Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1210 Killing Duanlang


Hearing this sentence, Bu Jingyun instantly became interested.

The supreme treasured sword of the martial arts slays the dragon, commands the world, and no one dares not to obey, relying on the sky to come out, who will fight for the front.

At the beginning, there was such a saying in the world.

As long as you can get the dragon sword and Yitian sword, you can command the entire Central Plains martial arts.

One can imagine the magic of these two swords.

As a result, there is now a much better sword, superior to Yitian Sword and Tulongdao.

How can you not be interested in this Bu Jingyun, how can you not want to own it?

After experiencing those things before, he fully understands that only when he is really strong can he be able to do whatever he wants.


Turning around regardless of face, he looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, "Why did you tell me?"

"Well, let's make up for it."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.


Bu Jingyun turned around proudly, feeling that it was very shameful, but he had to accept it, and said, "One day I will pay you back, you don't owe me anything."


Lin Pingzhi smiled and didn't continue to say anything, but suddenly remembered something, which is the condition for making a peerless sword.

In addition to needing the Wushuang sword, he also needed the blood of someone who was obsessed with swords.

in the original book.

In addition to Bu Jingyun, there is also Jian Tan who is about to appear, and the last one is Duanlang.

speak up.

The kid who has no conditions all the time, shouldn't he take the opportunity to slip away?

"Cutting off the waves?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

Just as Bu Jingyun was about to turn around, he stopped and said, "I wanted to kill that kid, but Nie Feng refused.

let him go. "


Lin Pingzhi sighed and knew that there was a certain relationship between Nie Feng and Duanlang.


Just when he was feeling regretful, a slight curve suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That's right.

He felt that the guy Duanlang hadn't left yet, he was around, there is a way to heaven, you don't want to go.

Hell has no door to break in.


Sensing the opponent's existence, Lin Pingzhi immediately performed Ningbo Micro Steps, turning into afterimages one by one, and precisely locked the position of Duanlang.

Then he was lifted from the roof of an attic.

It turned out that this guy was eavesdropping.

"It's you!"

Bu Jingyun looked indifferent: "You guys are still not leaving? Do you think you have lived too long?"


Duanlang was proud, wanted to eavesdrop on some secrets, but unexpectedly got caught.


Still shouldn't do these little tricks in front of Lin Pingzhi.

He raised his head proudly, without fear, and said: "Why, the world is not your territory.

I want to sleep here, can't I? "

"It's a refreshing reason."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, speechless, but in a good mood.

Originally, he still suffered from the lack of Duanlang's blood, so he couldn't let the peerless sword be born. Isn't this coming to his door?

What a nice guy.

At this time.

Duanlang suddenly thought too much, thinking that Lin Pingzhi caught him just wanting revenge and getting some information.

after all.

It was he who told Dugu Jian the news about Wushuang City, and it was he who made Dugu Jian go to the Tianxiahui.

Duanlang knew that Lin Pingzhi had stayed at Hulong Villa, so he naturally thought that Lin Pingzhi had all the news.

He smiled and said: "Master Mingyue is worthy of being Mr. Mingyue, he has a very keen sense of perception.

Not bad.

It is true that I told the Juggernaut about the Wushuang city.

I guess you'd really like to know who revealed the details, right? "


Lin Pingyi frowned instantly when he heard this, only feeling that these words were unusual.

After careful analysis, it seems that the other party already knows the details of Wushuang City.

Before the combination, Dugu Jian revealed his killing intent to himself. Obviously, the two people in front of him knew that Wushuang City was destroyed, and they also put a lot of effort into it.


Not many people know about it, besides the people around me, there are two outsiders, Jian Zun and Ao Tian.

After thinking about it, only these two guys could say it.

Lin Pingzhi immediately understood, guessed that Duanlang in front of him must have misunderstood something, and happened to tell the secret.

He pretended to know everything, and guessed: "Did Aotian tell you?"


Duan Lang admits it.

It seems that Lin Pingzhi's guess is correct, he also thinks that only a villain like Aotian would do such a thing of crossing rivers and destroying bridges.

Sword Master probably wouldn't, his arrogance wouldn't allow him to do such a thing.

"very good."

Lin Pingzhi showed a cold smile.

In order to protect his reputation, he can only go to worship the sword villa, and go there to destroy the entire villa.

Only in this way can I sit back and relax.

It seems that we need to change the itinerary. I originally planned to return to the escort after this matter is over.

It seems that I have to go to the far door again.


Duanlang smiled, not realizing that he was about to die, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, you are really careless in making friends, but don't worry, I, Duanlang, will never tell your secret."

"is it?"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were cold. Just as he asked this question, when he saw that the other party opened his mouth to speak, he stretched out his two fingers instantly, and a six-veined sword slashed across his neck.


Duanlang's pupils were dilated, and there was a set of obvious red lines on his neck.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Duanlang's neck fell to the ground like this, and he died unexpectedly.

Even Bu Jingyun was surprised, thinking that Mr. Mingyue was ruthless enough.

Although he didn't know what the secret Duanlang was holding, it must be a big scandal to make such a deadly move.


Bu Jingyun sneered: "Unexpectedly, Mr. Mingyue, who is famous all over the world, would be caught by others.

It seems that you are not as perfect as the rumors say. "

Lin Pingzhi put away his skills and said calmly: "There is no perfect person in this world.

But we can work hard to make ourselves look perfect in the eyes of others. "

Bu Jingyun was silent, not interested in this topic.

Lin Pingzhi knelt down, collected some of Duanlang's blood, and put it in a small wooden box.

After kicking the opponent into the fish pond, the whole pond was instantly dyed red, and the fish in the pond cheered happily.

"Let's go together tomorrow, and I'll go with you to Baijian Villa."

Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth slowly.

Bu Jingyun didn't ask, but he knew what Lin Pingzhi's purpose was.

What Duan Lang said just now is already obvious.

Aotian also knows Lin Pingzhi's secret, so he can only silence it.

Bu Jingyun nodded, not so much, probably think it's better not to covet other people's secrets.

Those who don't know live longer.

Turned around and went back to his room.

After taking care of these things, Lin Pingzhi will wander around the world.

It turns out that most of the people here have already left.

They should have been dismissed by Nie Feng and the others, and asked them to join another sect and find a better place to belong.

At this time.

Only then did he think of You Ruo and Yan Ying, and he wondered what happened to these two women now?

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