Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1213 Ruthless People Do Ruthless Things


Jian Tan was dumbfounded, didn't realize what was going on at all, and felt his throat was very cool.

It was only later that I realized that there was an extra cut in the neck.

Blood spurted out wildly, he covered his neck, and fell down extremely unwillingly.


Before he died, he was still staring at Lin Pingzhi, full of anger.


Bu Jingyun smiled: "I didn't expect Mr. Mingyue to do things so well, it's really surprising."

Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously, and said: "How can we deal with big things if we are not ruthless?"

"Let me ask you, you can just take him with you, why did you kill him?"

Bu Jingyun was puzzled.

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, with a scary expression on his face: "Which one do you think is easier, bringing a person or a drop of blood?"

Bu Jingyun fell silent and said no more. At this moment, he knew exactly what kind of person Master Mingyue was.

On the surface, the spring breeze is beautiful, but in fact he is a ruthless person.

of course.

He doesn't care, nor is he interested in exposing anything in front of people in the Jianghu, and it has nothing to do with him.

The two continued to move forward, and met Aotian on the way.

He came to deliver a letter to Bu Jingyun.

in order.

Of course, he collected Bu Jingyun's blood to create his own peerless sword, but he didn't expect that the other party would come here on his own initiative.


There is also a young master Mingyue by his side.

Aotian felt that something was wrong, and said: "I didn't expect that Mr. Mingyue is quite well-informed, and he took the initiative to bring someone here."

"Why, does the Young Master not welcome me? Don't forget the agreement we made before."

Lin Pingzhi's tone was hard to figure out, and he stared at Aotian with a strange expression, which made the other party feel puzzled.

"Young Master Mingyue, there seems to be something in your words."

He didn't take it seriously, and thought to himself, could it be that he was exposed?


Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly again, took out a wooden box from his bosom, and dangled it in his hand.

Aotian was puzzled, and said: "What is this? Could it be that you still want to give a gift to the owner of the young village?"

"of course."

Lin Pingzhi answered, and said: "I know why the Young Master came here this time, you have already contacted Jian Tan, presumably Bu Jingyun also came here on his own initiative.


Are you going to find Duanlang next?No, I've already brought it to you. "


Aotian frowned, otherwise he thought of something and was shocked: "Could it be his blood in it?"


The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth curled up in a strange way, and he immediately went straight to the point: "Master Aotian, for convenience, I killed him specially and brought his blood to the appointment.

Thinking that this should be a little easier, I don't know if the young owner thinks my approach is right? "

Aotian frowned, feeling that the matter had been revealed, and said: "Of course I can't judge what Master Mingyue does.

Then I do not talk about it. "

"Then do you know what Duanlang said before he died?"

Lin Pingzhi suddenly asked this question.

Caught Aotian a little off guard, he didn't know how to answer.

See him silent.

Lin Pingzhi took the initiative to say: "He said that someone revealed a secret to him, the secret of Wushuang City."

With hints to this extent, Aotian can understand it no matter how stupid he is, which is a little surprising.

But he didn't panic, he just smiled to ease his embarrassment, and said haha: "I just let him keep his mouth shut.

Mr. Mingyue, I will apologize to you first, and then I will make a proper apology when I arrive at my villa.

Don't worry, there will never be a next time. "

"No no no."

Lin Pingzhi waved his fingers, refused to accept the proposal, and said sinisterly: "For me, dead people are more trustworthy.

Your mouth can't be more reliable than a dead person's, this is the style of my son. "


When Aotian heard it, his face darkened, and he understood what the other party was thinking.

Want to kill people.

He sneered: "Lin Pingzhi, don't be shameless, do you really think that everyone in the world respects you as Mr. Mingyue, so you are really invincible?

Today, my son will teach you a good lesson. "


Pulling out the sword in his hand, he wanted to stab it.

Lin Pingzhi stood still, and said to Bu Jingyun beside him, "Bu Jingyun, do you want to try your current skill?"

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

Bu Jingyun was willing to accompany him, and immediately jumped up, with both palms brewing, he slapped out with one palm, catching Aotian by surprise.

Aotian was taken aback, now it was too late to turn the blade, and immediately got a slap on the chest.


He vomited blood and fell to the ground, dying and very weak.

Bu Jingyun withdrew his hands, holding his hands in front of his chest with a blank expression, obviously no interest.

For this contest, he didn't have any sense of accomplishment, so it shouldn't be too easy.


Lin Pingzhi stepped forward shaking his head and sighing: "Master Aotian, you are really a playboy.

Why, dare to speak big words with such ability?Not even self-knowledge. "


Aotian is still arrogant, said: "Do you dare to kill me?"


Lin Pingzhi was almost amused, and said: "Master Aotian, to be honest, you really don't have any self-knowledge."

"Do you dare to kill me?"

Aotian didn't believe it, and repeated what he said just now, thinking that the other party was just bluffing, just trying to scare himself.

next moment.

Lin Pingzhi stopped laughing, his face was cold, he stretched out his hand to grab Aotian's neck, and immediately cast his dragon claw hand.


Only the sound of bones breaking could be heard, and Aotian's neck was twisted instantly, and he could not rest in peace.

Let go of his hand, Lin Pingzhi wiped the opponent's body expressionlessly, feeling a little dirty, and said: "He really doesn't know what to do."

"Don't waste time, let's go quickly."

Bu Jingyun urged.

The two got on their horses together and headed towards Baijian Villa.


Came to the villa.

The housekeeper warmly entertained him, knowing that it was Mr. Mingyue and Bu Jingyun who came, so of course he wanted to do his best to be a landlord.

after all.

One side cannot be offended, and the other side is the target of this time, no matter what, they cannot be allowed to escape.

It just made him wonder.

Calculated according to the time, Sword Greed should come sooner, why is it still missing?

Instead, Bu Jingyun, who hadn't been notified beforehand, arrived first.


Where did the young master go?Did you go to notify Duanlang?

Should not be ah.

Bu Jingyun and Duanlang are both members of Tianxiahui, they should go together, why did they come one by one?

The housekeeper didn't understand the strange thing, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He helped the two of them settle the room, and then went to work on his own affairs.

Resting for a while in the room, the two obviously felt that the temperature here was a bit unusually high.

"It looks like it should be done soon."

Lin Pingzhi muttered.

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