Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1195 Miss Youruo

The sudden voice made both Lin Pingzhi and Yan Ying nervous.

Especially Yan Ying.

If Xiong Ba really bumped into him, I'm afraid he would have to go see Lord Yan.

"Lin Lang!"

Yan Ying was in a hurry, hugged Lin Pingzhi's arm tightly, and leaned against his chest, her pitiful appearance made people feel sorry for her.

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, thinking to himself, if it's really that old man's words, at worst, he will do it directly.

Can't beat or run?


It doesn't necessarily mean you can't beat it.

"rest assured."

Lin Pingzhi stroked Yan Ying's hair and comforted him, "No one can hurt my woman!"

These words made Yan Ying's face turn red.

At such an age, I can still be so moved.

Even she herself didn't think of it.

Thinking about it carefully, I have so many men around me these years, but they are all just for fun.

Only the man in front of him was extremely attentive.

Although they had just met, they had already been conquered.

Yan Ying swears that she will follow him from now on, wherever she goes, and will not change until death, she will absolutely put away her previous skittish behavior.

"Father, are you doing something bad again?"


Then there was a clear and beautiful voice, and the alarm was lifted in an instant.

It turned out that it wasn't Xiongba who came.

It was his daughter You Ruo.


It still made Yan Ying very nervous. If her goddaughter saw it, wouldn't the effect be the same?

"is her."

Lin Pingzhi immediately guessed that it was You Ruo, he couldn't wait to see his face, and forgot what happened just now.

He bowed his head and said to Yan Ying: "I see, I'll have to deal with it next time. Don't make any noise here, otherwise, it will be bad if you are discovered."


Yan Ying was moved, the other party was really thinking of herself, she was really too manly.

next moment.

Lin Pingzhi walked out naked without any panic, and put on his coat slowly.

The appearance looks a bit chic.

under the moonlight.

When You Ruo looked at this perfect body, her ignorant heart throbbed instantly, and she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

At the same time, his face was slightly red, and peach blossoms inevitably appeared in his heart.

After all, I have never experienced this kind of thing before, and it is inevitable that there will be some peach blossoms flooding.


I often bump into other people doing this kind of thing, and I can't help feeling a little yearning.

After all, she is a big girl. It is very common to have this kind of physical need, but she is ashamed to show it.


Seeing Lin Pingzhi's perfect body, You Ruo was stunned for a moment.

Under the moonlight, the two looked at each other quietly like this, forming a kind of quiet beauty.

Lin Pingzhi looked at that perfect face, also a little bit fascinated.

I didn't expect that Xiongba, who has become so big, could give birth to this kind of daughter. I really don't know how good-looking his wife is.

And she still looks like a little girl, which makes people yearn for it, and I can't help but put it in the palm of my hand and take good care of it.

"Cough cough."

Lin Pingzhi coughed twice, breaking the current silence.

It was only now that You Ruo came back to her senses, she looked away in surprise, and was a little flustered for a while.

Thinking of her gaffe just now, she became anxious, stomped her foot and said, "Who dares to break into Tianxiahui! You don't want to live anymore, do you?"


Lin Pingzhi just smiled lightly, and said: "Miss You Ruo, next to Lin Pingzhi is Nie Feng's friend, and I'm here to attend his wedding."

"Nie Feng?"

Suddenly, You Ruo retracted his finger, stopped pointing, and said, "It seems to be my father's apprentice, what's wrong? He's getting married?"

"Why, Miss You Ruo doesn't know?"

Otherwise keep asking.

"That is, why does Miss Ben care about those things?"

With his hands on his hips, You Ruo suddenly came back to his senses: "No, don't try to change the topic!

Although you are his friend, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? "


Lin Pingzhi couldn't explain it.

So is You Ruo.

When she heard the movement just now, she thought that her father was having fun with people outside again, which was really indecent.

It would be even more embarrassing if you were bumped into by the person in front of you.

She didn't know how to cross-examine.

Lin Pingzhi also suddenly discovered something.

If the eldest lady in front of her thinks that her daddy is making out with someone else.

Then she still dares to come up?

and many more.

What is the relationship between the father and daughter?so close?

Lin Pingzhi was really taken aback.

I thought this father and daughter could really play.

Coughing twice, Lin Pingzhi explained: "Miss You Ruo, it's really embarrassing to say that.

I am young and full of energy, and my stomach is full of blood, so I want to find someone to vent.

cough cough.

So I came here with my wife for a little entertainment, but I didn't expect to disturb Miss You Ruo's moon viewing at night.

I am so sorry. "


Upon hearing this, You Ruo yelled, opened her mouth wide and looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.

He is so handsome, how could he do such a perverted thing.

Anyway, you are in someone else's territory, dare to play like this?


I also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn't my father who was messing around outside, that would be really embarrassing, and I would be ashamed to see people when I left it at home.


Lin Pingzhi laughed awkwardly, and said: "Hahaha, there is indeed something wrong, I will pay attention to it in the future.

Miss You Ruo, it's windy at night, don't catch a cold. "

"What, do you want me to go back?"

You Ruo chuckled, his face turned cold, and said, "You want to care about me?

Pooh!Don't think that this girl is easy to deceive, only a fool will believe your words!

Some people do those things in other people's land in the middle of the night, bah bah bah! "


He didn't listen to Lin Pingzhi's explanation, put his hands on his mouth and started shouting: "Come on, catch the thief! Catch the adulterer, I'm going to be molested!"

"Depend on!"

Lin Pingzhi really didn't expect Miss You Ruo to be so arrogant, could she shout such words?

Really know.

While joking, I was still a little worried.

This huge world will inevitably be heavily guarded, and it would be bad to be discovered.

He can run by himself.

But what about the woman in the grass?

Will it be soaked in a pig cage?

No, no, no, this tragedy must not be allowed to happen.

Da da da.

The surrounding guards quickly approached. Before hearing the special sound, they deliberately stayed away, but now they also gathered quickly.

After all, it was the eldest lady who spoke, but there must be no mistakes, otherwise the leader Xiong would be unforgiving.

"Miss, what's the matter?"

Those people asked, pointing their weapons at Lin Pingzhi one after another, saying: "Does this kid dare to insult you?"


You Ruo directly reached out and knocked that person on the head, saying: "How could he have insulted Miss Ben.

Sometimes I say that on purpose to draw you over.

This guy is sneaky, I suspect it is a spy, take it down, so Miss Ben can go to daddy to receive the reward. "

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