Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1203 Procrastinate, just procrastinate

"Oh, it seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin."

Xiongba sneered, but it could be seen that Lin Pingzhi's palm was extraordinary.

Sure enough, he was different from his useless disciples.

He doesn't talk nonsense either.

Immediately, he slammed out a move of Paiyunzhang, with the same force, he was extremely domineering and headed forward.



The palms of the two people met together.

That is at this moment.

Xiongba frowned slightly.

He felt the strength of the opponent's palm, almost like the power of a dragon and an elephant.


The master of Mongolia, Jinlun Fawang's unique move, still feels a little oppressive.

If you were an ordinary person, or in the same realm, I am afraid that you are not qualified to wrestle with Lin Pingzhi.

Xiongba sighed in admiration: "As expected of Mr. Mingyue, I am afraid that few people in the world can catch this move."

Now the two sides are facing each other.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help laughing: "I've seen thick-skinned people before, but I've never seen you so thick-skinned.

Are you bragging about yourself? "

"Oh, this is a strange way of thinking, an interesting angle."

Xiongba let out a joy, suddenly, his whole body began to exert strength, and the mighty and domineering internal energy poured out instantly, just a shock, knocked Lin Pingzhi away.

Lin Pingzhi used lightness kung fu to balance his body, and after taking several steps back, he finally settled down, frowning.


That old guy's strength is indeed terrifying. If I want to fight against him, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult. Even if I use all the tricks, my kidneys are less than [-]%.


Today is a tough fight.


The poison should also have an effect, right?


At this time, Xiongba suddenly felt ill, and couldn't help but trembled while clutching his chest.

He also made a movement to hold back vomiting blood, which was seen by everyone.

Nie Feng understood: "Master, it seems that my disciple's medicine has worked."


Xiong Ba didn't take it seriously, and said: "Do you think these things can really do anything to win the old man?"

"of course not."

Qin Shuang also stood up and said, "So we got the three most poisonous poisons in the world and mixed them together.

I don't believe it, it won't have the slightest influence on you. "

"It's vicious enough to be taught by the old man."

Xiongba gave a compliment, and made the appearance of adjusting his breath with his hands, wanting to heal himself with exercise.


Lin Pingzhi and the others didn't even give him a chance.

"Cloud Dispelling Palm! Tianshuang Fist! Fengshen Leg! Vigorous Vajra Palm!"

They immediately issued a unique move, not giving the opponent a chance to rest, and wanted to use this method to spread the toxin in Xiong Ba's body.


Under such circumstances, forcibly exercising exercises will also accelerate the diffusion of toxins.

This is great news for Lin Pingzhi and the others.

Xiong Ba had no choice but to bite the bullet and carry it down, using his three-point return to vitality to protect himself in it, and at the same time use his internal strength to shake those four people away.


Nie Feng and the others gritted their teeth and suffered some internal injuries from the shock.

They can't figure it out.

Why is that old guy so strong? ?


Because of the forced exercise just now, Xiongba at this moment has already felt some changes in his body.

He gritted his teeth, looked at the surrounding subordinates who were hiding around the wall, and said, "Do it, stop me!"


When a group of people heard the order, they rushed forward to delay the gang leader.


Jellyfish Yin Ji and the others are not kidding, a master of transformation, enough to block all the little minions.

"This girl will be your opponent!"

The jellyfish Yin Ji stepped forward, swiped her sleeves, and immediately swept everyone to the ground, causing them to vomit three liters of blood.

Now, no one dared to rush up.


Xiongba gritted his teeth, only feeling a little troublesome.

"Xiongba, you are exhausted today."

Lin Pingzhi stepped forward with a sneer on his lips.

He is clear.

Xiongba in front of him has this kind of situation, not just because Nie Feng has poisoned him.

Also lies in.

A certain person poisoned Xiong Ba's food for a long time, which made the situation worse.

That person is Indra.

It's just that the old guy has no plans to show up yet, who knows that he helped them by mistake.

I can only say good luck.

Without Di Shitian's help, I am afraid that things would not be so easy, and Xiong Ba would not be so weak.

"is it?"

Xiongba took a deep breath and made a plan.

Carrying the poison, first get rid of the person in front of you.

Although that will deepen the toxin, I am afraid that it will take decades to eradicate it in the future.


It's better than losing your life.

He originally wanted to deal with the toxin a little bit before doing anything.

As a result, the current situation does not allow it.

Then we can only do nothing but try to destroy the enemy within a stick of incense, and then slowly detoxify.

Taking a deep breath, Xiongba's eyes became fierce again, and said: "Forget it, I will let you know today, who am I, Xiongba!"


The body shook, and the internal force like a gust of wind swept away, everything around had to fly out first.

People are no exception.

Standing in the gust of wind, Lin Pingzhi and others felt that they were a little unstable.

The powerful oppressive force forced them to cover their faces with their arms, and their feet were deeply rooted in the ground.

Their feet sink into the ground, their center of gravity shifts downward, their knees bend, and they feel blown away if they don't pay attention.

One can imagine how terrifying that guy's realm is.


Xiongba smiled, and suddenly withdrew his strength. Before Lin Pingzhi and others could react, he moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he gave Nie Feng and others a palm.

Bang bang bang!

With a strong shot, Nie Feng and others quickly flew backwards, unable to react to what was going on.

They suffered serious internal injuries and fell heavily to the ground.

There is no way to make up for the gap in realm with trees.

Lin Pingzhi was a little different, in this kind of strong wind, he could clearly feel the opponent's movements.

When Xiongba was about to hit him, Lin Pingzhi instantly opened his golden and copper-colored skin, and the King Kong Indestructible Magical Skill was activated.

Xiong Ba only felt that this palm hit the steel, and his hands were a little numb from the shock.

He didn't continue to entangle, and immediately distanced himself.

"What a miracle!"

have to say.

At this moment, Xiong Ba's eyes are greedy, and he feels that if he has this miraculous skill, he is not invincible?

"This is my vajra indestructible skill."

Lin Pingzhi said deeply: "Xiongba, today I will spend with you, let's see who can afford it more!"

He had pinpointed the opponent's mentality of breaking the boat.

Then Lin Pingzhi is not in a hurry, let's delay for time.


He took out two Jiuhua Yulu pills and threw them to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun: "These things can make you recover quickly, and we will start a protracted battle now."

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