Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1181 Unusual Forbidden Technique

Lin Pingzhi wanted to delay the time, so he didn't try his best to start the attack, but entered the defensive state for the time being.

The results of it?

After fighting for a period of time, he found that the opponent's strength not only did not weaken, but strengthened even more.

"what's the situation?"

After Lin Pingzhi found that dealing with the other party required more energy, he finally realized that something was wrong.

Why is this guy getting more and more brave?


Dugu Fang laughed wildly and said: "It seems that you finally noticed it!

Yes, this set of forbidden techniques of the old man can continuously stimulate the potential of the body during the battle.

The longer the duration, the stronger the fighting power displayed.

Do you think I'm getting weaker?

It's a pity, Mr. Mingyue, if you continue, it will only be more beneficial to me, and you will be wiped out by me in the end! "

"How can there be such a pervert?"

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly, but he didn't panic.

Because, he has other discoveries.

Even though Dugu's strength is getting stronger and stronger, he has gradually reached the late stage of Wu Chi.


The guy's movements didn't get any faster, and he was even covered in cold sweat.

Obviously because of the side effects of the forbidden technique.

After such a long time, it was not difficult for him to find that the pain that that guy endured was not something ordinary people could bear.


Such a powerful peerless magic skill must have side effects, and this side effect must be pain.

In other words.

Dugu Fang was fighting with himself in great pain, so after his strength improved, he did not forcibly speed up his movements.

Because that would make him more painful, and he was already covered in cold sweat from the pain, so he naturally knew how to restrain himself.


Dugu Fang knew that he couldn't hide his situation from Lin Pingzhi, and after a cold snort, he took the initiative to confess: "Young Master Mingyue, I believe in your sharp eyesight.

You should have also discovered the weakness of my forbidden technique.


I am enduring great pain now, but it will not affect my combat effectiveness, I advise you to catch it without a fight! "

"Oh? If you admit defeat now, can you let me go?"

Lin Pingzhi asked mockingly.

"Of course not."

Dugu Fang chuckled: "But I will let you die more happily and walk away more easily."

Lin Pingzhi stopped answering, and analyzed the situation in front of him in his mind.

But before he could slow down, Dugu Fang forcibly dragged his tired body forward, gritted his teeth, and endured the unbearable pain.


The more you fight, the braver you are, the more terrifying your strength.

He straightened his mind and quickly accelerated his movements.

The side effect made him cry out in pain.


After he screamed, he stopped immediately, got used to the pain, and gritted his teeth to kill Lin Pingzhi, his eyes full of hatred.

clang clang clang.

this time.

Dugu's attack became more fierce, and Lin Pingzhi felt a little bit caught off guard.

But after he calmed down quickly, he gradually got used to the opponent's tricks and was able to deal with them gradually.

It's just that there is no way to fight back now, but it is still calm.

Lin Pingzhi analyzed the situation in his mind, trying to find out the weakness of the opponent's forbidden technique. Could it be that there are really no other shortcomings?


at this time.

Dugu Yifang screamed again, and suddenly saw a hole in his right elbow holding the sword.

As if being stretched open, blood gushed out from inside, filling the air with the smell of blood.


It's just a few drops.



Seeing this scene, Lin Pingzhi suddenly thought of a certain key point.

Just now Dugu inserted the Wushuang sword into his body to suck the blood dry, what's the point of so much?

Is it just to let out your own blood?


It is to enhance the power of Wushuangjian.

In other words.

The Dugu side in this state now, the most important foundation is those two unparalleled swords.

As long as he throws away the sword in his hand, he may be able to break his forbidden technique.

Just do it, Lin Pingzhi stared, and quickly launched an attack.

He first met the enemy with the broken sword style in Dugu Nine Swords, relying on the restraint effect of the moves, he was able to not fall behind.

Immediately afterwards, he used softness to overcome rigidity, and quickly moved four or two thousand catties, using the experience in skills to stir up the Wushuang sword in the opponent's hand.

As a result, Dugu's side has no way to organize an attack for the time being, and now they can only follow Lin Pingzhi's rhythm.


Lin Pingzhi exerted all his strength.

The word Tai Chi is not just soft.

It is a combination of rigidity and softness.

Under the cover of Lin Pingzhi's slow movements just now, he suddenly raised it, like a boulder falling to the ground, the strength surprised Dugu Fang.

One inattentive.

Naturally, the exhausted hands couldn't hold it, and the Wushuang sword in his hand was quickly thrown out.


His face changed, his eyes did not leave Wushuangjian, and when the time came, he quickly jumped up, trying to grasp it again.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't give him a chance, he made a sword formula with his left hand, and shot out two six-veined swords, directly deflecting the two swords from the direction.

To say that this Wushuang sword is indeed Wushuang, if it were an ordinary weapon, it would have already been cut in two.

There are not many weapons that can resist the Six Meridians Excalibur.


Only the sound of metal hitting could be heard.

The two unparalleled swords deviated from their original direction.

As for Dugu Fang, naturally he didn't remember, and fell to the ground again, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing his nervous appearance just now, Lin Pingzhi thought his guess was correct, but suddenly found that Dugu Fang smiled.

is a sneer.


Dugu Fang seemed to understand something, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, I think you have misunderstood.

Do you think that leaving the sword out of the body is equivalent to breaking my forbidden technique?I really took it for granted.

But it's rare for you to have such a guess, at least, not the kind of mediocre person waiting to die. "

Da da da.

As he spoke, he strolled towards the Wushuang sword stuck on the ground, with a natural expression, without any signs of overdrawing.

When he learned that this method was not working, Lin Pingzhi did not stop him. He frowned slightly and continued to analyze the flaws.

It seems that the short board lies in other places, in other places that I haven't discovered yet.


Dugu Fang laughed wildly, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, why don't you listen to my advice and die quickly, which is better than the torture you will suffer next."


He bent down, ready to pick up the Wushuang sword.

The result is again because of this small action.

The other elbow split open suddenly, and a few drops of blood dripped out, even the bones could be seen, making people afraid to look directly at it.


The severe pain caused Dugu Fang to take a deep breath, but he was still able to persevere.

He endured the pain and picked up the Wushuang sword. Now, this is his only reliance, and he must drag Lin Pingzhi into the water.


Lin Pingzhi smiled, he seemed to know something.

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