Hu Hu Hu.

Xiongba gasped for breath, only felt his chest ached, no matter how he touched it, no matter how he used his internal energy to reconcile it, it would not help.

He understood that this was a wound on the primordial spirit, and it would take a long time to recuperate.

So, he stood up from the position with difficulty, and ordered: "Everyone, stop them, this gang mainly retreats!"


Dragging his body, weary forward, wanting to escape from this place, and still leaning on the wall.

Even a fool could see that he was weak now.

Of course Lin Pingzhi would not let it go, and immediately said to Nie Feng and the others: "Great opportunity, we must kill him!"


Nie Feng also thought so, and immediately went forward to block Xiong Ba's way first.

Whoever supports Xiongba in this state is still brave, thought he was unable to support him, but he hit with Paiyunzhang and directly sent Nie Feng flying.

Nie Feng was seriously injured before, and just now he held his breath and wanted to pursue him.

As a result, he ended up in this situation again, unable to stand up again, and fainted on the spot, his face so pale.

Lin Pingzhi said inwardly that he was not good, and he chased after him himself.

Who knows.

Xiong Ba still has the strength to resist now, once again condensing the three-pointed magic finger, it can be seen that the power is unusual.

And his face became even paler.

"Six Meridians Divine Sword!"

Lin Pingzhi didn't continue to hide it, and took out his unique skills similar to the three-point finger, and the two began to confront each other.

The two laser-like internal force shots are controlled together to burst out powerful energy.

Blast everything around you.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose everywhere.

The result is here.

Xiongba escaped with the help of this puff of smoke, completely obliterating his aura, so that even Lin Pingzhi could not notice it.


Having missed such a great opportunity, Lin Pingzhi could only stay where he was with regret, and could no longer pursue it.

the other side.

In a bamboo forest in an old forest deep in the mountains, an old man with white hair was sitting in a thatched hut.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes, his face was full of calm.

He is Dugu Sword Master, he was fighting Xiongba in the Tianxiahui just now, and separated his soul.


At this critical moment, he was suddenly interrupted.

He immediately opened the door and walked out, and a middle-aged man was greeted with a peaceful expression.

The man is holding an erhu in his hand and is slowly playing the melody.

"No name, it's a little different from before."

Dugu Jian opened his mouth.

Little did he know that he himself was different from before, and his tone no longer had so much contention like a life-and-death duel.

these years.

They have all changed a lot.

Wuming smiled and said: "You are not the same, it seems that you have enlightened to a higher level these years."

"That's it."

Dugu Jian smiled, and said: "Why did you interrupt me just now? With Xiongba's three-pointed finger, it's not enough to destroy my primordial spirit.

Could it be you, I'll kill them. "

Wuming smiled and said: "Sword Master, a person in the Jianghu, who has his own decisions, why do you need to add more evil?"


Dugu Jian smiled and said: "They have killed my people."

"Don't kill innocent people."

No name.


Dugu Jian's mouth suddenly became foul-mouthed: "Boy, don't point and point at me here, after all, I'm still your senior!"


Wuming didn't bother to argue, and said with a smile, "Since that's the case, then you can continue. I won't bother you anymore. It's time to go back to fishing."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

The two masters of swordsmanship who used to compete so darkly in the arena, when they meet again after decades, they are so ordinary.

There were no outbreaks of conflict, not even language conflicts.

The mood has been calmed down a lot.

Seeing Wuming's back gradually drifting away, Dugujian smiled slightly, froze for a few seconds, and then muttered: "Okay, Wuming, I lost to you again this time."

After finishing speaking, he went back to the room, continued to retreat, and continued to study his own martial arts path.

the other end.

After Xiongba escaped, Lin Pingzhi began to take care of the wounded and sick present, and used force to force the members of the Tianxiahui to listen to him.

First settle down Nie Feng's people, and then let people decoct the medicine and take care of them, so there can be no mistakes.

During this period.

Lin Pingzhi traveled all over the Tianxiahui, and even walked through all the secret passages in the Tianxiahui according to the details in the original book that he knew.

The result is still no gain.

It seems that Xiongba has escaped from Tianxiahui.


With such a serious injury, it is impossible for him to stay here, and he should find a quiet place to heal his injuries.

Then, Lin Pingzhi can sit back and relax. After returning, he will continue to issue orders and let those servants work for him.


After that, they came outside Kong Ci's room.

as predicted.

As soon as I got closer, I heard a choking sound inside.

Lin Pingzhi came here for this reason, and immediately pushed the door open and entered.

"Sister Kong Ci, why is this so? You will only ruin your body."

Lin Pingzhi stepped forward to comfort him.

Having already met, Kong Ci was neither surprised nor angry, and cried out, "I thought I could find a good home, but they just used my wedding to take revenge.

Master Mingyue, what should I do? "


Lin Pingzhi sighed, and said: "That guy Nie Feng is really, he just chose this kind of day.

Kong Ci, there is a saying that I don't know whether to say or not. "


"It feels like they don't even care about you."

Lin Pingzhi said some harsh words, otherwise, there is no way to make Kong Ci give up on them.

Brother Nie and step brother, I will wrong you a little bit, and take the blame for it a little bit.


After hearing this, Kong Ci cried even louder.

Lin Pingzhi took the other party into his shoulders, so that she could have someone to rely on and feel a little bit more secure.

Gradually, Kong Ci's voice became quieter, and he even took the initiative to lie in Lin Pingzhi's arms, saying: "Young Master Mingyue, Sister Jellyfish told me earlier that there are better men worth waiting for and worth paying for.

Do you want to? "


Lin Pingzhi was surprised, he did not expect it to be so easy, and said: "Of course, as long as you don't dislike Sister Kong Ci."

"How dare I despise it?"

Kong Ci said: "You are the well-known Young Master Mingyue in the world, and I'm just a little maid. If you say that, you pick me, not I pick you."


Lin Pingzhi laughed, and said: "If you want to say that, then I will not be polite."

"You're welcome what?"

Before Kong Ci could react, his mouth was blocked in the next moment, and immediately after, something was forced into his mouth.

She blushed, but quickly adapted, and even became crazier than Lin Pingzhi, enjoying the beautiful process.

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