"Invite the bride and groom into the hall!"

The wedding begins.

As a distinguished guest, Lin Pingzhi sat in the top seat on the upper right side, which can be said to be quite face-saving.

Beside him, sat the jellyfish Yinji and Mingyue, followed by Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang.

Those sitting in other positions are also important figures.

of course.

To Lin Pingzhi, it was not important, or in other words, he didn't take it seriously.

Sitting at the front is of course Xiongba, as Nie Fengyi's master and father, today is Gaotang.

As the two newcomers entered the arena, the yelling at the scene gradually subsided.

Everyone stared at the two newcomers present with expectant and blessed eyes, silently sending blessings.

Nie Feng and Kong Ci walked slowly to the front of the hall, holding the red rope, and the crowd applauded.

"Oh, really, two people who are so right."

Wen Chouchou was acting as a clown over there again, saying some flattering words to liven up the atmosphere.

The people present echoed.

"That is, only Kong Ci is worthy of our Hall Master Nie."

"You two, how many fat sons are you going to have next year? Hahaha!"


"Feng'er, Kong Ci, you two should be fine in the future."

Xiongba spoke.


Nie Feng and Kong Ci both nodded.

Afterwards, Xiongba looked at Lin Pingzhi again: "Young Master Mingyue, as a special guest today, and as my friend of Feng'er, would you like to say a few words from time to time?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled and stood up: "Brother Nie, Miss Kong Ci, I wish you two grow old together and never be separated."

"Thank you, Young Master Mingyue."

Both Nie Feng and Kong Ci thanked at the same time.

As for Kong Ci, there was a little bit of regret and emotion.


Still a little bit reluctant.

It's a pity that it was too late for the two to meet each other, and I had to let go of the relationship that hadn't started yet.

"Oh, everyone, stop talking, don't delay the auspicious day."

At this time Wen Chouchou began to urge, and then began to yell: "One bow to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall, couples bow to each other!"

Immediately afterwards, amidst applause, Wen Chouchou said again: "Both of you, let's offer a cup of tea to the gang leader."

this step.

It's a good deal.

Followed by.

Bu Jingyun came up with two cups of tea, one of which was placed in Nie Feng's hand, and hinted with his eyes.

Nie Feng served the cup of tea and said, "Master, thank you for giving me a wonderful marriage.

Thank you for your cultivation over the years, Tuer respects you for a cup of tea. "

"it is good!"

Xiongba laughed, as if he hadn't noticed the danger yet, he drank it all in one gulp.


As soon as I drank a cup, I noticed something was wrong.

I just feel that there is a toxin spreading in my body, affecting my dantian, and making my internal energy a little disordered.

His face darkened in an instant, and he slammed the teacup in his hand on the ground, it was torn apart, and his eyes were fixed on Nie Feng.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Everyone present didn't realize what was going on, they just thought it was the moody gang leader, and started to get angry again.


But Xiong Ba said: "It's really my good apprentice, who actually poisoned me at this time!"

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Bold Nie Feng, what is your intention?"

Wen Chouchou was terrified, his appearance was really exaggerated.


Nie Feng didn't bother to get to know this clown as well, so he just sent him back to the west.

A Fengshen kicked out.

With hurricane-like feet, it landed on Wen Chouchou's face with precision, instantly making his face bloom.

Wen Chouchou, who had never practiced martial arts, of course couldn't resist this move, and immediately hated Northwest.

The people present were surprised and speechless.

But soon, there was a reaction.

Everyone quickly put on an offensive posture and aimed at Nie Feng. After all, they are members of the Tianxiahui, so of course they want to help Xiongba.

But Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang kept cold faces, and it was not surprising that such a thing happened.

Apparently, those involved had already expected the situation to happen.


The two men's cold voices sounded, and they said to those around them: "Today's matter has nothing to do with you, sit down, this is between us and him."


Looking at the two people who suddenly stood up again.

Xiongba laughed.

Laugh wildly, laugh contemptuously.

"I really didn't expect that the three of you brothers and sisters would join forces to deceive me, a bad old man."

Xiong Ba said: "However, to do such a thing, I am afraid that the truth of what happened back then has been investigated, right?"

"How dare you say it."

Qin Shuang couldn't bear it anymore, pointed and scolded: "I thought you were our benefactor, but what happened?

Back then, our clan members were murdered, and the death of our parents was all caused by you. "


Xiong Ba was very proud, and said: "That's right, this is the most proud handwriting of this old man, destroying your family, and then adopting you, let you fight for my enemy!


I have to say that the thief is exciting, why, the three of you want revenge today? "

"of course!"

Nie Feng gritted his teeth: "You bastard, you not only killed my father, but also took over my mother! I, Nie Feng, will tear your body to pieces today!"


Xiongba smiled meaningfully: "Your mother is really nice."


Even if it is Yushu facing the wind, Nie Feng is gentle and unrestrained.

Hearing these words, I couldn't help showing my face, grinning with hatred: "Bastard, today is your death date!"

Xiongba looked at Bu Jingyun who had been silent all the time: "Yun'er, you have never liked to talk.

Why, don't you say a few words in this kind of scene today? "

"There is nothing to say, today, you will die!"

Bu Jingyun's eyes were cold.


Xiongba laughed and became very rampant, completely ignoring the three clowns in front of him.

They thought they could kill themselves by poisoning them?


"Okay! It's not in vain for me to train you for so many years. You really have the means and courage!"

Xiong Ba praised.

Suddenly the internal force shook, the table in front of him was shattered, and the horn of battle was completely sounded.

But at the same time, he said to the others: "The clown don't make any moves. This old man will kill them personally today, and let them know that Jiang is still hot."


Everyone around immediately retreated and stood in the corners, forming a circle around the walls.

"Young Master Mingyue, I'm really sorry to let you see such a scene."

Xiong Ba looked at Lin Pingzhi, with a smile that was not a smile, and said: "This old man is really ashamed, I really don't know how to deal with it."

There was clearly something in his words.

I just want Lin Pingzhi to help.


Lin Pingzhi took a sip of his wine, stood up, and said, "Master Xiong, I'm really sorry, I'm also on their side."


Xiongba was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't think of this.

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