he was a child, and he didn't know how to deal with it, how to deal with this kind of trouble.

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