Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1209 Who's fault

After a flurry of ups and downs, a systematic voice sounded in Lin Pingzhi's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for conquering Kong Ci, rewarding skill for 5 years."

Lin Pingzhi was delighted in his heart, gently stroking the beauty in his arms, feeling that his life had reached its peak.

At this time.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door.

It turned out that Nie Feng and the others came over.

After those guys woke up, they immediately came to look for Kong Ci.

I also know that what I did just now is really a little sorry, so I want to come over and apologize.

Wanted to come over and explain.


They pushed the door open and saw this scene.

The whole person is stupid.

Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and Qin Shuang all froze in place.

No one could believe their eyes.

How could Kong Ci sleep with this person?


To be honest, even Lin Pingzhi was taken aback. Did these guys come in without knocking?

Usually too rude.

Kong Ci was startled awake by such a movement, and covered his face with a quilt, feeling very complicated in his heart.

She clearly loves the three people in front of her.


Now it belongs to Lin Ping alone.

"Kong Ci..."

Of course Bu Jingyun was the most excited, everyone knew that this guy cared about Kong Ci the most, but he saw a scene that made him unacceptable.

It is even more uncomfortable than the one you love marrying your brother.


His eyeballs seemed to be bursting with flames, he stared at Lin Pingzhi firmly, and tightly clenched his fists.

next moment.

He rushed straight up and raised his fist to kill.

Nie Feng and Qin Shuang next to him hadn't reacted yet, and there was no time to stop them.


With Bu Jingyun's current strength, there is no way to wrestle with Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi just waved his hand lightly, and a terrifying internal force instantly flew out, directly knocking the latter into the air.

However, he didn't use any force, he just forced his opponent to move for a while.

Bu Jingyun retreated repeatedly after being beaten, and forced himself to stabilize his body, feeling extremely unwilling.

Not only is he inferior to his opponent in terms of strength, but even in terms of women, he is completely defeated.

"Master Mingyue, what are you doing?"

Nie Feng also stood up and spoke for his senior brother Yun, frowning and said: "Why do you take the love of others?

Even if Kong Ci does not belong to my Senior Brother Yun, he is still my unmarried wife.

How can you do such a thing? "

Lin Pingzhi didn't panic at all, with a calm expression on his face, instead he said with a bit of sarcasm: "How dare you say that?

Can't remember what you just did? "

"That is!"

Nie Feng's people just wanted to explain, but when the words came to their lips, they still felt a little ashamed to say them.

A guilty look appeared on each face.


They also knew how much they had done just now, using the girl's wedding to complete their revenge.

A little selfish, a little too cruel.


The three of them also understood why they had encountered such a situation, but they were a little unwilling after all.

Especially Bu Jingyun.

He stood a step forward, lost the hostility just now, and began to call out to Kong Ci who was under the quilt:

"Kong Ci, listen to our explanation, things are not what you think."

"no need."

When Kong Ci's voice came, there was actually some indifference.

As if to sever ties with everyone present.

It couldn't help but make the hearts of the three people tense, and the feeling of guilt grew even more spontaneously.

Kong Ci continued: "No matter what the reason is, you cannot do such a thing.

Forget it.

I don't care about you, anyway, everything has already happened.

As you can see, I am now a member of Mr. Mingyue, he treats me very well, don't worry, I will be fine in the future. "

"Kong Ci..."

Bu Jingyun took another step forward, obviously extremely unwilling, with a look of anxiety on his face.

He who has been expressionless all year round is so excited.

Even his seniors and juniors felt a little distressed.

But Nie Feng still put a hand on Bu Jingyun's shoulder to stop him, didn't speak, just shook his head.

Say you can go back.

Bu Jingyun lowered his head with a sad expression.

In the end, he raised his head and looked at Lin Pingzhi firmly, as if he was threatening.

"If you dare to betray her, I will never forgive you."

After speaking, he turned and left angrily.

Nie Feng glanced at Lin Pingzhi, hoping that he would be kind to Kong Ci, and then follow Bu Jingyun.

So did Qin Shuang.


Lin Pingzhi let out a long breath, and also got into the bed, saying: "Kong Ci, don't worry, I will treat you well."


Confucius nodded happily.

The two stayed in bed for a whole day.

That night, Lin Pingzhi got up, and it was time to take care of other things.


Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are also about to embark on a journey, starting their own journey of wandering in the rivers and lakes.

Lin Pingzhi found Nie Feng and said, "Brother Nie, where are you going next?"

"I want to go to my hometown, Sichuan, and go there for a stroll."

Regarding what happened before, Nie Feng didn't take it seriously, and felt that everything was his own fault, which caused this, and he should not blame others.

He was still calm and peaceful, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, goodbye Jianghu, I hope we can meet again in the future."


Caressing the blood drinking mad knife in his hand, as if he could feel his father's breath.

At this time.

Both of them sensed that there was someone behind them, and when they looked back, it was Bu Jingyun.

Anger suddenly a little embarrassing.

Bu Jingyun glanced at Lin Pingzhi, no conflict broke out, walked forward, put a hand on Nie Feng's shoulder:

"Junior Brother Feng, there will be a time later."

"Senior Brother Yun, there will be a date later."

Nie Feng said.

The two looked at each other with deep feelings in their hearts.

Qin Shuang also came.

These three brothers grew up in Tianxiahui, and their relationship can be said to be difficult to part with. They are not real brothers, but better than real brothers.

"There is a long way to go, take care all the way."

The three said goodbye to each other, and said goodbye to Lin Pingzhi one after another, and then left one after another.

"I said, do you have to choose to go out at night?"

Lin Pingzhi was a little speechless.

Nie Feng laughed, and said: "I just dealt with everything, and I don't want to stay in this ghost place no matter what happens during the day or night."

After finishing speaking, he performed lightness kung fu and left.

But Lin Pingzhi called out Bu Jingyun alone, and said: "Bu Jingyun, you are still not reconciled, are you?"


Bu Jingyun frowned, and said: "Lin Pingzhi, don't think that you are more powerful and can bully others casually."


Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly, knowing that the other party had such a bad temper, and said: "Bu Jingyun, I'll give you a chance to improve your skill, and next, Baijian Villa will create a peerless sword.

If you get him, you may be able to improve.

This sword is by no means inferior to the Dragon Slaying Sword and Yitian Sword. "

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