"Tsk tsk tsk."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and shook his head: "Then you really should go to Huashan for a walk, maybe you will be as lucky as me and meet that old man Feng."

"The breeze is clear?"

Dugu Fang was shocked, his pupils widened.

It turned out to be the case.

It turned out that the tricks of the brat in front of him were all learned from that old senior.


Is Feng Qingyang still alive?

He said: "So it was he who taught you, it's really hateful!

When I met him 30 years ago, he was already dying, but I never thought he was still alive.

At the beginning when he came to Wushuang City, he said that he wanted to teach us the sword moves of Dugu Nine Swords, but it's a pity that I was stupid and didn't learn it.

My brother wasn't there at the time, so Senior Feng could only leave with regret.

Unexpectedly, he passed it on to you again. "


Lin Pingzhi was very interesting to hear this story, and said with a smile: "Then I really thank you for your stupidity, otherwise Senior Feng might not have passed it on to me if he found a successor.

Thank you thank you. "


Dugu spat out a mouthful of saliva, which was still mixed with blood.

He is not reconciled to his anger.


He also knew that he was no match for Lin Pingzhi.


Taking a deep breath, I could only flatter myself, and said with a smile: "Young Master Mingyue, speaking of which, we are also from the same sect, how about we cooperate?"

After a pause, he said: "I know you won't be willing to conspire with Tianxiahui, I can pretend to surrender, help you break into the interior, and convey information for you.

In this way, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? "


Lin Pingzhi only took him as a joke, and said, "Dugufang, do you really think I'm an idiot? I won't believe a word of your words."


Dugu Fang gritted his teeth and said: "Master Mingyue, you have to think clearly, are you sure you don't want to cooperate with me?

Even if you can beat me, don't forget that you are in Wushuang City, even if you can win more with less, it may be a narrow victory.

The one outside will not miss this opportunity. "

He hinted at Nie Feng.

With a sneer, he continued: "The fellows of the Tianxiahui are all scheming, crossing rivers and destroying bridges.

When you kill me, you will probably be seriously injured. When Nie Feng makes a move, I'll see what you do. "


Lin Pingzhi laughed, laughing at the other party's stupidity: "Think for yourself first, I don't need you to worry about it."



Start to gather internal strength, to kill Dugu.

"it is good!"

Seeing that the persuasion failed, Dugu gritted his teeth, and the strength in his body began to skyrocket, making his eyes red.

He said: "Since this is the case, then don't blame the old man for fighting to the death with you, and even if he dies, he will drag you on his back."


He picked up the two Wushuang swords on the ground and inserted them directly into his shoulders, one on each side.

I saw that the two swords were absorbing Dugu Fang's blood, and after a while, one black and one white turned red, which seemed ominous.

And Dugu Fang's own body was gradually shrinking, and then he turned into a scrawny old man.

His skin wrinkled, as if all the blood in his body had been drained.

The eye sockets are sunken, and the whole person is skinny, but his eyes are still sharp, bloodthirsty, and still not to be underestimated.


Lin Pingzhi had never seen such a method.

How can anyone insert a sword into his shoulder? What is the method?

"The patriarch of the Dugu family, Dugu Qiubai, is known as the Sword Demon. Why do you think he is called the Sword Demon? Because that's how he is possessed."

Dugu immediately sneered, and then his body shook, sending the two Wushuang swords flying.

After falling down, he caught his hand again, only to see that the two wounds on his shoulders began to emit blood and steam.

It also means that his vitality is gradually losing.

And this time.

Lin Pingzhi clearly felt that the old man's skill had reached the realm of Wu Chi, and it was quite stable.

Unlike other people, casting forbidden techniques will definitely cause the gradual loss of one's own vitality.

Obviously, there is something unusual about this practice.

Could it be also created by Dugu Qiubai?

"You are right, it was created by my grandfather."

Dugu laughed loudly, now he had enough confidence and courage.

He can feel that there is a steady stream of energy replenished in his body, and he doesn't have to worry about excessive consumption or premature exhaustion.


The pain doubled.

I twisted my body a little bit just now, and it felt like my whole body was broken, which was really uncomfortable.

However, he was able to hold on forcefully. The only weakness of this technique is that it can double the pain he feels.

However, it does not cause sluggishness in physical function, it just aggravates the feeling.


Lin Pingzhi could clearly see this, only the corners of the other party's mouth twitched and his brows frowned slightly.

It's obviously a small expression when in pain, these things can't be hidden.

"It seems that your practice still has side effects."

He sneered and said, "I think, you must be in great pain now, I'll see how long you can last!"

Say it.

Bully directly.

Dugu Fang was a little surprised, knowing that he had reached the realm of martial idiots, yet he still wanted to take the initiative to attack.

Under normal circumstances, the average person's response method is to delay time, but this man in front of him is different.

Unconventional way, right?

He evoked a cold arc, thinking, you will pay for your impulse.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The two sides were entangled again, their respective weapons kept slashing, and the sparks pulled out were as brilliant as fireworks.

The two fought fiercely, and Dugu, relying on his unique forbidden technique, was able to sit on an equal footing with Lin Pingzhi.

of course.

For him personally, it is unacceptable.

after all.

He paid a very high price to come to this step, and he thought he could easily crush his opponent.

Who knew that Lin Pingzhi's strength was much stronger than he imagined, it was simply terrifying.

And the more he fought, he realized that Lin Pingzhi had too many peerless magic skills.

What Shaolin Temple's Yi Jin Jing, Xiaoyao School's Beiming magic skills, these peerless magic skills of body protection and sincere skills, he has learned all of them.

It's scary.

"Master Mingyue, you really live up to your reputation."

Things have reached this level, Dugu has no choice but to accept it.

But he wasn't too flustered yet, after all, the power of his forbidden technique had just been revealed.

And wait for the follow-up development.


Lin Pingzhi admitted cheekily that he planned to crush his opponent with his powerful skills, but found that it was not easy for Dugu at this time.

So he thought of using procrastination to end the opponent's life. Generally speaking, the situation of launching a forbidden technique like him would not last long.

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