Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1205 Tianchi 2 evil


on the scene.

The picture is a little weird.

Groups of energy balls are actively attacking humans.


It seems that there is a locking function, no matter how Lin Pingzhi and the others dodge, they will be hunted down again.



Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng and others had no room to resist and were hit instantly.

The powerful shocking force directly shook their internal organs and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

After his face turned pale, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up again. After trying a few times, he found that he had no strength, so he lay down with peace of mind.

Nie Feng covered his pain and reminded: "Young Master Mingyue, this kind of thing is unbearable, it is very powerful."

Is not this nonsensical?

Lin Pingzhi knew this before he had endured it.

He's doing his best to dodge now.

And the energy ball that hit Nie Feng and the others quickly circled back and merged into one again, becoming bigger.

Immediately afterwards, they pestered Lin Pingzhi.


After being entangled with it for a long time, he could only dodge.

Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth, and found that this thing has endless strength, no matter how much he exhausted it, he would only be exhausted, and instead he would be consumed by Xiongba.

Xiong Ba...

and many more.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly came back to his senses, and immediately turned his head to look, only to find that the guy Xiongba had already sat down to adjust his breath.

Really cunning and cunning, actually took advantage of this gap to start healing.

According to his internal strength, I am afraid that he will be able to recover in a short time, and he will be able to force out all the toxins in his body.


In desperation, Lin Pingzhi rushed towards Xiongba in an instant, trying to prevent all this from happening no matter what.

And seeing that energy ball was about to hit him.

He didn't dodge or dodge, and surrounded himself with Beiming's true energy, and cooperated with the Vajra Indestructible magic skill, hoping to be able to carry it.

"Death to me!"

Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth, and slammed out the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm. The powerful force blasted away, causing a burst of air waves.


Xiongba still had his eyes closed.

He didn't seem to intend to react.

Lin Pingzhi felt something was wrong, why didn't he respond?If you are interrupted by yourself at this time, the situation will be bad.

next moment.

He knew the answer.

Xiongba was even very calm, not panicking at all, as steady as an old dog.

And just when Lin Pingzhi's palm was about to fall.

Suddenly several figures sprang out from the beams of the house, all kinds of figures were dazzling.

Those figures immediately stood in front of Xiongba, blocking this attack for him.


One of them was hit head-on, died instantly, and was killed instantly.

The others didn't even look at it, they directly lifted the man's body away, continued to protect, continued to protect.

And Lin Pingzhi was also hit by Gui Yuanqi with three points.


Under the protection of Beiming Divine Art and Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, there is indeed no serious problem, there are still internal injuries, but I don't know my fate.

A trace of blood appeared on the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth, he quickly backed away and looked at the newly appeared enemies.


Those people around Tianxiahui clapped their hands and applauded.

I was a little nervous just now, but now the atmosphere has eased back.

"These guys actually want to attack the gang leader! Don't you know that the gang leader has bodyguards around him?"

"They are looking for death by themselves. Now that the gang leader recovers, that guy will all die."



talking room.

Another person sprayed something from his mouth.

It turned out to be Xiongba.

I saw a mass of black blood squirting out of his mouth, his face softened a lot, and the toxin had obviously been expelled.

The situation is very bad.

Lin Pingzhi's face was serious.

Looking at the new faces, they are all strange.

It turned out to be the Twelve Demons of Tianchi, a member of a very famous killer organization.


It seems that there are only the last 12 people left, so they have the title of Twelve Demons of Tianchi.


Among them, the two immature women who stood at the front laughed strangely, and each held a cursed doll in their hands.

The two smiled: "Guangzhu, how is our performance this time?"

"it is good!"

Xiong Ba slowly stood up from behind, his eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he declared the victory of this battle.

He pushed aside the crowd, stood at the front, looked down upon Lin Pingzhi and the others and said, "That's right, you guys did a great job this time! The leader of this gang will reward you a lot!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

The two women grinned.

Xiongba explained: "Didn't expect that the well-known killer organization in the Jianghu would also obey me!"


Lin Pingzhi really felt a little troublesome, and said sarcastically: "Tonghuang, you are so famous, are you willing to be Xiongba's lackeys in the end?"

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in."

The two women didn't feel ashamed at all, and said, "Is there anything wrong? We are living a very good life now."

These two women are Tong Huang.

next to.

A big fat man who looked honest and honest stood up, and he could see that he was quite energetic. He smiled and said honestly:

"You people don't know how good the food in Tianxiahui is."

"Just look at your weight."

Lin Pingzhi's face was speechless, the person in front of him should be a food celestial being, with infinite strength and a big appetite.

The rest of them are all the top killers among the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi.

"The Twelve Demons of Tianchi, why have I never heard of them?"

Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and others whispered to each other, not only had they never heard of this killer organization.

What's more, he didn't expect that he was actually Xiongba's guard.

"Of course."

Lin Pingzhi said as a matter of course: "He taught you martial arts, so naturally you have to defend yourself. Of course, it is impossible to show you all the cards in the hole."


Xiong Ba agrees: "This old man is not stupid to that extent, as the saying goes, it is easy to dodge an open spear, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

You have to keep a hole card for yourself, don't you? "

Looking at the puzzled faces of Nie Feng and others, Lin Pingzhi explained: "The Twelve Demons of the Tianchi Lake were originally members of the Tianchi Killer Organization, but were killed by the Sword Master until only the last 12 people remained, so they formed the Tianchi Lake Twelve evil spirits."


Tong Huang was a little unconvinced: "What does it mean that only the last 12 people were killed by him, it should be that we almost died with him."

"It really saves face."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, and said deliberately provocatively: "It is said that he is lying in ambush beside Xiongba as a bodyguard.

It's better to say that you don't dare to show your face at all, otherwise you will be hunted down by the Juggernaut immediately, isn't it? ? "


Shi Shisha's face was ugly, and at the same time he was surprised that the other party knew so many things.

Tonghuang immediately said: "Guangzhu, please let us kill him! Let's vent our anger!"


Xiong Ba said: "This guy is not something you can deal with. It should be no problem to entrust my disciples to you."

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