Lin Pingzhi showed a weird smile, and Dugu Ming suddenly felt bad.

next moment.

Dugu Meng appeared in the main hall, seeing the miserable scene in front of her, her expression changed immediately.

Almost fainted.

And the mummy lying next to him was his father, Dugu Fang.

Although the appearance has completely changed, the clothes on the body will not change, and the feeling will not change.

Dugu Meng still recognized her father at a glance, and immediately covered her mouth and burst into tears.

She still suppressed her crying, didn't amplify it, shouted daddy, and rushed up immediately.

at this moment.

Lin Pingzhi put on a sad expression, holding Dugu Ming in his arms who couldn't make a sound, and looked at Dugu Meng with guilt.

He said: "Sorry, Meng, I have no way to stop this, there are too many people in the Tianxiahui."


Dugumeng wept silently, of course he believed that all of this was done by the people of the Tianxiahui, after all, only they could do it and have this intention.

Looking at the mummy in front of him, he gradually calmed down his emotions just now, knowing that he had to deal with the aftermath by himself.

Seeing that his elder brother was still alive, he finally got some good news, so he went over to check immediately.

"Brother, can you still hold on?"

She stretched out her hand to hold Dugu Ming's hand.

The brothers and sisters who used to be at odds have now abandoned everything.

When a catastrophe is approaching, of course they are still closer by blood.

It's just that at this time, Dugu Ming was hit by Lin Pingzhi's Ya acupoint, and he couldn't speak at all, and because of his severe injury, he couldn't do much movement.

He just raised his hand with difficulty, gesticulating there to explain something.


Didn't have any effect.

Lin Pingzhi sensed Duguming's intention, and grasped Duguming's raised hand.

He even began to promise: "Don't worry, brother Dugu, I will take good care of your sister and won't let him be wronged."

"No no no!"

Dugu Ming's eyes almost popped out, what he wanted to express was not these, he wanted to tell his sister who is the real villain.

This is the real enemy.

Can't do it.

"elder brother"

Dugu Meng really thought that her elder brother was still worrying about her at this time, so she couldn't help being moved.

Turning to look at Lin Pingzhi again, he was also moved: "Lin Lang, I feel at ease with your words."


Lin Pingzhi pretended to sigh, and said: "I'm sorry, Meng, your brother's injuries are really serious, I managed to save him from the Tianxiahui just now.

But it was still a step late.

If I could have saved him earlier, maybe, maybe you two could live together in the future.



It's all useless to me, I can only barely keep him alive with my own internal strength.

But after all, it is not a solution, it is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure. "

"Don't do that, Lin Lang."

Dugu Meng was very touched, and did not doubt what Lin Pingzhi said, saying: "You have done well enough, I am so happy to be by your side in this life."


Looking at Dugu Ming as if everything had settled down, he said, "Brother, don't worry, my sister has already found her home, so you don't have to worry about me."

"No no no!"

Duguming was so angry, he watched Lin Pingzhi pretend to be a good person in front of him, and turned black and white in front of him.

He even said those disgusting words on purpose to show off that he had cheated his sister around.

But he himself can't do anything.

Really can only watch Lin Pingzhi play with all the Dugu family members between applause.

Who can understand this pain?

Who can understand the resentment in my heart?

Duguming was furious, and if he could, he would even use his next life to be a cow and a horse in exchange for the opportunity to say a word now.

It's a pity that it can't be done.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he trembled all over, trying to express the truth of the matter.

Lin Pingzhi pinched him and said, "Don't worry, Brother Dugu, I will take good care of your sister and prevent her from being bullied by anyone.

And Young Master Mingyue pledged with his own life that he would do what he said today. "

In fact.

Lin Pingzhi will indeed do what he says.

Although he deceived Dugu Meng, he would not treat Dugu Meng badly.

after all.

He really regarded Dugu Meng as his own woman.

Just said those words.

It's just for the sake of a smoother life for the two of them in the future, so that there won't be too many conflicts.

"elder brother"

Dugu Meng's eyes were moist, she didn't know how long her elder brother could last, so she could only silently accompany her.

And the moon.

Witnessing all this from the side, to be honest, I was a little speechless and wanted to go up and expose it.

But in the end there was still no exit.

after all.

That is my future husband.

It is very clear that Lin Pingzhi really intends to accept Dumeng, so he is a little jealous and angry.

But think carefully.

Lin Pingzhi is so talented and beautiful, he must not be able to keep it all by himself, after all, he has to share it with other women.

Just bear it and forget it, after all, this kind of thing will definitely not be too rare in the future, so you have to be mentally prepared first.

"Cough cough."

Dugu Ming was so angry that he violently coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, but he couldn't speak now, it was too miserable.

"Brother, you don't have to worry about me."

Dugu Meng was still feeling sad: "I will be fine.

Remember when you were a kid?

At that time, the two of us ate candy secretly, and our father found out, and you took all the responsibilities on your own initiative.

At that time, I thought you were a very good brother, and you also promised to protect me and make me happy for the rest of my life.

Although you wanted to leave me first, but you did.”

Dugumeng has been telling the words of childhood.

And Dugu Meng.

In this kind of sweet talk, he gradually lost his breath and died peacefully.

But he still refused to close his eyes, because he was really too unwilling to die.

"elder brother"

Dugu Meng stretched out her hand, nervously closed Dugu Ming's eyes, and closed them silently.


A sad atmosphere spread in the hall.

"Don't worry, I will avenge your brother and your father."

Lin Pingzhi took advantage of the opportunity to expose Dugu Meng to his arms, spoke in a gentle tone, and stroked Dugu Meng's beautiful hair.

Mingyue, who was watching all this, wanted to go up and give him two punches.

It's too shameless, how can you be so shameless?

It's just plain cheeky.


How could Dugu Meng notice a thing or two, he was very touched, and felt that the man in front of him was worth entrusting.

Suddenly looking up at the bright moon next to him, Dugumeng said: "Lin Lang, she"


Lin Pingzhi laughed foolishly, and said: "Then you two sisters will be more harmonious in the future, after all, they are both my women."

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