Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1232 Heading to Sword Forging City

Hu Hu Hu.

The flame giant on Lin Pingzhi was burning with flames all over his body, raising the surrounding temperature.

Others looked at the scene in front of them with surprise, even a little stunned.

No one thought of it.

Lin Pingzhi has actually drawn inferences from one instance.

It was the first time for Helian Ba ​​to be so surprised. He thought to himself that he did not invest wrongly.

This time, it can be said that it has made a lot of money, unexpectedly picking up such a big treasure.


In the future, he must be wooed well, and he must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy, otherwise he will be the biggest threat.

"it is good!"

Baili Qu'e next to him was very excited, his eyes full of appreciation.

A gratified smile appeared on his face, and he said: "Young Master Mingyue, you are really a rare martial arts prodigy.

So, can you show me what's next? "


Lin Pingzhi agreed to the other party's request, closing and opening his eyes while keeping the posture just now.

The internal force on his body began to transform, and was gradually enveloped by strands of thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the flame giant on his body began to change, its color changed from red to blue, and the flames also turned into thunder pillars.

Isn't it Thunder God's Wrath?

"it is good!"

Baili Qu'e had now completely believed what Lin Pingzhi said, and his excitement was a little exaggerated.


You can really take the other party as your apprentice.

But when I think about it carefully, I really don't seem to have the qualifications.

Really want to talk.

He felt that if he fought with the current Lin Pingzhi, he might not be sure of victory.

So he dismissed the urgent thought in his mind.

After all, you have already chosen to withdraw from the arena, so don't get involved in those things anymore, and don't get involved with people in the arena.


After thinking about this point clearly, he calmed down and said, "Young Master Mingyue, you are really a rare talent.

I congratulate you. "

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, his face was full of complacency, he put his hands down, and withdrew his inner strength.

He clasped his hands together and thanked: "Thanks to the teaching of the seniors, Lin is here to thank you."

"It's all your blessing, it's all your good fortune."

Baili went to evil and said: "Master Mingyue doesn't need to thank you, just remember to do good deeds and accumulate virtue in the future."


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

But it's just a perfunctory look.

Want him to do good deeds?

I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, after all, he is a person in the rivers and lakes, and after all, he wants to stain his hands with blood for the sake of profit.

There's no way it's that perfect.

So he was just perfunctory and perfunctory, and didn't take it seriously.

next to.

Yan Zangfeng had already gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and his heart was full of jealousy.

He never expected that the other party had already thrown himself so far.

He just felt extremely ashamed and ashamed, turned around and left with an ugly face.


Baili Qu sighed evilly, and said, "Yan Zangfeng, after all, he's still a bit young.

If he is jealous now, I am afraid that his achievements in the future will not be too high. If he cannot pass this test, he will not be able to become a great talent. "

Helian Ba ​​expressed that he didn't care, and now he has completely focused on Lin Pingzhi.


He laughed, clapped his hands, and congratulated: "Congratulations, Mr. Mingyue, you have learned the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will. I am afraid that you are now a rare opponent."

"That's true."

Lin Pingzhi was not humble at all, and said: "It is indeed difficult to meet an opponent, but I am afraid it will be a bit difficult to deal with you people of the previous generation."


Helen Ba continued to laugh, a little surprised that the other party was not humble.

It feels a bit out of character with him.

But he didn't care, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, I really admire you very much.

If you are free in the future, you must come to the Sea Shark Palace. "

"tell you later."

Lin Pingzhi didn't agree or refuse, and let his appetite hang on before talking, making him anxious.


Look at the sun has come out, it will not rain today.

He was about to leave, and said: "It's getting late, I think there are still some things to deal with, so don't bother me too much.

Senior Baili, thank you for your guidance, I will remember your instructions, and do more good deeds in the future. "


Baili Que nodded his head, but he seemed to be worried, so he called Lin Pingzhi to the other side.

He reminded: "Young Master Mingyue, please forgive me for talking too much, but try to stay away from Helian Ba ​​as much as possible in the future.

That guy is not an ordinary person. If you get too close to him, you will be calculated. "

"Thank you senior for reminding me."

Of course Lin Pingzhi would pay attention, saying: "I will remember the teachings of my predecessors, and I will not partner with him."

"Well, then you go."


Lin Pingzhi left Juechan Temple and continued to Zhujian City.

On the other side, in the Jue Chan Temple, Lian Chixue just woke up, feeling particularly satisfied.

At this time, her face was rosy, which was completely different from the previous light red.

You can tell it has been moisturized at a glance.

"Xue'er, thank you for your sacrifice."

Helian Ba ​​smiled and said: "It seems that our investment is not wrong this time, that guy is really talented."


Lian Chixue nodded and didn't say much.

Helian Ba ​​only thought that the other party was still sad, so he didn't take it to heart, and said: "Don't worry, I will make it up to you, and you will be indispensable when I succeed in playing."

"it is good."

Lian Chixue answered simply, and then said: "Palace Master, his next stop is Jianzhu City, which is the same as our destination."

"it is good!"

Helen Ba laughed when he heard the good news: "It's really God helping me.

Then let's hurry over there too, if I can get the Lingshuang Sword, my strength will definitely be improved to a higher level! "

"it is good."


Leaving Juechan Temple, Lin Pingzhi rushed to Zhujian City non-stop and bought a fast horse so that he could speed up.

Walking and asking along the way, I have found the general direction.

He continued walking, only to feel that the further he walked, the temperature became hotter and hotter, as if he had come to the Flame Mountain.


He knew that it was not too far away from his destination.

After walking for another day or so, I saw a volcanic mountain range in front of me, and my whole body was red.


The destination has arrived.

He went immediately, came to the mountain gate, showed his identity and purpose, but was turned away.

"Young Master Mingyue, we don't know each other!"

The guard's tone was cold: "Our duty is to let those who should go in and keep those who shouldn't go outside.

Boy, if you want to find something, I advise you to also look at this place.

Be careful you lose your head. "


Looking at those arrogant guys, Lin Pingzhi's eyes gradually became cold.

It is true that the heart will not die until the Yellow River, and the coffin will not cry.


Then let them experience their own strength and see if they are qualified to go in.

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