Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1197 How the fuck do you cook soup

"Miss Youruo, I just made a joke just now."

Lin Pingzhi stepped down the steps immediately, and said, "I hope miss doesn't mind, after all, I'm too boring."

"and many more."

You Ruo suddenly remembered something, and suddenly asked: "Didn't you say that your lover is also here?

Should I just leave her there? "

"Ah, this."


Lin Pingzhi actually forgot about this, didn't he show his flaws?

He forcefully explained: "My wife likes to be alone"

"Haha, what a fresh and refined reason."

If You Ruo launched a counterattack, isn't this what Lin Pingzhi said just now?Apply what you learn right away.

"Uh, well, she actually fell asleep."

Lin Pingzhi was perfunctory again.

No explanation, no logic at all.

Upon hearing this, You Ruo continued to look black, and complained in a low voice: "Just ignore it when you're asleep, a typical scumbag."

Depend on.

As for?

Do you want to be so bitter?

It’s over.

Failed to leave a good impression on the other party.

Instead, it left behind the image of a scumbag who lifted his pants and refused to recognize anyone.

How should I flirt after this?

"Okay, let's change the topic, this topic is a bit perverted."

You Ruo took the initiative to change the subject, but she didn't know what her intentions were, and said: "In a few days, it will be my Brother Feng's wedding, I plan to make some soup for him."

There are so many pitfalls that Lin Pingzhi doesn't know where to start complaining.

He organized his thoughts, rubbed his temples, and said, "Wait, Brother Feng? Listen to your address just now.

It seems that you don't know him, why is there a call from senior brother and senior brother now?


Do you give a bowl of soup when someone gets married? "

"It's fine if you don't poison him!"

You Ruoyou complained: "At the beginning, I expressed my kindness to him, but after going out for a trip, I don't recognize him anymore!

The scumbag, turned around and took it again, other women, drink him to death!He should really be poisoned! "

"Oh, so you guys still have a past."

Lin Pingzhi didn't analyze these things.


The two have now met.

It's normal, if you live in the same place, you will inevitably meet each other.

"Well, so, what's wrong with giving him a bowl of soup?"

Lin Pingzhi simply bit the bullet and took up this topic.

I don't know what else to talk about.

Let's follow this young lady's weird temper.

You Ruo suddenly took Lin Pingzhi's hand, and then started to trot, not feeling at all that the man and the woman are not close.

Even Lin Pingzhi was taken aback, but it felt really good.

In the night, under the moonlight.

Being pulled up and trotting by a young girl really feels like hitting the pinnacle of life.

Those who didn't know thought that the young people were going to do bad things again.


Lin Pingzhi was taken to a small pavilion in the middle of the lake, which is truly unique.

It seems that Xiong Ba is very concerned about the safety of his daughter, and has always protected You Ruo in this isolated place.

It's really helpless.

After all, he is covered in blood debts, so it is inevitable to consider these.

It's just that if you suffer so much, you will become a bird in a cage in your good years, completely unable to see the wonderful world outside.

I was hurt by my brother.

Lin Pingzhi felt distressed, and was dragged into a kitchen.

It can be seen that this young lady's cooking skills are not good.

The kitchen was a mess, and it couldn't be seen that this was the latest kitchen, it must have been You Ruo's impromptu idea.

There was still a fire burning in the stove, and a small pot was boiling. Could it be the soup made by this young lady?

You Ruo picked up the lid of the pot with a handkerchief, stirred the pot with a spoon, and finally scooped out a little to taste.

Immediately afterwards, he frowned and spit out the soup in his mouth.

Apparently it wasn't hot.

Because before sending it into her mouth, she blew several breaths of air, and the temperature had already dropped.

There is only one possibility.

It is because the taste of the soup is too bad to swallow.

"Cough cough cough."

Sure enough, You Ruo said with disgust on his face, "What kind of stuff is this? It's not for people to drink."

"Is it not good?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "Aren't you going to take revenge on that scumbag? This is a good opportunity.

Get him a pot of unpalatable soup and ask him to drink it. "


You Ruo suddenly felt emotional, and said: "Although that guy betrayed me, let's just say he betrayed me.


I still want to wish him happiness.

of course.

I may have completely cheapened him.

I want to cook a bowl of wolf heart and dog lung soup for him, so that he can remember well, and in the future, don't let down sister Kong Ci. "

"Miss You Ruo, I didn't expect your carefree personality to have such subtleties."

Lin Pingzhi pretended to admire him, to see if he could win a little favor, and said, "You are also very broad-minded, I admire you."

"That is."

You Ruo put her hands on her hips proudly.

Then he stared at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously, and said, "There are so many women around you, you probably don't know how to cook?"

"who said it."

Lin Pingzhi cheered up and said, "I'm pretty good at this, at least better than you."

"Isn't Miss Ben a joke!"

You Ruo jumped up, making a gesture to hit Lin Pingzhi on the head.

Of course Lin Pingzhi dodged immediately.

The two were laughing and fighting for a moment, looking quite cheerful.

Also get along quite well.

And this scene.

It happened to be seen by Nie Feng in the distance.

He originally wanted to find You Ruo to catch up on the old days and express his feelings.

Also want to explain.

after all.

Marriage was not what he wanted.


Suddenly looking at the scene in front of him, I couldn't help but feel a little lost.

He understood that You Ruo would never have laughed and played like this if he hadn't been a person with a harmonious relationship.


Nie Feng sighed, suddenly feeling relieved.


It's time for him to quit.

after all.

I and Xiong Ba are at odds with each other, but in the future they will face each other with swords.

When that time really comes, what should You Ruo do?

How can I adjust the relationship between the two parties?How to get along?

Perhaps it is a better choice to leave now, so as not to make both parties uncomfortable.

That's called suffering.

thought here.

Nie Feng sighed slightly, turned around and left like this, and it was a lifetime when he turned around.

"OK OK."

Lin Pingzhi put down Miss Youruo who was riding on him, thinking that this girl really let go.

He said: "Let's finish your wolf heart and dog lung soup first."


You Ruo smiled.


Lin Pingzhi began to prepare the ingredients and cut up all the ingredients for later use.

You Ruo, who was watching all this from the side, was always interested at first, but as the subsequent procedures became more and more complicated, she became bitter.

He also asked: "How should I cook this fucking wolf heart and dog lung soup?"


Lin Pingzhi burst out laughing when he heard that, without explaining, he buried his head and continued to work. Finally, he finally made all the preparations.

Heat the oil in the pot, and start to boil the soup. After the tedious steps, the fragrance gradually comes out.

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