Duanlang left, scared to death.


He was very happy.

For all enemies have been marked.

Just wait for Dugu Jian to kill the Tianxiahui, then all the obstacles and humiliation of him will disappear in smoke.

the other side.

After a night alone, the relationship between Lin Pingzhi and You Ruo has become very deep.

of course.

The two of them never pierced the window paper, they just seemed closer.

this day.

Under Lin Pingzhi's careful training, You Ruo finally learned the wolf heart and dog lung soup.

Although the taste is far inferior to the one cooked by Lin Pingzhi, at least it can be eaten, at least it can be swallowed.

time does not wait.

Tomorrow is Nie Feng's wedding, You Ruo is not in the mood to continue practicing.

That night.

The little girl called Nie Feng over, and prepared wolf heart and dog lung soup in advance for him to drink.

Lin Pingzhi was watching from the side.

Nie Feng was extremely embarrassed. He wanted to explain, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it.

After all, I have already made any plans before, and I have already decided to sever the past.

What he wants to plan is not the same as You Ruo after all, so why bother to torture each other?

Simply make a clean break.

Nie Feng smiled slightly, showing his usual free and easy to the fullest.

He picked up his rice bowl and drank the Wolf Heart and Dog Lung Soup in one gulp, and boasted with a smile: "That's right, Missy's cooking skills have improved."


You Ruo snorted coldly, her eye sockets were slightly red.

Nie Feng didn't intend to stay any longer, turned around and left gracefully, and called Lin Pingzhi.

When he came outside, Nie Feng said to Lin Pingzhi: "Young Master Mingyue, I hope you can treat her well.

In this life, I will never have a relationship with her after all. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Nie Feng said again: "There is one more thing I want to ask Mr. Mingyue for help."


Lin Pingzhi asked.

Nie Feng said: "My brothers and I have discussed it, and we plan to kill Xiongba tomorrow.

I hope that Master Mingyue can cooperate with us when the time comes.

I think it's our common goal, you need to save your father-in-law, and we just want revenge. "


Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised: "Are you thinking of doing it so soon? Have you thought it through?

The strength of that old guy is not that simple. "

"of course."

Nie Feng swears by it, and looks confident.

He turned around, his back looking firm.

"Master Mingyue, we have already made any plans.

Of course, it is also well prepared.

At that time, we will poison his drink, although it will not be fatal, but it will affect his power.

Since victory cannot be guaranteed, I want to ask for your help. "


Lin Pingzhi chuckled: "For a strong man like him, poisoning has no effect."

"We don't want him to die."

Nie Feng explained: "It is also quite clear that the master can heal the wound with hard work, no matter how deadly poison is, it is useless.

This is not what we are asking for, when the time comes, we will take action to hold him back and not give him time to heal his injuries.

In this way, maybe there is still a little chance of winning. "


Lin Pingyi heard that it made sense, so he agreed without hesitation.

after all.

The goals of both sides are indeed the same.

"Do you know where my father-in-law is being held?"

Lin Pingzhi asked again.

Nie Feng nodded: "I've figured it out, if nothing unexpected happens.

Senior can be rescued tonight, and by then, Mr. Mingyue will not have any worries. "

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded, but when he thought of You Ruo, he felt some entanglement and hesitation in his heart.

after all.

I and that girl have already developed feelings for each other.


It's really hard to choose.

Forget it, simply lie again.


After returning home, Lin Pingzhi looked at You Ruo who was dejected, and comforted silently: "You Ruo, you should stay here for a while.

Something might be going on out there. "

"what's up?"

Youruo is worried.

"It's okay, but it will take us some time and energy to deal with it, so don't make trouble."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

"Hmph, okay."

You Ruo is acting like a baby, but she is not self-willed, she knows what she should do, as long as she doesn't make trouble.


Lin Pingzhi took her into his arms, feeling sorry for him.

The preparations for the wedding are almost ready.

Now the world will be decorated with lanterns and festoons everywhere, it is really beaming.

Lin Pingzhi really felt a little awkward.

Before, there was a city that was also decorated with lights.

But it was immediately burned to the ground.

Is the world going to go the old way?

Really looking forward to it.

The next morning, Lin Pingzhi was woken up by lively voices.


The whole world meeting has already been prepared.

After all, it was Nie Feng's wedding. As Xiongba's apprentice and son, he naturally attracted much attention and had a great influence.

his wedding.

Who dare not give face.

It's just that it wasn't publicized this time.

Not enough time.

In order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, Xiongba tries to move the time forward as much as possible, but he doesn't want to have long nights and dreams.

He wanted to bring down those three brothers as soon as possible to stabilize his permanent position.

I don't know.

Both sides are doing their own thing.

In the wedding room, Kong Ci was dressed exquisitely, it was not difficult to see that he was looking forward to it.


The figure looming in his mind made Kong Ci somewhat regretful.

That is Young Master Mingyue.

Seeing him before, the heroic figure of Young Master Mingyue has been firmly imprinted in Kong Ci's mind, and it will resurface from time to time.

Really unforgettable.

Kong Ci let out a long sigh, looked at his own face in the bronze mirror, and felt that he was quite worthy of the other party.


The sky doesn't follow people's wishes, we met too late, and I'm already going to marry a wife, I'm afraid I can only live up to this fate.

thought here.

Kong Ci felt very regretful in his heart.

A little girl next to her smiled and said, "Sister Kong Ci, aren't you happy? Hall Master Nie is the most handsome Hall Master in the world.

Moreover, he is notoriously gentle and unrestrained. I don't know how many girls want to marry him. "

Kong Ci said: "Of course I am willing. Why, do you still want to snatch it?"

"My sister doesn't have that ability."

The servant girl teased, and then continued to dress up.

the other side.

Nie Feng also dressed himself up carefully, but his mood was not so excited, and he even felt a little guilty.

speak up.

He had some intention of using this wedding to avenge himself.

I always feel sorry for Kong Ci.


The arrow is on the string and has to be fired, he has no way out, and he has already discussed a countermeasure.


This is the best opportunity, absolutely not to be missed.


Nie Feng judged his own heart, and he must carry this guilt on the battlefield, and he must not have any hesitation, hesitation will lead to defeat.

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