After taking the things from Lin Pingzhi, Bu Jingyun was suspicious.

But Nie Feng put it into his own mouth without thinking, obviously maintaining absolute trust in Lin Pingzhi.

See this symptom.

Bu Jingyun also swallowed, too lazy to think so much.

Even if he dies, he will die with his brother Feng.

next to.

Seeing that her two juniors swallowed the healing elixir, Qin Shuang was a little dazed, wondering why I wasn't in it?

Lin Pingzhi smiled awkwardly, took out another Jiuhua Yulu pill, threw it over and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you."


Qin Shuang was speechless. After swallowing the medicine, she felt a warm current flowing in her body.


The three of them were a little surprised. There was an invisible energy nourishing the body, which was really wonderful.

This kind of holy medicine for healing is really well-deserved.

Although they haven't met Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island, they have heard of each other's name.

In addition to being good at the Qimen Dunjia technique and mastering various skills, Taohua Island is more famous for its unique Jiuhua Yulu pill.

"good stuff."

Nie Feng smiled slightly, then closed his eyes to heal his injuries.

"Hey Hey hey."

Xiongba was a little unhappy, and said: "Do this kind of thing in front of me.

You didn't take the old man seriously, did you? "

"This stuff doesn't require you to exercise."

Lin Pingzhi explained: "As long as you eat it, it will have a certain effect.

Although he might be able to recover faster by practicing exercises to heal his injuries, but the situation in front of him really does not allow it. "


The three of them were a little bit regretful, they immediately stood up, prepared to fight, and continued to entangle with that bad old man Xiongba.


Several people were sweating coldly on their faces. They had seen the power of Xiongba just now, so they were naturally a little apprehensive.

They are not one-dimensional at all.

Only Lin Pingzhi could resist a little bit.

The only good news is that Xiong Ba has been poisoned now, but it is not fatal.

"Is it useful to drag it down?"

Nie Feng asked.


Lin Pingzhi said: "In any case, it will be more and more beneficial to us."


Hearing this, Xiongba smiled slightly, and said to himself:

"It's ridiculous for a group of youngsters to think that they can defeat this old man?

You don't know how much effort I have put in and how much life and death I have experienced in my struggle to this day.

As for today's scene, it can only be said to be trivial. "


Say it.

Xiong Ba's eyes closed and opened, becoming quite serious and fierce, which made many people dare not look at him, dare not look at him.

Followed by.

From the outside to the inside, he slowly pulled his palms towards his body, and made fists, while his feet kept moving in slow motion.

At this moment, he integrated his fists and footwork together.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Nie Feng yelled badly, knowing that his master was going to use a killer move.

Of course, Lin Pingzhi also had serious eyes, feeling the power of this move.

It should be the official version of the three-point return to vitality.

Just now it was just his petty tricks.

Now what Xiongba is displaying is the true three-point return to vitality.

Lin Pingzhi explained, "Xiong Ba's three unique skills are cloud-dispelling palm, Fengshen leg, and Tianshuang fist.

They restrain each other in pairs, but after the classmates reunite, a closed loop is formed, which is endless.

Thus reaching the realm of returning three points to the original, this is the origin of his three points returning to the original qi. "

"No wonder."

Nie Feng suddenly realized: "He only taught us these three kinds of kung fu separately, not all of them."

"Master Mingyue, you really know a lot."

Xiongba sneered: "As expected of someone who works in Hulong Villa, but it's different. I'm afraid you have investigated my background clearly, right?"

"of course."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "You are a teacher of Sanjue old man, but your master didn't give you three points of vitality.

So you poisoned your master to death in a fit of anger, repaying virtue with grievances, you are really a beast. "

heard here.

The three brothers and sisters all looked at Xiongba with contemptuous eyes.

I didn't expect my master to be such a jerk.


Xiongba really found it funny, why did the three traitors in front of him dare to look at him with such eyes.

Aren't they the same situation?

Xiong Ba said: "It's really funny, Mr. Mingyue just looks at me like this.

What qualifications do you have? "


Nie Feng spat: "You are our father-killing enemy, shouldn't we kill you for revenge?

It is true that you have been kind to us in nurturing us, but it is far less than these hatreds. "


Xiongba laughed, but actually he didn't care about it at all.

King and loser.

As long as the final victory can be achieved, there is enough time to talk and distort the facts.

To live is the only victory and the only justice.

Xiongba has lived for so many years, so naturally he didn't increase his age in vain.

He said: "Young Master Mingyue, do you think the speeches of my disciples are childish or not?"

"Don't pull it on me."

Lin Pingzhi put this hot potato aside.

He certainly thinks that Xiongba's concept is more suitable for this world, but there is no need to say it now.

So as not to cause internal strife.

Lin Pingzhi continued: "Although your master didn't pass on the three points of vitality to you before he left.


I have to mention, you old guy is indeed a martial art genius.

You take the long legs of the Fengshen, the fierceness of the cloud-dispelling palm, and the coldness of the Tianshuang fist. The three are combined into one, and the three elements are combined into one.

This is the origin of the three-point return to vitality. "


Hearing this, even Xiongba had a surprised expression on his face.

Even a little jealous.

This is his own secret, he has never told anyone about it, why does this kid in front of him know it clearly?

Even Hulong Villa couldn't find this out.

The martial arts secret of three-point return to vitality is only known by myself, how can others know?

"It really lives up to its reputation."

Xiongba admired him from the bottom of his heart, and said: "If you are not an enemy, maybe we can really have a chat."


As Xiongba continued to work hard, a ball was already brewing in his palm and thrown in, which looked translucent.

That spherical object is the combination and cohesion of Xiongba's internal force, which is very powerful.

It even looks like it has a certain texture, as if falling on the ground can make a big hole.

"Knowing so much, it depends on whether you can stop the old man, don't just talk about it."


With a push with both palms, Xiongba threw the ball of energy out.

Huge waves of energy.

Immediately filled the entire hall.


The energy condensed by that one internal force was actually divided into four parts, each moving towards the four opponents.

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