Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1215 The Peerless Sword

"I don't know."

Bu Jingyun replied truthfully: "I was suddenly attracted by something just now, and I couldn't wait to check it out.

Now getting closer and closer, the whole picture of the object in my mind gradually emerged.

It was a sword, a unique looking sword. "


Sure enough, as Lin Pingzhi guessed, he smiled slightly, probably this is the bondage, it is destined that the peerless sword belongs to Bu Jingyun.

The two stopped talking, and continued to walk forward, and soon walked out of the maze and came to a wide place.

Unexpectedly, there is such a place in this mountain. It looks quite wide, and there are several stone pillars in the middle.

And in the very center.

It is a huge sword refining pool, with many swords stuck in it, and it is now reddened by the molten iron in the pool.

Each sword is surrounded by steam smoke, which looks extraordinarily different.

The most distinctive one was the sword in the middle. The other swords were all burnt red, but this one remained unmoved and was still black.

It looks so bright and textured.

And this sword was locked by three thick iron chains, as if afraid that it would escape.

"that's it!"

Bu Jingyun could tell at a glance that it was a peerless sword, exactly the same as the one in his impression.

Of course Lin Pingzhi also recognized it, and said: "They should have called someone over just now.

It's not too late, you should take out the sword first, lest you have to grab it when you get it, it's so troublesome. "


Bu Jingyun smiled, naturally wishing for it.

And Lin Pingzhi also took out the blood of Duanlang and Jianguan that he had collected, and handed it to Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun caught it, cut a hole in his palm, fused the three bloods together, and threw it towards the peerless sword.


this moment.

It seemed that the whole cave was shaking, and the peerless sword in the middle started to sparkle, as if the devil had opened his eyes.

The sword began to tremble, and a miraculous thing happened. The molten iron in the entire pond began to boil.

The other swords around turned into ashes in an instant, as if all their souls had been sucked out.


Just at this time, the sword demon had already brought someone over, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being shocked.

The expression on his face also changed from the nervousness just now to joy. Judging from the situation, the peerless sword has been forged.

But what he didn't understand was why all the processes could be completed only by Bu Jingyun alone.

Could it be that that guy has collected all the blood of the other two people?

For this moment.


No matter what he does, the Sword Demon doesn't care anymore.

As long as things work out.

He laughed wildly, took off his cloak, and said, "Bu Jingyun, you really saved me unnecessary trouble.


Could this young man be the famous Master Mingyue in the world?What a coincidence. "

Lin Pingzhi ignored him, and looked at the people brought by the other party, they were all local chickens and dogs.

But the strength of that sword demon is not bad, since it is also a master of transformation, it is indeed remarkable.

"For such a great help, the old man will naturally treat me well. Please go out and drink tea."


Bu Jingyun sneered: "I came here to grab the peerless sword, there is no need to beat around the bush."


The Sword Demon didn't take it seriously, and looked at Lin Pingzhi next to him, and said, "Could it be that Mr. Mingyue came here for this?"

"Why, didn't your apprentice explain the situation? If it wasn't for me, how could you get the Wushuang Sword? How could you complete all the processes?"

Lin Pingzhi asked back.

The sword demon chuckled, pretending he didn't know anything, and said, "Master Mingyue really knows how to joke, why, you want to use this kind of thing to threaten the old man?"

"never mind."

Lin Pingzhi didn't intend to continue entanglement, looked at Bu Jingyun and said: "Okay, then you can solve it yourself."

Bu Jingyun kept silent, jumped up, and wanted to get that peerless sword, but the excessively high temperature made him shy away, before touching it, he felt unbearably hot.


The sword demon smiled: "You can't take it away if you give it to you for free. Do you think that human beings can resist such a high temperature?"


Bu Jingyun gritted his teeth, looked at his fallen skin, and felt that something was not right.

Next to it, Lin Pingzhi looked at a mechanism next to him dully, picked up a few stones and threw them at random.

Organ touches.

I only saw the molten iron in the entire pool, and it disappeared in an instant. It turns out that there are many holes designed at the bottom, which can seep all the molten iron into the ground.

This time.

The temperature in the cave instantly felt much cooler.


Seeing that the situation was wrong, the sword demon immediately jumped up, blocked Bu Jingyun, and rushed towards the peerless sword first.

"Master Mingyue, you are really smart, but this sword belongs to this old man."

He took the lead, and quickly rushed towards the peerless sword, wanting to take it for himself as soon as possible.


Bu Jingyun didn't agree, he brewed his two palms, and struck out with a move of Paiyun Palm. Although the power was not very powerful, the sword demon didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and temporarily avoided its edge.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Pingzhi used Lingbo Weibu without warning, quickly came to Peerless Sword, and directly uprooted it.


The peerless sword was born, and the whole air was flooded with sword energy, as if the sky and the earth had changed color.

"Good sword!"

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help blurting out that it was indeed a good sword.


The sword demon wanted to scold his mother, but he thought Lin Pingzhi would not make a move, so he missed him.

"Lin Pingzhi, hand over what is in your hand, and I will spare you! No matter how powerful you are, don't forget that this is the Sword Worship Villa."

He threatened with words, and the veins on his forehead popped.

Of course Lin Pingzhi ignored it, looked at the other party with a half-smile, and then said slowly: "Okay, anyway, I don't care about it, you can take it if you want it."


He actually threw out the peerless sword, and everyone around looked in disbelief.

Because no one would have thought that someone would let go of such a peerless weapon, so how stupid is he?

After being dazed, Sword Demon and the others came to their senses.

It turned out that he didn't throw it to himself, but to Bu Jingyun.

The sword demon went up to grab it, but it was too late now, and he could just watch that peerless magic weapon fall into Bu Jingyun's hands.

It immediately made him furious.


It was rare to hear Bu Jingyun laugh so happily.

No wonder.

This is a huge bargain.

He quickly started to dance, feeling a little strenuous at first.

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