Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1199: Juggernaut Dugu Sword

The words were divided into two parts, Lin Pingzhi's side was happy, but Duanlang's side was not.

How could he never have thought that he would be rejected.

Moreover, the eclipse-sun swordsmanship that he secretly practiced was so easily deciphered.

This frustrated him greatly, so he planned to take revenge.

of course.

What he wants to take revenge most is Xiongba, so he can just deal with Lin Pingzhi by the way.


According to the news that someone revealed to him before, he came to a relatively hidden place.

This is also a bamboo forest with a thatched hut inside.

It is said that.

Dugu Jian, the peerless genius back then, is retreating here, and it can also be regarded as a hermit.

So Duanlang came to him, not believing that even his own family was exterminated, and he would stand by and watch.

He came here with great anticipation, but when he arrived in the bamboo forest, a mist suddenly appeared.

Duanlang lost his way in it, no matter which direction he went, he would eventually return to the same place.

It was like hitting a wall with ghosts.

Over time, Duanlang, who was sweating profusely, knew that this was a trap set up by the other party, a way to confuse himself.

Just don't want to let yourself find each other.

So he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Senior Dugu, this junior came this time to discuss something with you!"


Sure enough, I got a response.

I only heard an old voice coming from all directions, but the voice was indeed very powerful.

"The old man has long since left the world, you go back."

The sound is very vicissitudes.

But with an absolute sense of command and majesty in that kind of weakness, it seems that people dare not refuse.

Duanlang immediately broke out in a cold sweat, but naturally he would not back down when he came here, so he said firmly:

"Senior Dugu, I'm afraid you haven't realized that your family has been brutally exterminated, have you?"

Be quiet for a while.


Dugu Jian remained silent, after all, he was a member of his clan.

Even if he has completely let go of the mortal world now, after all, he has some concerns and cannot let go.


The fog at the scene disappeared, and what Duanlang saw was a thatched cottage.

Duanlang immediately stepped forward, knelt outside on one knee, and said, "Senior Dugu, the Tianxiahui has already destroyed Wushuang City!"


Dugu Jian's tone was a little suspicious, and he said, "Since that's the case, what does this have to do with you?"


Duan Lang smiled, knowing too well that he couldn't play any tricks in front of this old man.

So he made the deal stand out: "The younger generation does have a little idea, maybe it can be regarded as using your hand to destroy the world, and will help me avenge.

It's really helpless, if I can solve it myself, why come here to invite seniors?


The junior is indeed a bit selfish, but that matter is indeed as the junior said.

It was Tianxiahui who destroyed Wushuang City, and just a few days ago, this matter is now well known in the world.

Senior Dugu and his son, don't you have any troubles? "

"You're honest, kid."

Dugu Jian's tone softened slightly, since he had already recruited everything, fortunately he could believe it.

After being silent for a while, he sighed, and the bamboo door of the room suddenly opened by itself.

Immediately afterwards, an old man who looked a little illusory came out from inside.

Duan Lang was dumbfounded, and saw that the old man appeared in front of him seemed to be just a phantom, and it looked a little translucent.

He knew that this was not the real body of Senior Dugu, so it could be regarded as a clone.


Shocked, he admired and yearned for it.

I thought in my heart when will I be able to reach this height?

That is really the ultimate dream of people in martial arts. I am afraid that it is not as simple as transforming the realm.

At least, it is much more powerful than Xiongba.

Duanlang seemed to see hope, and said even more excitedly: "Senior Dugu, now the world will cover up the sky with one hand, and he has done a lot of unreasonable things in the world.

The few people in Wushuang City originally wanted to do justice for the sky, but in the end, they were wiped out by the other party instead.

Senior Dugu, Wushuang City is thinking of doing good deeds, and absolutely can't just let it go.

You must seek justice for them. "

"Why, is the world so powerful now? Is there no force that can fight against them?"

Dugu Jian asked back.

Duan Lang said: "The gangs that can fight against the world, looking at the entire Jianghu, I am afraid that only the Fuwei Escort led by Mr. Mingyue, and the Supreme League led by Guan Yutian, can break their wrists."


After pausing for a while, he continued: "It's really a fight to the death, I'm afraid, both sides will suffer, so no one dares to act rashly."


Dugu Jian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then do you think this old man has this ability?"

"Senior Dugu, who doesn't know that you are already invincible?"

Duanlang flattered, but he really thought so in his heart.


As a result, Dugu Jian laughed at himself: "He is really invincible, and he would not be defeated by Wuming at the beginning, so he hid in the deep mountains and old forests.


Speaking of which, the old man really wants to get out of the mountain to exercise his muscles and bones, so step back, this matter has nothing to do with you.

The old man will naturally go to him to settle accounts. "

"Senior Dugu"

Seeing that the time is ripe, Duanlang is ready to turn the fire on Lin Pingzhi: "Actually, there is another key person who wiped out Wushuang City this time."


Dugu Jian asked.

With a gloomy face, Duanlang said, "It's the young master Mingyue I mentioned just now.

Although this Young Master Mingyue is only in his early twenties, he is already a well-known figure in the world.

There are not many people who can defeat him. He can be regarded as a young hero throughout the ages. As far as I know, he played a key role on the day the city was destroyed. "


Dugu Jian was a little surprised: "So young?"

"Senior Dugu, don't underestimate people."

Duan Lang said: "Before, too many people thought he was a junior, so many people fell under his hands.

For example, Jiumozhi, Jinlun Fawang, Ouyang Feng, etc., are all masters who have been famous for a long time, but in the end, they all suffered a big loss in his hands. "


Hear this.

Dugu Jian was even more interested, and really wanted to meet this legendary young hero.

Defeating so many masters of the older generation at a young age can indeed attract people's attention, and it is worthy of attention.

Dugu Jian muttered: "That's right, the old man will clean it up together."

"Senior Dugu, if you come out of the mountain, you will definitely be able to avenge the Dugu family."

Duanlang was excited.


Who knows.

Dugu Jian was suddenly furious: "You are just a villain who wants to kill with a knife, don't pretend to be deep here.

Before the old man gets angry, quickly disappear in front of me, otherwise"

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