"Can foster father win?"

Lian Chixue asked.

of course.

She wasn't worried about Helen Ba.

after all.

The heart of rebellion has already been born.

The other party just used her as a tool, so how could Lian Chixue work hard for him?How could he worry about his safety?


In his heart, he hoped that Helian Ba ​​would die, so that he would be safe and sound, and he would be able to leave Sea Shark Palace as a matter of course.

"Don't worry, foster father will never lose."

Bai Yuer was a little worried, after all, he was his adoptive father and his savior.

Lin Pingzhi next to him watched the battle between the two over there, staring intently.

In his opinion.

Sure enough, Helian Ba ​​is still slightly better, that old guy's strength is probably half a martial saint.

Maybe even Helian Ba ​​didn't notice it.

And Jian Zun is only the pinnacle of martial idiots, and it is indeed not bad to be able to persist until now.

If you continue to compare, you will definitely lose.

Unless something unexpected happens in the middle, there will be no accident.


Jianxiong also looked nervously at the battle on the field and squeezed his sweat tightly.

She wanted to help, but unfortunately the current situation did not allow it.

And as a daughter, her own strength does not allow it.

I can only watch helplessly, it is too useless to hate myself, why is it a woman to hate myself?

"Helian Ba, you die for me!"

Sword Master let out a roar, and countless streams of sword energy emanated from his Fierce Blood Sword.

It was as if a gust of wind was blowing suddenly.

That oppressive feeling.

It's really not something ordinary people can bear.

People around all stayed away, not daring to get too close, for fear of being affected, they might die on the spot.

"it is good!"

Helian Ba ​​sneered twice, and it could be seen that the other party was already planning to burn the boat.

This full blow was already his last swan song.

In order to give enough respect, Helen Ba also went all out.

I saw that he combined the clone phantom with the distracting palm, and each clone used the distracting palm.

The power is even greater.

Bang bang bang.

The two sides are still fighting non-stop, and the contest between sword energy and avatars has come to an end.

The fluctuation of internal force on the scene was like a vast ocean, making people shake.

It's like the waves of the sea, pushing everyone around them totteringly, and those whose foundations are not stable are even more unable to stand.


In the eyes of everyone, Helian Ba ​​and Jian Zun stepped back at the same time.

However, the former took three steps back, while the latter took three more steps. Obviously, the winner has already been decided.

Blood dripped from the corners of the mouths of both of them, and their faces were even more solemn. They both knew that it was more difficult to kill each other.

If you really go all out, it will only be a result of losing both sides.


But Helian Ba ​​was obviously more excited, and said with a sneer: "Brother Jian Zun, it seems that you have already lost."


Of course Jian Zun refused to admit it, and said: "It's just two steps back than you, what's the air there?

Let's do it again! "


Helian Ba ​​could see that the opponent was trying to be brave, he laughed wildly, and pointed to the sword in his hand.

"Brother Jian Zun, your hand seems to have been injured."

He pointed out: "Exercise Dragon Slash continuously, I'm afraid your elbows can't hold on anymore."


As soon as Jian Zun gritted his teeth, the other party really saw it, and his face was serious immediately.

He really can't hold on now.

The hands have reached their limit.

Continuously performing his strongest blows not only consumes a lot of internal energy, but also puts a heavy burden on the body.

If he continued to fight, he would not be able to unleash the powerful attack just now.

However, look at the other side.

Sword Master couldn't see anything unusual about Helian Ba, maybe it just consumed some internal energy.

In fact, the winner has already been decided, he just doesn't want to admit it, and feels that it is a bit embarrassing.

"Brother Jian Zun, you are still the same as before, you will suffer for your face."

Helian Ba ​​patted himself on the shoulder, flicked off the dust on his body, and said: "Continuing to fight will not change the result.

You have indeed lost, in my opinion, it is better to hand over the Lingshuang Sword to others.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of having no firewood. As long as your foundation is still there, you will be able to rise sooner or later. "

"wishful thinking!"

Sword Master was furious, and it was impossible to hand over the achievements they had made over the years.

Not admitting defeat.

Picking up the Fierce Blood Sword in his hand, he rushed forward again, forcefully performing Riding Dragon Slash, regardless of whether his arms could support it.


He can no longer exert the same power as before, and the power of the move at this time has been greatly reduced.


Still able to make Helian Ba ​​use his full strength.

It takes full strength for a lion to fight a rabbit, how could Helian Ba ​​not understand this truth.

of course.

It's true that he's coping more easily now.

And there's not much danger either.

It can be said that basically there will be no surprises.

As time went on, both sides were a bit exhausted.

The sword master could not stand anymore, he managed to hold on to his fierce blood sword, and managed not to fall down.

His whole body was drenched with sweat and he was out of breath.

Although Helian Ba ​​was not feeling well, he was still able to stand upright, still holding his head high.

He laughed wildly: "Brother Jian Zun, I told you a long time ago, don't sacrifice your face and suffer.

Now that you look like this, how can you still fight with me? "

"Stop it!"

Jian Zun stood up again with his own willpower, recalling the past in his heart.

When his father passed on the position of city lord to him, he asked him to carry forward the city of Jianjian.

For so many years.

He has always remembered this matter, and thought that he could finally fulfill his father's last wish.

Didn't expect this to happen again.

Really unfilial.

Taking a deep breath, Sword Master closed and opened his eyes, as if he had already made a plan to die.

He knew that he might not be able to completely defeat Helen Ba, so he planned to do his best.

As long as both sides suffer, the side of Forging Sword City can still gain the upper hand.

When the time comes, leave it to Jianxiong to clean up the battlefield and help him become the new city lord.

It can be regarded as fulfilling his duty.

Sword Master already had the idea of ​​seeing death as home, so he suddenly recovered.

At this moment, he was fearless and had a calm face, staring at Helian Ba ​​coldly.

Helian Ba ​​could feel that the person in front of him was slightly different, and couldn't help frowning.


He saw that the other party planned to die with him, and felt a little apprehensive in his heart.

So he shouted to the side: "Master Mingyue, can you help me?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled, of course it is impossible to do such a thing, and said: "Senior Helian, can't you see that I am not free? I am entangled with this young city lord, and I have no time to care about other things, and I can't help you It's a helping hand."

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