
After hearing this, Mingyue seemed a little jealous.


And Dugu Meng also frowned, unexpectedly, she wanted to be sisters with this woman, feeling helpless in her heart.

Coupled with what happened today, I feel very bad and my heart is very chaotic.

At this time.

The jellyfish Yin Ji on the beam of the house saw clearly what happened, so naturally she wanted to help Lin Pingzhi deal with some things.

She found Nie Feng and said that they would naturally help clean up the next thing. The people in Wushuang City had almost been killed, so he didn't have to stay.

Nie Feng smiled slightly, and said: "This time, I would like to thank you for your help. I will definitely come to Tianxiahui some other day."


Jellyfish Yin Ji responded casually, then turned and left.

And Nie Feng, sighed a little, went to appease the injured brothers again, and said: "Everyone has worked hard this time, and there will be a lot of rewards when we go back."


All the people are very excited, but at the same time a little scared.

I really didn't expect the combat power in Wushuang City to be so strong.

And there are more people.

If it wasn't for someone's help this time, I'm afraid they would be planted here.

After all, they can only be minions, these people have no reason to think about things.

I don't even think about it, this time it's just too perfect.

If there is really no one to help, wouldn't they really want to die here forever.

Nie Feng is of course different. At this time, he began to doubt his master Xiongba, and suspected that the other party did this on purpose.

He just wanted to die in Wushuang City.

after that.

There is a more reasonable reason to go to war against Wushuang City, and at that time people in the world dare not say anything more.

Is he just a reason to go to war?

Is it really just a pawn?

Nie Feng was very heavy inside, thinking of what Lin Pingzhi said to him before, his heart was in a mess.

He decided to do a good job of investigating after he went back, and he had to figure out this matter, after all, it was related to his father's death.

and also.

Is the woman next to Xiongba really his mother?

All this happened so suddenly, it hit Nie Feng very hard, and he vowed to figure it out.


It was Lin Pingzhi who deceived him, and he wanted to destroy Lin Pingzhi.

"Brothers, carry the bodies of the brothers, let's go back."

Nie Feng yelled loudly and immediately returned to court.

The people of Shenfengtang were indeed very fast, they immediately organized a team, and stepped back on the corpse of the Wushuang city man.


It just disappeared.

Jellyfish Yin Ji watched them go away, so she should go back to continue acting, and came to the main hall, saying: "Lin Lang, the members of the Tianxiahui have already escaped.


They have indeed completed the task this time, there are not many people left in Wushuang City. "


Lin Pingzhi replied very seriously, and said softly to Dugu Meng in his arms: "Fuwei Escort will be your home from now on."


Dugu Meng replied very gently.

Next, they buried all the bodies of Dugu Ming and Dugu Fang, sending the two of them on their last journey.

As for the corpses that are all over the city, there is really no way to deal with them.

Dugu Meng said: "You set the fire on."

so decided.

Surprised Lin Pingzhi, or felt a chill down his spine.

It is said that women are cruel.


Dugu Meng smiled slightly, and said, "My father and elder brother, Hero I, don't care about these things."

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded in agreement.

I don't continue to move the corpses any more. It takes a lot of people to prepare tung oil, and it takes a lot to set the whole city on fire.

of course.

With so many things, it is impossible to prepare them right away. Naturally, it will take some time, and someone will do them immediately.

during breaks.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the two Wushuang swords on the ground.


It can be regarded as a good weapon, and it might be useful if you take it back.


Leave it to Dugumeng.

He said: "Meng, you can take these things. After all, they belong to your Dugu family, so you can keep them as a memory."


Dugu Meng nodded, looking at the two unparalleled swords, thousands of thoughts rushed into her heart instantly.

She smiled faintly, and finally walked towards Wushuangjian, reaching out to pick it up.

The result is here.

In an instant, a sharp weapon flew out, approaching Dugu Meng's hand, it seemed that he didn't want to kill him, but just wanted to stop something.


Lin Pingzhi shouted immediately.

Fortunately, Dugu Meng is also a hero of the female school, possessing unique skills, and when she sensed something was wrong, she quickly retracted her hand.

At the same time, the dragonfly stepped back and retreated to Lin Pingzhi's side, looking at the beams of the house very vigilantly.


Immediately afterwards, somewhere above the roof collapsed, and tiles and planks fell to the ground.

Several figures landed on the scene.

One of them was a middle-aged man, dressed gorgeously, with a golden crown on his head, and a very strange sword written on his waist.

There are two guards behind him, with solemn expressions, they don't look like ordinary people.

Standing on the other side was a young man with a somewhat proud expression on his face, followed by two guards.


Lin Pingzhi looked at the person in front of him warily.

He didn't pay attention to that young man.

It is estimated that it is the realm of reaching the peak.

He was a little concerned about the middle-aged man next to him.

A master of transformation.

of course.

For his current state, everything in front of him is nothing more than a trivial matter, if he wants to kill him, he can kill it.


He is strange.

These people have been on the beams for so long.

And didn't he notice it at all?

Is it just because all the attention is on Dugu Fang?


What made him more concerned was another point.

Did all these people hear what I did just now?

If this is the case, things are really bad. Wouldn't his image of being wise and mighty be shattered?


The young man next to him smiled loudly and understood: "I have long heard that Mr. Mingyue is a leading figure among the younger generation in the Jianghu, and seeing him today really lives up to his reputation.

I consider myself a remarkable figure among the younger generation.

Compared with Mr. Mingyue today, I feel ashamed and ashamed. It seems that today's trip is really the right one.

To be able to see the unparalleled look of Young Master Mingyue is really not in vain for this trip, or to say that this life is not in vain. "

While complimenting, he showed a strange smile.

Obviously implying something.


Lin Pingzhi understood that what he did just now was indeed clearly seen by them.

The kid in front of him seemed to want to threaten him.


Not only did he sneer.

If you think you can control yourself so easily, you are really wrong, then they really think of themselves as simple.

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