Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1233 The Jealous Sword Master

Just when Lin Pingzhi was about to force his way in.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect the people from Sword Forging City to be so rude. The visitor is a guest, and they are so rude and won't let them in.

Are there any more rules?

If you don't understand, let Sword Master come out, he knows how to welcome us! "

Lin Pingzhi turned his head to take a look.

It turned out to be Helen Ba.

There are Lian Chixue and others behind him.


Seeing Lin Pingzhi smiling happily again, Lian Chixue felt a little shy remembering the madness of last night.

"Helen Ba!"

The gatekeeper could tell at a glance that the other party was Helen Ba, and instantly felt something was wrong.

They were whispering.

One of them immediately went back to report.

The rest of the people still didn't intend to get out of the way, and said: "I'm sorry, Palace Master He, we have important matters here recently, so it's inconvenient to receive guests.

Only if the old man of the city lord agrees. "

The important thing is that of course it is Lingshuangjian.

Helian Ba ​​came to Lin Pingzhi and greeted him with a slight smile.

Then he looked at the watchdogs blocking the way with a serious face, and said, "Very well, it seems that you don't know how to write dead characters."


Shoot out.

One person was knocked over in an instant, and the person vomited blood and died without even struggling.

The other two people saw that the other party was so strong, they naturally backed away in fear.

at this time.

The Sword Master appeared, and a burst of sword energy flew towards Helian Ba ​​in an instant, but he didn't intend to hurt anyone.

Sword Master must of course maintain his dignity.

If someone comes to provoke you, it must be clearly arranged.

If you don't get back a little face, how will you mess around in the future?

If this matter gets out, wouldn't the Jianghu people laugh at him?He was blocked at the door and beaten, but he didn't fight back.

"Jianzun, I thought you wouldn't come out."

Helian Ba ​​looked at the scratch on the ground, and knew that the person who came was Sword Master.

Except for him, no one can display such power.

He smiled and said: "The people you sent to watch the door have poor eyesight. Why, don't they know how to adapt to the situation?"

"Brother Helian, people like me don't understand the rules, so don't blame me."

Sword Master also smiled, of course he knew the purpose of the other party's coming here.

Don't you just want Lingshuang Sword?

It is also a pretense that it is here to hand over martial arts.

Why are you so hypocritical.

Wouldn't it be enough to directly state the purpose?

Sword Master set his gaze on Lin Pingzhi again, remembering the previous agreement.


The previous news has spread.

Has the Tianxiahui been disbanded? If so, it seems that there is no need for him to help.

"I really didn't expect Mr. Mingyue to come here."

Sword Master walked down the stairs step by step, holding the Fiery Sword in his hand, and took out sparks one after another on the stone slab.

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly and said: "My woman is still here, of course I have to come over to meet her.

Does the previous agreement still count?I don't know if Senior Sword Master still keeps his word. "

"of course."

Jian Zun said as a matter of course: "This old man has always agreed to other people's requests.


It seems that Mr. Mingyue has no chance for me to make a move. The Tianxiahui has already been disbanded by you. Do you still need me to make a move? "

"Although the Tianxiahui is gone, Xiongba is not dead yet."

Lin Pingzhi said: "If someone hadn't made a move, maybe we would have lost.

Next, if he wants to deal with that old guy, he still needs the help of Senior Sword Master. "


Jian Zun was a little surprised.

In fact, he felt a little strange before.

With Lin Pingzhi's strength, there is no way to compete with Xiongba.

Is it because someone came to help?

Who is that person?

To be able to help Lin Pingzhi win the Tianxiahui, one can imagine how terrifying his strength is.

"That guy is still alive."

Sword Master pulled the topic away and said: "Since that's the case, then feel free to ask for help in the future."

"It turns out that the two of you have known each other for a long time."

Helen Ba watched from the side, a little surprised.

Do you think it will affect your plan?

But after careful observation, it can be found that there is no friendship between the two parties.

The conversations were all very indifferent.

If we really want to talk about the relationship, it may be because there are some ulterior transactions between the two parties.

But it's definitely not an emotion.

Lian Chixue, who was behind, heard that Lin Pingzhi had a woman here, and was a little jealous at that time.

But it didn't take long to get used to it.

After all, it has already been spread in the world, and there are more than two or three women beside Mr. Mingyue.

If you can't accept it now, what will you do in the future?

She pouted and glared at Lin Pingzhi with a little jealousy.

"Several people have come from afar, please come and sit inside, let the old man do the best for the host."

Jian Zun invited them all in, and asked them to serve good tea and wine to entertain them, which is considered to have fulfilled their duty.

At this time.

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, a dignified beauty came out.

very young.

Those who didn't know thought it was Jian Zun's daughter.

But everyone knew that Sword Master had only one son, so everyone looked at the visitor curiously.

Only Helian Ba ​​and the others knew that this person was Bai Yu'er, who was also from the Sea Shark Palace.

Seeing his young and beautiful wife coming out, Jian Zun stood up with a smile and introduced to everyone.

"Everyone, this is my wife, Bing'er."

Only then did Lin Pingzhi realize.

The person in front of him is Bai Yu'er, Helian Ba's adopted daughter.


Helian Ba ​​pretended not to know him, and put on a very surprised expression: "Jianzun, you are so lucky.

At this age, he was able to marry such a beautiful lady.

It is really envious of others. "


Jian Zun is very happy, it is of course good to be recognized by others, and it is also good to be blessed by others.

Lin Pingzhi also praised: "Senior Jian Zun, I really want to make everyone happy."

But Jian Zun remained vigilant, after all, he knew that Lin Pingzhi was just a fool.

He is also about the same age as his wife, so if he is not careful, he might be snatched away.

So he just smiled and didn't reply.

And this moment.

Bai Yuer had already noticed Lin Pingzhi, and she actually looked at Lin Pingzhi differently, thinking that Lin Pingzhi was too handsome.

Couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Afterwards, he actually asked Sword Master again: "City Master, I know that these are all people from the Sea Shark Palace, but why have I never seen this young master?"


Jian Zun was a little unhappy, feeling that his wife seemed to be attracted by Lin Pingzhi.

He explained lightly: "This is the famous Master Mingyue, the leader of Fuwei Escort Bureau."


Bai Yu'er was really interested: "It turns out that Your Excellency is Young Master Mingyue."

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