Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1186 Two Great Sword Forging Forces

The atmosphere on the scene was a bit dignified.

The sudden appearance of several people made Lin Pingzhi and the others take it seriously.

Especially that young man.

Obviously came with hostility.

Lin Pingzhi naturally had to be careful.

And right now.

The middle-aged man next to him laughed, he looked a little serious, but he smiled a little frankly, with a wisp of beard, and also praised Lin Pingzhi:

"Master Mingyue is indeed well-deserved of his reputation. Seeing the old man today, it is indeed worthwhile to make this trip. It is really worth it."

"who are you?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the middle-aged man and saw that he was dressed in extraordinary clothes and looked imposing, and he should be a hero.

"Sword Master, Aotian!"

But Dugu Meng who was next to him recognized the two at a glance, and called out their names with a complicated expression on his face.


Lin Pingzhi reacted immediately.

Sword Lord, should be the Lord of Forging Sword City in Demon Sword Life and Death Chess.

The Aotian next to him.

It is the character in Fengyun, the young owner of Baijian Villa.

Both of these two families like to forge swords, and it seems that it is no coincidence that they are here at the same time today.

"Miss Dugu really has a good memory."

Jian Zun flattered a little.


Dugu Meng didn't give the two people in front of him a good look, and said: "My Wushuang City was massacred just now, and you guys appeared immediately.

What is the intention?

Or are you also involved? "


Aotian next to him smiled and said: "Miss Dugu really knows how to think, but we have never participated in this matter.

of course.

Indeed, he witnessed the whole process. "

His words seemed to remind Lin Pingzhi again.

We know what you did just now, you'd better be honest and cooperate.

Lin Pingzhi is also considered an old fritter, so he can naturally hear the hidden meaning, but he didn't care about it, and he didn't respond.

Aotian continued: "However, because the opponent has a lot of power, we didn't dare to make a move, and we hope that Miss Dugu will not be offended.

After all, the two of us brought two guards with us this time, even if we joined the battlefield, it would not help. "


Dugu Meng became more and more excited: "Since you are here, you don't help.

of course.

I don't ask you to be willing to help, but now you appear in front of me again at this time.

It was clearly for ridicule! "


Jian Zun knew that the kid next to him was a bit of a jerk and had some bad words to say, so he stood up and said: "Miss Dugu really misunderstood, and I really feel guilty about the matter of our resignation.


Only then did I come out to say a few words of comfort, I don't know if she was abrupt or not, I just hope that Miss Dugu will not be offended.


There is one more thing I want to discuss and cooperate with. Maybe Ms. Dugu will be interested. "


Dugu Meng immediately sneered, how could she not know the plan of the two people in front of her, after all, she had made such a request before.

It's just that Wushuang City didn't respond at that time.


She said: "I know what you want, but I will never agree.

Why, my father and the others are gone, so you think the lonely family is easy to bully?Can I be threatened by you casually? "

"Miss Dugu misunderstood."

Jian Zun hurriedly stood next to Aotian who wanted to talk back, knowing that this kid has a strange temper and would not take the overall situation into consideration.

He quickly answered: "We didn't come here to threaten with force, we really just wanted to make a deal.

I think.

Miss Dugu should hate the world, but with your own strength alone, there is really no way to take revenge.

Even with the help of Young Master Mingyue, there are still some difficulties. "

"What do you want to say?"

Dugu Meng seemed to have guessed the other party's plan.

Jian Zun smiled and said: "Miss Dugu is really smart.

I believe you should have guessed it.

As long as you can gift these two unparalleled swords to us, I will definitely help you in Sword Forging City, and Lord Ao Shao's Sword Worship Villa.

At that time, we will all regard the Tianxiahui as the number one enemy, and help you kill everyone in the Tianxiahui, avenge your father and brother, and everyone in Wushuang City. "

heard here.

Dugumeng was indeed moved.

Lin Pingzhi didn't understand, so he stood up and asked, "Meng, why did they do this?"

"Master Mingyue, I don't know something."

Aotian took the first step and said: "My Sword Worshiping Villa and the Sword Forging City of Senior Jianzun are both building a magic weapon.


But something very crucial is missing.

And these two unparalleled swords in Wushuang City are just right for each other.

This white yin sword is extremely yin and cold, which is just in line with the sword spirit needed by Lingshuang Sword of Forging Sword City.

And that black yang sword is as strong as yang.

Just in line with the sword spirit we need for the peerless sword we have created.

In the past, the forces of both of us came to ask City Lord Dugu to borrow his sword, but he naturally refused to give it.

Now that the situation has changed, that's why we came to ask again, hoping that Ms. Dugu can consider it. "

Lin Pingzhi understood.

These guys want to forge swords, and they just need these two unparalleled swords.

Isn't this a coincidence?

About this.

Of course Lin Pingzhi has no right to decide, everything depends on Dugumeng.

Dugu Meng lowered her head and thought for a while, thinking in her heart, although the Wushuang Sword is the only thing left by her father and elder brother, revenge is more important.

So after thinking for a while, she immediately raised her head and said firmly, "I hope you two don't break your promise, and I hope you will do what you say."


Seeing hope, Aotian laughed loudly: "Miss Dugu, please don't worry, we have been harassed by Tianxiahui all these years at Baijian Villa.

Getting rid of them is not only Miss Dugu's dream, but also the goal of all of us. "

The sword master next to him also said: "Indeed, the world will be jealous of my strength in Forging Sword City, and even more afraid that we will create the extremely powerful Lingshuang Sword, so we have been secretly obstructing it."

After a pause, he continued: "I think that Xiongba wants to destroy Wushuang City because he is afraid of the strength of both of us.

He wants to hold the Wushuang sword in his own hands, so that neither my Lingshuang sword nor the peerless sword of the city master Ao Shao can be born, so he can sit back and relax. "

There is such a connection among them, Dugu Meng really did not expect it.

She also believed what she had said, and said, "That's really the case, then I can trust you.

Furthermore, even if you go back on your word, my Lin Lang will not let you go. "

She looked at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.


Neither Aotian nor Jianzun seemed to take it seriously.

after all.

They just saw a very interesting scene.

Speaking of it can be regarded as a kind of excuse, and Lin Pingzhi will not be afraid to turn against them when the time comes.

Aotian didn't take it seriously, the corner of his mouth hooked slightly, already revealing the thoughts in his heart.

After all, Jian Zun was more experienced, his face was expressionless, and he did not reveal the little Jiujiu in his heart.

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