Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1198 Who are you


After a series of operations.

Lin Pingzhi finished the process of making the soup.

After You Ruo tasted it, she also gave a thumbs up, saying: "I really didn't expect you to be able to do this kind of work. No wonder so many women are willing to follow you."


Lin Pingzhi smiled proudly, and said, "How about it, isn't my skill not bad?"


You Ruo continued to drink the soup, and while she was drinking, she suddenly felt bitter and choked up, "You said, did he really forget me?"


Lin Pingzhi sighed, stepped forward to comfort him, and carefully took You Ruo into his arms.

The other party resisted a little, but in the end they did not resist to the end.

Lin Pingzhi said: "There are few willows blowing on the branches. There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world. Why hang on a tree."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

You Ruo said that he did not understand.

Lin Pingzhi put it in a simple way: "Without him, there is still me. If Miss You Ruo doesn't dislike it, maybe I can be your emotional comforter."

"Bah, bah, bah, you guys are doing some looting."

You Ruo said no, but her body was still very honest, and she didn't resist: "You want to take advantage of it, don't you?"

"Why, who stipulated it?"

Lin Pingzhi didn't follow the routine, but suddenly lifted You Ruo's chin and kissed her very tenderly.

If you closed your eyes, you would feel like you were getting an electric shock all over your body, numb and numb, not too wonderful.

The kind of stimulation that traveled all over the body made You Ruo lose her mind in an instant, completely forgetting about Nie Feng.


The result is when it's time to get down to business.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly heard someone around him, and immediately looked over vigilantly.

Only in the shadows.

A man walked out, it was Duanlang.

You Ruo recognized it, and immediately left Lin Pingzhi's body, and shouted very worriedly: "Duanlang, don't tell my father."


Duan Lang laughed, not knowing exactly what it meant.

Lin Pingzhi said: "You Ruo, it doesn't matter if you tell him, anyway, sooner or later we will be together, sooner or later you have to tell him."

You Ruo said nervously: "No, you don't understand, Mr. Mingyue, I'm bewildered by him, thinking that everyone who gets close to me just wants to harm him.

They all just wanted to harm him by threatening me.

So he didn't want to hurt himself, and he didn't want me to be hurt, and he never allowed me to have contact with men. "

"Fuck, is there such an operation?"

Lin Pingzhi died speechless, and said, "Is it like this all my life?"

"I do not know."

You Ruo didn't know, and looked at Duanlang with expectant eyes.

Duanlang felt that he came at the right time.

He also knew Xiongba's temper, so he deliberately came to try his luck, but unexpectedly, he actually ran into him.

He suddenly smiled brightly, and said: "Don't worry, Miss You Ruo, although I just met Mr. Mingyue now.


In fact, I have already raised his name.

See you today.

It's really lucky for three lives, it can be said that there is some meaning of hit-time hits.

I regard him as a close friend, how can I harm him?Naturally, it is impossible for him to be harmed by the leader Xiong. "

Duanlang intends to build a relationship, and there are some threatening meanings in the words, but most people can't hear them.

It means to say.

If you dare to refuse, I will shake this matter out.

"is it?"

The simple You Ruo actually believed it, and immediately beamed with joy.

Lin Pingzhi looked calm, and even stared at that guy speechlessly, and said, "Who are you? Who wants to be friends with you?"

It can be said to be a proper slap in the face.

It was like a bucket of cold water was splashed on Duan Lang's face.

Not to mention how embarrassing this feeling is.

"Master Mingyue."

Duanlang still didn't want to give up, he forced a smile on his face.


Lin Pingzhi didn't want to get too close to this kind of person, and said, "I will naturally settle the matter between the two of us.

It doesn't bother Mr. Duan to worry about it. "


Duanlang was furious, and saw that the other party was a bit disdainful: "How dare you look down on me?"

"Yes, so what?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered, looking a little embarrassed.

"court death!"

Duan Lang couldn't help but to strike, and suddenly drew his sword, although he had seen Lin Pingzhi's strength during the day.


It was a matter of face, so he had to go.

And already forgot everything, how could he take care of so much.

"Eclipse sword technique."

Once Duanlang made a move, it was his bottom line.

This trick was learned by him secretly, and he has practiced it to the highest level, the trick is weird.

As soon as this move was made, the surrounding space was filled with sword energy, and they flew towards Lin Pingzhi in unison.


You Ruo is in a hurry, very worried.

Who knows.

Lin Pingzhi just stretched out two fingers, and easily caught Duanlang's sword.

It was like breaking his trick.

Duanlang was taken aback, he thought that he would be able to guard against it after seeing the power of a finger of consonance today.

Who knows, there is still no way to prevent it.

"Is this a consonant finger?"

Duanlang's tone was deep, the flesh on his face was jumping.

He had been humiliated since he was born, so he naturally reacted violently.

"Since you know, why don't you hurry up? Don't disturb my son's good affairs."

Lin Pingzhi's tone was cold and he didn't show any face.

"You wait."

Duan Lang gritted his teeth and left angrily.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so fruitless.

Also touched a nose gray.

He was very dissatisfied.

You Ruo was a little worried, and said: "If he goes to tell my father, it will be over."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "Don't worry, even so, I am willing to bear it. After all, this is an inevitable step, and this is a step that must be taken."

These words really touched You Ruo's heart, she had never seen a man with such a sense of responsibility.


I fell into it, deeply unable to extricate myself.

"You are such a big fool."

You Ruo's eyes were moist, and she slowly leaned against Lin Pingzhi's chest, feeling the beating sensation.

Gradually, I became addicted to it and didn't want to separate.

the other end.

Nie Feng returned to the room feeling a little disappointed.

Bu Jingyun immediately came over to comfort him, and said, "Junior Brother Feng, what's wrong with you?"


Nie Feng didn't say anything.

Bu Jingyun was puzzled: "Didn't you go to Miss You Ruo to explain? She won't listen?"

"Do not."

Nie Feng said: "Perhaps, we shouldn't continue to pester you.

Between me and her father, fire and water are incompatible, neither of us is from the same world.

Perhaps there shouldn't be too many intersections. "

Bu Jingyun was silent, no more words, even if he hadn't experienced it, he could still understand it.

a long time.

Bu Jingyun said: "Junior Brother Feng, you have to cheer up."


Nie Feng smiled.

Rediscovered the former chic.

Immediately afterwards, the three brothers and sisters continued to discuss the next plan, going through the process over and over again.

Be sure to pursue perfection without any flaws.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi is still flirting with You Ruo. I have to say that this girl is indeed charming, with an out-of-the-box personality and not at all shy.

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