Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1182 Hurt each other

the other side.

Battles are happening everywhere in Wushuang City.

In the streets and alleys, screams continued.

And blood is all over the city.

Under the leadership of Nie Feng, the people of Shenfengtang fought more and more bravely, and wherever they went, there were corpses everywhere.

With the help of the jellyfish Yin Ji, the people in Wushuang City had no way to resist. Although they resisted desperately, in the end, they couldn't escape the fate of being decapitated.

In the wedding room.

Dugu Meng, who was supposed to sleep until tomorrow morning, suddenly frowned.

Maybe it was because Lin Pingzhi didn't take enough medicine, or maybe it was because there was too much movement outside.

She woke up.

Dugu Meng supported her head, feeling groggy.

She immediately realized that she must have been drugged, and she was very angry.

As soon as he recovered, he heard the sound of fighting and killing outside again. He opened the window and was surprised.

There was blood everywhere, and dead bodies.

Obviously, Wushuang City suffered a disaster.

In Dugu's dream, he immediately thought of Tianxiahui.

after all.

The Tianxiahui had announced that it would definitely take down the two cities, so Dugumeng subconsciously thought that the opponent had already made a move.


She was immediately worried about her father, elder brother, and Lin Pingzhi, so she frantically ran towards the main hall.


Lin Pingzhi felt that he had found the weakness of Dugu's side, and he regained his composure on his face.

He said: "City Master Dugu, I think your body must be uncomfortable right now."

He smiled and analyzed: "The forbidden technique created by Dugu Qiubai is really extraordinary, it can actually become more and more courageous as the battle progresses.

It is estimated that it will not be long.

Your strength will be able to break through to the realm of martial saints.


can you hold it "


I heard Lin Pingzhi ask this question.

Dugu Fang's expression changed immediately, and his brows frowned.


The opponent has already noticed the weakness.

Looking at his face, Lin Pingzhi knew that he guessed right this time, and said coldly: "It seems that I guessed right.

Although continuous fighting can make you stronger and stronger, the higher the realm, the higher the requirements on yourself, and the stronger the oppression on the body.

in other words.

The reason why you feel pain is because your original body cannot bear the coercion of a higher realm.

Now that you are only in the realm of Wu Chi, I think you can't take it anymore, your body is breaking everywhere.

It's really Wu Sheng, can you bear it? "


Now that the other party has seen through, Dugu will not hold on.

He gasped heavily, trying to relieve himself.

As Lin Pingzhi said.

At a higher level, he couldn't bear the pressure on his body, and the damage to his two elbows was the best evidence.

If you continue to exercise vigorously and raise your own realm to a higher level, I'm afraid you really won't be able to bear it.

"very good."

He raised his head and sneered: "Young Master Mingyue is worthy of being Young Master Mingyue, and this is the end of the analysis in just half a cup of tea.

You have a great reputation in the world, it seems that it is not groundless. "

"Now there will be no flattering."

Lin Pingzhi raised the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and pointed at Dugu Fang, saying: "It seems that what I did at the beginning was not bad.

Generally speaking, all people think is to procrastinate.

But I fuck you straight up.

I did the right thing by mistake.

This can push you to a higher level and put more pressure on your body. Now, it's time for me to perform. "

Say it.

Lin Pingzhi went forward again.

Now the solution to Dugu Fang is very simple.

It is to let him explode and die. As long as his strength is raised to a higher level, he will naturally not be able to hold on.


Dugu Fang gritted his teeth, he felt quite helpless.


Just now, I had a faint feeling that I was about to reach the next level.

That is the realm that many martial arts people dream of, and it is naturally the goal that Dugu is pursuing.

The result is now.

On the contrary, it will become a burden on his own life, which will make him feel disgusted.

Really ironic.

He didn't dare to fight back, and he didn't dare to continue fighting, because he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on, and would be blown up by the powerful pressure of the realm.


Seeing the other party shrinking back and not daring to confront him head-on, Lin Pingzhi knew that his distraction was right.

He laughed loudly, stepped forward to attack more recklessly, and deliberately showed some flaws to make the opponent think he had an opportunity.

In fact, he took precautions, just wanted to lure the snake out of the hole.

But Dugu Fang was an old fox after all, and he clearly sensed that this was unusual, knowing that it was the bait released by his opponent.

He just didn't bite the hook and continued to dodge.

After all, it was Wu Chi's late stage, and Dugu wanted to avoid it, so Lin Pingzhi naturally had no choice but to catch him in a short time.

that's it.

The offensive and defensive battle just now suddenly changed direction.

Lin Pingzhi desperately wanted to fight the opponent.

But Dugu tried his best to dodge, of course he did a good job, dodging with ease, without giving any chance.

In this way, another half cup of tea time passed.

Because of the pause just now, the realm of Dugu, who did not continue to fight, has decreased, and he has reached the middle stage of Wu Chi.

In this way, he finally has the capital to work hard again.

He planned to end the battle during the period when he was promoted to Martial Saint, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Boy, after fighting for so long just now, the old man fought back!"

Dugu's eyes glared with murderous intent.

He held up the Wushuang sword and slashed up. The two blood-red swords seemed to be the hands of death, and they kept grabbing towards Lin Pingzhi.

Cooperating with Jian 22's fierce attack, it was so powerful that it set off a storm of sword energy on the scene.

There were scratches all over Lin Pingzhi's body, but they were just scratches, and he didn't care.

What they care about now is of course the opponent's actions. Obviously, the opponent wants to decide the outcome in the next period of time.


That's what he wanted.

"Sword 22!"

Dugu Fang shouted, using all his strength to bet on the next move.

He was very close to Lin Pingzhi, just to ensure that the other party was inevitable, so he had to force his own move.

Lin Pingzhi was also unambiguous, and immediately used Tai Chi swordsmanship, combining hardness and softness, while dissolving the opponent's strength, while organizing his own attack.

Combination of offense and defense.


Under the effect of realm, he was rarely defeated after all, and a flaw was quickly found.


Dugu Fang laughed wildly about his background, of course he would not miss the great opportunity, he stabbed out with his sword at the right time, and the Wushuang sword landed on Lin Pingzhi's body.

What is suspicious is that at this time Lin Pingzhi did not retreat in a hurry, or take other methods of defense.

He chose to live to death, don't you want to work hard?Let's see who dies first!


He lifted the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, chose to hurt each other, and directly stabbed Dugu Fang in the chest.

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