After finding the tunnel, Lin Pingzhi and the others immediately opened the bed board and quickly turned into it.

Inside is a lengthy passage, extending obliquely upwards, apparently leading to the top of the mountain.

They kept advancing inside with torches, and they didn't encounter any organs along the way, which was a relatively lucky thing.

But right now.

As they walked hotter and hotter, they found that there was no road ahead.

"what happened?"

Bai Yuer was a little surprised. According to her memory, there should be a way ahead.

They stopped and looked.

It was discovered that the wall in front was the latest to be blocked. It should be that Jian Zun blocked it secretly just in case.


Helian Ba ​​was most anxious, clapping his hands on that wall, feeling very unwilling.

The other party seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and unexpectedly came such a move, which can be regarded as blocking their way forward.

How to do this?

Helian Ba ​​anxiously said: "If it's really not possible, we can only rush up from the front.


Be sure to hurry. "


Turning around and walking back, it can be seen that I can't wait.

After all, he was the one who was really anxious.

He wanted to get the Lingshuang Sword, but the others didn't have much desire.

The main thing is that you can't get it at all.

Lin Pingzhi stopped and said, "Although this place is blocked, it's not that there is no way out at all."

He stepped forward, touched the newly built wall, and said: "Although it is blocked, it should be possible to break through by force.

It has just been built, so it shouldn't be too sticky. If you give it a try, you still have a chance. "

"how is this possible?"

Lian Chixue was a little surprised: "This is a wall after all, there is nothing we can do about it, how much strength would it take?"

"Try it."

Lin Pingzhi explained patiently: "And I think that if we break through from the front, the probability will not be too high.

The other party knows that we must have laid a net here.

That mountain is also a difficult ground to attack. If we forcefully break through, we will only suffer serious injuries. "

"What Master Mingyue said makes sense."

Helian Ba ​​was still able to remain calm for the time being, and said: "This is indeed the truth, I think, let's try it a little bit.

If it really doesn't work, let's break through from the front, and then we can only fight with our backs. "


The crowd nodded.

Afterwards, they all used their own palm techniques, poured out all the strength in their bodies, and slapped the wall with a slap.

I saw that the wall in front of me trembled a bit, but it still stood in place without any cracks.

"It doesn't seem to work."

Helian Ba ​​was a little anxious, he didn't want to try anymore, and wanted to break through from the front.

But Lin Pingzhi said: "I was already moved just now, and then we just need to work hard."


Start to perform the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, this move can enhance your power and maximize your strength.

Practice to the highest level to have the power of ten dragons and ten elephants.

He didn't believe that there was no way to break the wall in front of him at this level.


Start working.

Without waiting for other people to shoot with him, he slapped it out instantly.

Terrible things happened.

I saw that when Lin Pingzhi slapped his palms on the wall, a dent was instantly made.

Then the cracks began to spread towards the surroundings, and the wall showed signs of collapsing.

Such a scene left everyone around stunned.

Helian Ba ​​was even more surprised, and said: "Is this the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu?"

"Senior Helian, you are indeed well-informed, you know everything."

Lin Pingzhi retracted his palms, wiped the dust off them, and said with a smile.

"Okay, as expected of Young Master Mingyue."

Helian Ba ​​laughed very satisfied, and said: "I have long heard that this Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu can exert the power of a dragon and elephant, and the effects it exerts are boundless.

When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation. Mr. Mingyue really possesses unique skills, and he can do anything. "

That being said, he had already started to feel apprehensive in his heart.

Originally, he planned to let Lin Pingzhi live for a while, so that he could make more use of it and do something for himself.

But who knows.

The more he got along with each other, the more frightening he found the other party, and the more he felt that he couldn't keep it.

Keeping it will only pose a greater threat to yourself.

Helian Ba ​​had already made up his mind, after killing Jian Zun later, he would kill Lin Pingzhi.

"Work hard together."

Lin Pingzhi urged everyone to work hard and go to the battlefield as soon as possible.

If everyone doesn't unite, gather all their strength, and hit the wall in front of them in an instant.

The walls already had cracks.

Under this combined blow, it collapsed directly, revealing the winding road ahead.

Everyone was ecstatic, and continued to grope forward with torches. As they walked forward, the stones on both sides of the tunnel became fiery red.

It's clearly coming.

Then there is another tunnel extending upwards, and it seems that they have come to the mountain.


Inside the cave.

Looking at the Lingshuang sword that was about to be completed in the pool, the sword master couldn't wait.

I feel that the fire sword in my hand is no longer fragrant.

He threw the sword in his hand into the pool, and muttered: "Lingshuangjian, you should absorb the essence of other swords, so that the power will be even greater."


Just at this time.

The molten iron in the entire sword practice pool began to boil, as if there was a flame burning underneath.

This is a sign.

A sign that Lingshuang Sword is about to be completed.

Jian Zun's face was full of urgency, it was hard to see him so excited.

But right now.

Suddenly, a group of people rushed out of the nearby tunnel.

Naturally, it was Helian Ba ​​and the others.

Seeing that the Lingshuang Sword hadn't fallen into the other party's hands, Helian Ba ​​finally felt relieved.

He laughed: "Brother Jian Zun, you really are guarding this place.


Such a good thing will appear soon, why didn't you notify me, brother?

Is it that mean? "

"Helen Ba!"

Jian Zun was a little surprised, he didn't expect the other party to be able to find this place.

He saw Bai Yuer standing with him again.

This came to my mind.


Jian Zun said in a cold tone: "It turns out that Bing'er was arranged by you, I really underestimated you, Brother Helian."

"I am over-flattered."

Helen Ba sneered: "In that case, let's get straight to the point. I am also very interested in that sword, brother. I wonder if brother Jian Zun can give it to me? I will definitely be grateful to Dade in the future."

"Stop it!"

Things have come to this extent.

The sword master didn't care too much, and immediately tore his face: "Helian Ba, I know what you are thinking, but if you want to take this sword away, first ask me if I agree!"


Another person handed over a raging fire sword, and began to brew the internal strength of his body, wanting to fight the opponent to the death, his eyes were full of killing intent.

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