Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1231 I Have Learned

That night, in order to celebrate his great achievement, Lin Pingzhi fought with Lian Chixue again.

It didn't end until morning.

As the sun shines through the window, Lin Pingzhi is in good spirits. He glanced at Lian Chixue who was still sleeping soundly, and didn't go forward to disturb him.

He put on his clothes and went out, ate some vegetarian food, and met Helen Ba.

"Master Mingyue, did you sleep well last night?"

Helian Ba ​​stepped forward to greet him with a meaningful smile.

Of course he knew what happened last night. Looking at Lin Pingzhi's smiling face, he knew that he must have been charmed.

There were constant surprises in my heart, and I thought in my heart that being able to master this character in front of me would definitely help me achieve great success.

"Thank you senior for your concern, I slept well."

Lin Pingzhi replied with a smile, he was really in a good mood.

Helian Ba ​​deliberately asked again: "I don't know where my Xue'er has gone, she disappeared last night."

"It should be to secretly practice."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly, and didn't get too entangled with him here.

of course.

He must be clear that the other party asked this question on purpose.

I thought I didn't know anything.

In fact, Lin Pingzhi already knew everything, didn't Helian Ba ​​just want to control himself?

It's really fantastic.

Too many people are playing tricks on him.

But the result?

The result is that nothing was fished, but a self-conscious grave.

Lin Pingzhi thought that the person in front of him must be no exception, and he would feel better when he went to Jiancheng City.

Just when he was about to leave.

He heard the sound of hands and feet coming from the yard next to him.

But it didn't sound like they were fighting, they should be teaching martial arts.

Lin Pingzhi and Helian Ba ​​walked over to have a look.

Sure enough, Baili Qu'e and Yan Zangfeng were there.

"Brother Baili, have you been guiding others so early?"

Helian Ba ​​smiled and greeted, and glanced at Lin Pingzhi next to him, wanting to see his expression.

Baili Qu'e is currently instructing Yan Zangfeng to learn the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will, but he didn't expect someone to come over.

She smiled a little embarrassedly: "There is no way, his talent is not as good as that of Young Master Mingyue.

I can only help him through the back door. "

Hearing these words, Yan Zangfeng frowned instinctively.

He also heard the words that he was not as good as Young Master Mingyue.

Thinking of Lin Pingzhi's proud face yesterday, he felt disgusted in his heart, and secretly vowed that he must surpass him, and let this so-called Mr. Mingyue know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

So he smiled and said, "Host, I think I've practiced almost.

Vulcan's anger is almost mastered, or, I'll try it now, you can palm the eye. "

"it is good."

Baili Quxi nodded.

But Helian Ba ​​was a little surprised when he heard this sentence, and said: "Why, has Yan Zangfeng already mastered Vulcan's Fury?"

He is a little worried.

If the opponent really learns this trick, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome to deal with in the future.

He really didn't think of it.

The other party's talent is not bad, actually in this short day and night, he has mastered the second style.

Today's young people are really scary.

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

You can tell what Yan Zangfeng is thinking.


He will slap himself in the face after all.

"Vulcan Fury!"

Yan Zangfeng clasped his palms together, as the temperature inside the air began to rise.

All the internal energy in his body surged out, and it turned out to be burning around the surroundings like a flame.

Immediately afterwards, those flame-like internal forces began to rise towards the sky.

In the end, it condensed into a flame giant, which looked extremely domineering and angry.

This move has indeed been mastered by Yan Zangfeng, but the essence has not yet been used.

However, it was enough to satisfy Baili Qu'e, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"I didn't expect you to master it so quickly. It's really rare."

He praised it.

"Thanks for the pointer."

Yan Zangfeng put away his internal energy and thanked him.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at it indiscriminately, and Lin Pingzhi's eyes were full of complacency.

As if to say: "See, I am the most powerful one."

"Master Mingyue."

Baili Que seemed to feel ashamed, and called Lin Pingzhi and said with a smile: "I told you yesterday that I want to teach you the Four Elephants of Heaven's Will.

How about I guide you now?

Your talent is excellent, you learned Fengshen's Wrath just by reading it yesterday, I think, you should be able to learn all of them in a few days. "

"No need."

Lin Pingzhi refused, and shook his head with a smile.

Baili Que thought that the other party was angry, so he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

He just said that out of guilt.

In the end, seeing Lin Pingzhi's attitude, it seemed that he had to teach him.

It was as if I had taught Yan Zangfeng secretly, and I was a little sorry for him.

He was slightly disappointed, sighed and said: "Young Master Mingyue, it seems that you are not a perfect person."


Lin Pingzhi guessed that the other party must have thought wrong, and said with a smile: "Senior Baili, I think you may have misunderstood me.

I mean you don't need to teach it, I have figured it all out. "


All the people present were surprised, or did not believe what Lin Pingzhi said at all.

No matter how good the talent is, there is no need to exaggerate to this extent.

Already self-taught?

It's kind of unbelievable.

Baili went evil and said: "Young Master Mingyue, I don't seem to understand what you mean when you say this."

"Lin Pingzhi, don't talk big here."

Yan Zangfeng stood up and said: "I know you are jealous that the host favors me, can you be more generous?

Don't be so small-bellied like a bitch. "


Lin Pingzhi glanced at Yan Zangfeng, and thought to himself that you are the one with a small belly, and treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

He didn't respond.

He just said to Baili Que: "I am not lying, I have indeed fully mastered the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will formula, senior.

In fact, the principles are similar, but the attributes of each formula are different.

As long as you can understand the principle of conversion, you can master it and learn from it. "

"Okay, then Young Master Mingyue might as well give it a try."

Baili Quexi asked Lin Pingzhi to perform.

To be honest, he still doesn't believe what Lin Pingzhi said.

How could it be that exaggerated? !

Everyone understands the truth.


Really want to put it into practice is not just talk.

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi saw that the other party still didn't believe him, so he planned to show it.

He clasped his hands together, and a wave of scorching internal energy surged out, gradually condensed on his body, and then stretched towards the sky.

In the end, it quickly condensed into a flame giant, which seemed to be more perfect than what Yan Zangfeng had mastered, and it had reached the level of being able to move freely.


All the people present were surprised and opened their mouths wide to see the scene in front of them.

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