"Three-point magic finger?"

Nie Feng and the others were a little confused.

It turned out that the bad old man was still hiding it.


Never even told them.

Three-pointed finger, the name sounds domineering, but I don't know how powerful it is.


Looking at the power condensed on the fingers of Xiongba's right hand, it is as clear as light, and one knows that the power is extraordinary.

Even if you hide it as a hole card that you can trust more than the three-point return to vitality, you will know that its power is even better.

Feeling the two powerful auras, Lin Pingzhi can only temporarily avoid the edge.

He felt that Xiongba at this moment seemed to have reached the realm of martial saints, the so-called strong will be strong, he may be this type of warrior.

"Xiongba, you destroy my Wushuang City, and today I will destroy your Tianxiahui!"

A majestic voice sounded.

All the people in the hall were deafened by the shock and couldn't help covering their ears.

Only Lin Pingzhi was able to persevere.

Take a look.

Only then did he realize that except for Xiongba and himself, everyone else was covering their ears and closing their eyes tightly.

It was such a pain to watch.

It is completely suppressed by internal force. In this state, it can be said that it is almost isolated from the world, unable to receive any external information.

It feels as if time has been suspended, and when everyone recovers, they will see another scene.

Such a contrast will naturally give people the illusion, as if everything before has been frozen, and nothing will be discovered.

Hu Hu Hu.

Feeling this terrifying aura, Xiong Ba began to pant heavily.


From the direction of the door, there was an old man's figure flying fast, with pure killing intent in his eyes.

It is the Dugu sword.

Xiongba couldn't help panicking, he had never been so scared like now, never been suppressed like this before.

He didn't even dare to move, as if it took a lot of courage to move his fingers.

He, who had experienced countless life and death in the past, turned into a softie at this moment, how ridiculous.

Da da da.

At the door, Sword Master Dugu Jian stepped on the heads of the people in the hall with his hands behind his back, and continued to move forward bit by bit, like a dragonfly on water.

Seeing the Twelve Demons of Tianchi, with just a movement of his eyes, several virtual swords were drawn out in the air, cutting the opponent in half instantly.

This action is only completed in the blink of an eye.

"Xiongba, the old man lived in seclusion in the mountains for many years, and finally created the sword 23 with superior strength.

There is also this trick, which touched the pinnacle of martial arts and came to the realm of land gods, only to realize how ridiculous he was at that time.

So, even though the old man felt invincible in the world, he still kept groping, too lazy to care about ordinary affairs.


You destroy my people, let you taste the power of my sword 23 today!Let you die well! "


The voice just fell.

I saw Dugu Jian drew out his right hand, stretched out two fingers like the edge of a sword, and drew in the air.


Countless imaginary swords flew out in an instant, filling the entire space of the hall immediately, and the scene was filled with sword energy.

Xiongba broke out in a cold sweat, he felt that he could move, but he couldn't move at all.

Sweat dripped down his forehead.


At this time.

Just as Dugu Jian was about to make a move, he suddenly noticed that besides Xiongba in front of him, there was actually someone who could maintain consciousness and see everything on the scene clearly.

Look up.

He was still a young man.

He instantly remembered Duanlang's words, and thought, the person in front of him was probably Mr. Mingyue.

He is also his own enemy.

Either way.

When the time comes, it will be cleaned up together, and when he makes another move later, Yu Wei will naturally be able to kill him.

Dugu Jian withdrew his gaze and continued to aim at Xiongba.

In this short period of time, Lin Pingzhi's pupils shrank.

When he looked at Dugu Jian just now, he felt an unprecedented solemnity.

Is this the land fairy?

and many more.

And then Lin Pingzhi was even more shocked, he felt that the Dugu sword in front of him seemed to be just an afterimage.

Is it just a clone of the primordial spirit, so terrifying?

What kind of realm has the real Dugu Sword reached?How scary is it?

I can't imagine it.

"Sword 23!"

Following Du Jian's mouth, the name of the sword move was slowly spit out.

Those imaginary swords in the air became buzzing, and flew towards Xiongba as if they had the ability to lock the target.

Swish swish!

Xiongba only felt countless swords passing through his body, but he couldn't feel the wounds on his body at all.

I just feel that my soul has been severely injured, as if those tricks are all directly touching the soul, and have not touched the body.


This is more serious.

Suddenly, a giant sword appeared in front of him, aimed at the heart, and pierced through it like a whirlwind.


Xiongba couldn't help screaming, feeling as if his heart had been twisted by a meat grinder.

He screamed in pain, but in this accident, he moved his finger.

It was precisely because of this action that Xiongba saved his life.

The three-point magic finger that he had previously stored up in advance, unexpectedly displayed it by accident.

call out.

There was only a sharp sound, and that golden light shot out like a laser beam, piercing the defenseless Dugu Sword Master.


Dugu Jian was surprised, looking at the hole in his chest, he even showed a smile.

Followed by.

All the virtual swords in the air disappeared, and the dizzying and powerful sound waves on the scene also completely disappeared.

Everyone was relieved, their whole bodies were already drenched in cold sweat.

Hu Hu Hu.

on the scene.

Xiong Ba even sat limply on his seat, panting continuously, with the horror of the rest of his life in his eyes.

too frightening.

He has never experienced such a scene, and has never encountered such an opponent.

this moment.

He knew he had lost, and lost completely.

If Dugu Sword Master's body came over, he would have no chance of winning and would be trampled to death like an ant.

The unwillingness and helplessness in his eyes were too obvious.


After everyone on the scene came back to their senses, they found out why the Twelve Demons of Tianchi fell?

And why is Xiongba sitting so powerlessly and limply? Your previous Xiongfeng has no connection at all.

All of this happened so suddenly and so strangely that everyone present couldn't figure it out.

Only Lin Pingzhi saw everything clearly.

He also broke out in cold sweat, thankful for Xiongba's coincidence just now.

If not.

I'm afraid I have to explain here today.

When Dugu Sword Master looked at him at that time, Lin Pingzhi knew that the other party also wanted to erase him.


Life should not die, both he and Xiong Ba should die.

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