Facing the dangerous blow just now, Lin Pingzhi did not choose to evade, but came head-on.

I saw that he stabbed out the weapon in his hand in an instant, and he did not hide or dodge, choosing the way of losing both sides.

Dugu Fang is also a ruthless person.

He knew that even if he stopped now, he would not be able to survive. In this case, it was natural to pull someone on his back.

Of course he didn't hesitate at all, but he was a little puzzled by the other party's various behaviors, which was a little strange.

I have no way to survive, of course I am desperate and put life and death aside.

But why is this brat in front of him?

What he has now is beyond the reach of many people.

Whether it is fame or women, others cannot envy them.

He is even more possessed of peerless magic skills. Given time, no one in the world may be his opponent.

Why are you so desperate for such a bright future?

It really made Dugu a little puzzled.

He doesn't believe that there is someone who can take everything as unimportant as floating clouds, that kind of person doesn't exist.

Even the young master Mingyue in front of him, even the young master Mingyue Qingfeng among the Jianghu people, couldn't do this.

Just when Dugu was puzzled, the next he immediately knew the reason.


There was only the sound of flesh and blood being ripped apart.

Dugu Fang's chest was immediately penetrated by Lin Pingzhi's weapon, and not much blood flowed out, because there was not much blood in his body.

But this blow.

It did cause him a lot of pain and hurt.

I was already in great pain.

The insertion of the knife seemed to mobilize all the pain-sensing nerves, magnifying the pain dozens of times like a magnifying glass.

Dugu Fang felt the pain instantly and broke out in a cold sweat.

But he didn't cry out either, but he heard the sound of teeth cracking in his mouth.

He doesn't care anymore.

Because there was another thing that made his pupils widen, and only then did he understand the reason why the other party didn't dodge.

I saw that Lin Pingzhi's skin gradually took on a golden-bronze color.

It is his invincibility of King Kong.

As soon as this magical skill came out, Lin Pingzhi's body became invulnerable, not only with physical defense, but also able to resist most internal forces, so that his internal body was also protected from harm.

This is the reason why Lin Pingzhi chose to face the tough.

He has absolute means to protect himself, why should he escape?


Only a crisp sound was heard.

The Wushuang sword in Dugu Fang's hand pierced Lin Pingzhi's body, as if hitting steel.

Couldn't get in a cent.

On the contrary, Dugu's own hands were a little numb, and he felt uncomfortably shaken.


He looked at the young boy in front of him in disbelief, he couldn't even imagine it.

The Immortal King Kong skill was originally a unique skill of Gu Santong decades ago, but unexpectedly, it was learned by the kid in front of him.

How many secrets does he have?


A successful blow also declared the end of this battle.

Lin Pingzhi laughed out loud, and all this finally came to an end.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he said: "Don't be surprised, there are still many secrets about me.

You can see my vajra indestructibility magic.

You can also die in peace. "


Dugu Fang felt very unwilling.

He had already given everything he had, and took out all his unique skills, but he still lost.

But the other party is a guy who is dozens of years younger than himself, how can he be reconciled?

But even so.

It doesn't change the ending either.

At this moment, Dugu Fang's vitality is gradually draining away.

He was struggling with the forbidden technique just now, but now that his heart is damaged, he naturally has no power to recover.

I saw that his body was withering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Because the blood was exhausted, the water in his body was gradually evaporating.

At last.

He turned into a mummy under the eyes of everyone, and the hair on his body gradually turned pale.

Like a pinch of winter grass, it looks so dry.


Seeing his father end in such a miserable way, Duguming let out a loud roar.

He was very sad and very angry at the same time, but at this time he had no strength to resist.

Unwillingly, he hammered the ground violently, smashing a big hole in the floor, and his hands were already dripping with blood.

Dugu Ming's eyes were red and bloodshot.

He stared straight at Lin Pingzhi, that look as if he wanted to eat people, as if even if he went to hell, he would be dragged down to be buried with him.

"Lin Pingzhi, I will let you die! I will harass you all the time when I go to Jiuquan.

Even if you become a lonely ghost, I won't let you go! "

Dugu Ming roared angrily. At this time, he was really angry to the extreme, and he gritted his teeth.


Lin Pingzhi never believed in these ghost stories, so he sneered and said, "Dugu Ming, don't worry about me, I won't let your father be alone.

Then I'll send you on your way. "


Duguming spit out a mouthful of saliva, he is not afraid of death.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he has nothing to say, but it is a pity for his younger sister, although he usually doesn't get along well with her.


After all, they are connected by blood.


His angry roar was very loud, not reconciled to fate, not reconciled to everything that happened today.

It was supposed to be a great day.

In the end, it turned out to be blood-stained, and the century-old foundation of Wushuang City turned into ashes right in front of his eyes.


At this moment, Lin Pingzhi suddenly felt someone approaching.

It's a lonely dream.

Having been together for such a long time, Lin Pingzhi can clearly feel each other's breath.

He didn't expect Dugu Meng to wake up so soon.

It was a bit of a surprise.

Fortunately, everything has been dealt with, and there shouldn't be any flaws exposed.


Lin Pingzhi didn't intend to tell Dugu Meng the real situation, after all, he was interested in this woman.

Cover up the facts if you can.

We still have to live together in the future.

Even though she killed her father and elder brother, Lin Pingzhi also felt that it was nothing, the relationship between a man and a woman is normal.


Lin Pingzhi immediately rushed to Duguming's body, and hit Duguming's dumb acupoint with his palm, making him unable to speak.


At the same time, the powerful force made Dugu Ming spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper, and he felt like he could die at any moment.

But Lin Pingzhi had some measure of strength, and he would not let him die so easily.

He leaned into Dugu Ming's ear again, and said in a cold tone: "Dugu Ming, your sister is here, don't worry, I will take good care of him in the future.

For your peace of mind.

I decided not to let you die so quickly, let you see my sincerity for him, and you can go to Jiuquan to reunite with your father with peace of mind. "

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