Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1214 The Attraction of Bonds

"When it comes to building weapons, of course Sword Forging City is better."

At this time.

Bu Jingyun, who was next to him with an indifferent face, suddenly said, "I learned from Xiongba that a Lingshuang sword is being forged over there."


Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly and said, "You know quite a lot.

It's just that it's not for you.

That is the most yin and cold sword, it is not of much use to you, you are not very compatible. "

"I still don't understand why you help me with this."

Bu Jingyun looked up at Lin Pingzhi with doubts and vigilance.

Combined with Lin Pingzhi's cruelty along the way, he felt that the other party wanted to use him to achieve a certain purpose.

For example, like those guys who died, they want to use their own blood to forge swords.

"What, are you afraid?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, with a sinister feeling.

But who is Bu Jingyun?

Naturally, he was not afraid, when he saw Lin Pingzhi's face, he sneered and said, "I'm afraid it's not Bu Jingyun, who walks the rivers and lakes and fights with his life?"


Lin Pingzhi smiled and didn't say any more. It was indeed such a truth, and he couldn't refute it.

Have a very clear understanding of this arena.

Immediately afterwards, the two stopped talking, but at this moment, they suddenly heard a burst of boiling sound.

It's like boiling water, but it sounds much more majestic, very turbulent, and like ocean waves.

Combined with what a place here is.

Lin Pingzhi and Bu Jingyun quickly deduced that this should be the fire in the sword casting furnace and the molten iron.

Those things complement each other to form this sound, which sounds very strange.

"It does look like it's almost done."

Lin Pingzhi sneered, ready to take action, just at this moment the sky was slowly darkening, and it was about to enter the night.

He intends to go out and find out.

Bu Jingyun was silent, suddenly seemed to be attracted by something, immediately went out the window, and went straight in a certain direction.

There was no warning in advance, probably due to the fate with Peerless Sword, he went straight away.

The front is where the sword is cast.


Lin Pingzhi was attracted by his weird movements, so he didn't ask any more questions, and immediately followed, wanting to go up to find out.

As a result, the more I walked forward, the temperature was getting higher and higher, and I was sweating from the heat all over my body.

In the end, beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, as if he had come to the Flame Mountain.


Lin Pingzhi immediately realized that the place ahead should be the place to forge a peerless sword.

Sure enough, Bu Jingyun and this sword are still the most compatible, it is cheaper than that brat, since there is such a fate.


He vaguely heard the sound of fighting in front of him, so he guessed that something must have happened, and quickly moved forward.

Immediately afterwards, fireworks shot up into the sky. Lin Pingzhi didn't think that some people were celebrating.

It should be that the guards sensed the danger and immediately sent out an emergency signal. It is estimated that a large number of people will come over later.


After seeing those signals, the people in the villa immediately became vigilant, took up their weapons, and rushed towards the most critical place.

At the front is a Mediterranean-like man, fierce and vicious, he is the owner of this villa, nicknamed Sword Demon.

He is also a person who is very obsessed with swords, especially worshiping Dugu Qiubai, so he also calls himself a sword demon.


Most people in the world don't agree with his title, who said that there is already a better person?

The Sword Demon led his men and immediately went to the Sword Forging Pool, frowning tightly, praying in his heart that no accident would happen.

For this peerless sword, he put in too much effort, and even pinned his happiness for the rest of his life on this sword.

As long as he forges this peerless sword and hands it over to Aotian, he will be recognized by Mrs. Ao.

At that time, his sword demon will be able to hug the beauty back, and his wish for decades will be able to come true.

Don't be surprised at this time.


Sword Demon yelled.


Lin Pingzhi quickly followed Bu Jingyun and found that the other party was fighting with several men.

It can't be seen that those people are the ones who guard the peerless swords. They are all vigorous and strong, and they are indeed not ordinary disciples.

They all carried two swords on their backs, but they didn't plan to draw their swords at this time, but used their palms to compete with Bu Jingyun.

"How dare you look down on people!"

Bu Jingyun was furious, thinking that the other party was looking down on him, so he immediately used the Cloud Dispelling Palm.

However, this place is a hot place, most of the water has evaporated, so his palm technique is not very powerful.

Cloud palm.

If we want to talk about the principle, it should use the water molecules in the air to move, the wetter it is, the more powerful it will be.

In this arid place, there will naturally be restrictions.


He didn't hit the opponent very hard with this move, it just forced the opponent to take a few steps back.

"Cloud Pai Zhang, that's not the case!"

Those people sneered, disapproving, and then continued to join forces to besiege it, with the intention of underestimating the enemy.


Bu Jingyun's face turned hard, and he picked up a dead bamboo next to him, and immediately used his sword eight moves, soaring upwards with a fierce attack, catching his opponent by surprise.

The guards were greatly surprised. Among the messages, didn't Bu Jingyun only know how to Paiyunzhang?

When did he only learn swordsmanship?

Moreover, this sword technique looks quite powerful, and the angle is so tricky that it is difficult for people to avoid it.

Before, he underestimated the enemy and was careless, but now he was caught off guard again. Those guards didn't react for a while, and they were quickly thrown to the ground.

There are wounds all over the body, some serious.


One by one was very unwilling.

Bu Jingyun dropped the dead branches, didn't bother to continue to take care of these guys, and continued to follow some special guidelines.

And Lin Pingzhi came to those injured guys, gave them a slap, and sent them to the west.

This is like Lin Pingzhi's style.


Sensing the movement behind him, Bu Jingyun looked back and sneered, but he didn't take it seriously.

He already knew what kind of person Lin Pingzhi was, so he wouldn't be too surprised.


The two came to a cave, which was surrounded by dry rocks and the temperature was very high.

There were bursts of heat waves coming from inside, and it was obviously where Jianchi was located.

"How did you find it here?"

Lin Pingzhi asked curiously, and at the same time kept up with the opponent's speed and followed behind.

The main reason is that there are some labyrinth-like designs in the cave to play another layer of protection.

So Lin Pingzhi followed Bu Jingyun, believing that this guy could get out of the maze.

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