Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1202 1 enemy 4

"Young Master Mingyue, could it be that my ears got it wrong?"

Xiong Ba expressed his incomprehension, and said: "Could it be that you don't care about your father-in-law's life?"


Nie Feng sneered, and said: "Xiong Ba, you despicable villain, Senior Miao was taken out by me last night, you have no ability to continue to blackmail Mr. Mingyue."


Xiongba was indeed surprised, but he didn't find it too troublesome, he just found it a little interesting.

The disciples who are trained by themselves do have two brushes.

He remembered that Miao Renfeng was imprisoned in a cell below his room, but he was actually taken out.

Forget it.

He didn't care so much now, he just looked at the people in front of him with a sneer and started counting.

He placed his fingers on Lin Pingzhi's men respectively, and said, "One, two, three, four.

Why, do you think that four people can do nothing to win the old man?Really naive boys. "

"Whether it can be done or not, the next thing to do is to decide!"

Gritting his teeth, Nie Feng kicked out with a set of Fengshen legs.

I saw his legs alternate back and forth, quickly transforming into afterimages one after another, so fast that it was invisible.

It was as if his lower body had been completely invisible.

The people around were dumbfounded for a while.


A hurricane-like leg wind was quickly thrown out by him, followed by breaths one after another.

Like a shock wave, the power generated by Fengshen's legs was sent out quickly.


Xiongba's iconic laughter sounded.

He just stood there.

The internal force of the whole body has already formed a defense, and the shock waves are automatically bounced off, all of which hit the wall.

I saw cracks and pits appearing on the wall behind him, and it was severely damaged.


Xiong Ba was safe and sound, without any damage.

I saw that his whole body formed a transparent inner force cover that could be seen, enveloping his whole body in it.

"Three points return to vitality!"

Xiongba yelled, and saw that transparent ball grew bigger and bigger, and suddenly burst open.

A wave of air surged instantly, and directly sent Nie Fengbu Jingyun and the others flying. Although they forcibly did not fall down, the strength gap between the two sides had already been seen.

Lin Pingzhi didn't move at all. After all, his skill was profound and his realm was quite high.

"Yes, as expected of Young Master Mingyue."

Even Xiongba couldn't help admiring: "There are not many people in my generation, let alone your younger generation, who can resist my move."

"The leader of the Xiong Gang is really overrated."

Lin Pingzhi smiled, "Compared to your magical skills, it's not even a star."

"Hahaha, although you are a little self-aware, it is not too late to rein in the precipice."

He also wanted to take Lin Pingzhi under his banner.

after all.

This piece of meat from Fuwei Escort is really delicious.

Traveling all day long, you must have a very strong network of relationships.

The Tianxiahui needs this net just now.


Lin Pingzhi didn't want to save face, and said with a sneer, "Xiongba, the matter has come to this point, so don't bother with those thoughts."

"Okay, the old man will do justice for the sky today, and go against the sky!"

Xiongba laughed loudly, ready for a decisive battle.

Duanlang standing in the corner watched all this.

I was shocked.

I really didn't expect that the domineering old man would have such profound skills, it is really unimaginable existence.

He didn't even think that Lin Pingzhi's strength was so strong that he would be able to hold back in front of Xiongba.

Duanlang clenched his fists, frustrated in his self-esteem.

As the son of Nanlin Jianshou, why is he so weak?


We must find a way to improve.

"Sky Frost Fist!"

Qin Shuang stood up, tricked Xiongba into not paying attention and punched out.


Missed the target.

Xiongba just dodged sideways and easily dodged.

I saw that the wall behind was sealed with ice again, becoming very brittle and shattered with a light punch.

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

Bu Jingyun also started to exert his skills, rolling his hands, and immediately rolled up all the wine on the scene.

He brewed those liquids in his palms to increase the output power of his inner strength.

"Water can increase the power of the cloud-dispelling palm, Yun'er, you are quite smart."

Xiongba praised him, but he didn't take it seriously at all.


Then Bu Jingyun slapped out, the power is so amazing, it's a pity that the person facing is Xiongba.

Xiongba laughed out loud, this time he didn't use his unique technique of three-point return to vitality, but also used the white cloud palm to attack.

Even if he didn't use the liquid to enhance his power, he still relied on his own strength to crush him away, directly knocking Bu Jingyun back again and again.

"Ha ha!"

He laughed wildly again.

The three brothers and sisters confronted each other repeatedly, but they were all beaten back one by one. The first time they confronted, they were defeated.

Needless to say, it was quite a blow to confidence.

Just when everyone is tense.

Kong Ci stood on the spot alone, and was stunned. She never thought that she would be used.

I thought it was a good day to get married.

Who knows.

The other party just wanted to use this grand wedding to complete their revenge.

have to say.

Kong Ci felt very uncomfortable, and felt very depressed.

At this time.

The jellyfish Yin Ji came over and quickly picked up the girl to avoid being affected by the scene.

At that time.

I can't bear it, after all, I don't have any internal strength in my body, how can I bear it, I can only end up in pieces.

Jellyfish Yinji comforted: "Girl, don't waste your life on men. I mean, there are other men."


Kong Ci was firm, and then set his eyes on Lin Pingzhi.


Is that the only man who can be called perfect?


It is so.

"Why, Mr. Mingyue, the three of them have already tried it, don't you plan to make a move to express your position?"

Seeing the three apprentices he trained so unbelievable.

Xiongba turned his gaze to Lin Pingzhi again, and said coldly, "Or did the old man's performance just now frighten you?"

"Wu Chi?"

Lin Pingzhi looked surprised, he couldn't understand the opponent's realm, and said: "Old man, don't tell me you are just a martial idiot now."

"Oh, so you still know."

Xiong Ba said: "This old man is already at the pinnacle of martial idiots, and half of his foot has stepped into the realm of martial saints. Who in the world can match him?"


Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said, "Among the people I know, there are not a few who can defeat you."

"You can be as glib as you want."

Xiong Ba didn't take it seriously, thinking that the other party was just talking big words to scare him, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, I will give you one last chance, will you stand on my side or not?"


Lin Pingzhi chuckled, quickly gathered his combat power, and slapped out the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm, which was powerful and powerful.

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